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Преимущества российского образования

Приехать учиться в один из российских университетов – это прекрасная возможность получить отличное образование и стать высококлассным специалистом. В новом номере международного журнала HED эксперты Россотрудничества рассказывают, чем привлекает российское высшее образование иностранных абитуриентов.

Как показывают разные опросы, среди самых очевидных причин выбора – высокое качество обучения, доступная стоимость или возможность обучаться бесплатно по квоте, доброжелательность и эмпатия сокурсников, преподавателей, богатая культура и многовековые традиции России, развитая инфраструктура городов и красота природы.

Еще одним из важных факторов при выборе вуза является его репутация и положение университета в серьезных рейтингах. Этим интересуется большинство абитуриентов и их родителей. На страницах вузов-участников журнала HED вы найдете такую информацию. Но что значат для абитуриента эти цифры? Об этом – наш подробный обзор в новом выпуске.

В номере представлены университеты России, предлагающие обучение по самым разным образовательным программам. Вузы подготовили для вас рекомендации по поступлению, рассказали о правилах приема и программах подготовки.

#образование #учисьвРоссии #высшееобразование #HED

Advantages of Russian education

Coming to study at one of the Russian universities is a great opportunity to get an excellent education and become a top-ranked specialist. In the new issue of the international magazine Higher Education Discovery, the Rossotrudnichestvo experts talk about what makes Russian higher education attractive to international applicants.

According to various surveys, among the most obvious reasons are high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, or the opportunity to study for free within the quota, friendliness and empathy of fellow students and teachers, Russia’s rich culture and centuries-old traditions, well-developed urban infrastructure and beauties of nature.

The university’s reputation and positions in important rankings is another key factor in the university choice. Most applicants and their parents are interested in this factor. You will find such information on the pages of the universities participating in the HED magazine. But what do these figures mean to applicants? You will find an answer in our detailed review in the new issue.

The issue covers the Russian universities offering a wide variety of educational programs.The universities prepared the application tips for you and the information about their admission regulations and study programs.

#education #learninRussia #highereducation #HED
Want to get a law degree? Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin invites foreign students to apply for a master's or bachelor's degree.

#highereducation #education #studyinRussia #msal
Российский университет дружбы народов имени Патриса Лумумбы приглашает будущих студентов принять участие в круглом столе «Приемная кампания 2023 в условиях эпидемиологических ограничений. Открой мир в одном Университете».

Конференция с представителями РУДН, руководителями ассоциаций выпускников из стран Азии, а также будущими абитуриентами пройдет в онлайн формате 25 мая 2023 года в 10:00 по московскому времени. Язык мероприятия – английский.

Основной целью круглого стола является освещение и разъяснение правил приема для поступления в РУДН иностранных граждан, а также презентация инновационного проекта, реализованного на базе Университета «Цифровой подготовительный факультет РУДН».
Ссылка для подключения:

#образование #высшееобразование #учисьвРоссии #РУДН

RUDN University invites future students to take part in the round table "Admission Campaign 2023 in the context of epidemiological restrictions. Open the world in one University."

The conference with representatives of RUDN University, heads of associations of graduates from Asian countries, as well as future applicants will be held online on May 25, 2023, at 10:00 Moscow time. The language of the event is English.

The main purpose of the round table is to cover and explain the admission rules for admission of foreign citizens to RUDN University, as well as the presentation of an innovative project implemented on the basis of the University "Digital Preparatory Faculty of RUDN University."
Connection link:

#education #highereducation #studyRussia #RUDN
Высшая школа экономики (ВШЭ) впервые среди университетов России запустила онлайн-кампус «Вышка онлайн». Онлайн-кампус предлагает широкий спектр образовательных программ, включая дополнительное профессиональное образование, бакалаврские и магистерские программы, реализуемые полностью онлайн. Проект представляет особый интерес для абитуриентов из-за рубежа и для взрослых, которым сложнее поступить на программы, требующие физического присутствия в университете. По словам ректора, онлайн-кампус — это не просто набор образовательных программ, но и среда, где участники могут пользоваться всеми сервисами университета, не выходя из дома.
Читать подробнее:

#ВШЭ #высшееобразование #учисьвРоссии #образованиеонлайн

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has launched an online campus, "HSE Online," for the first time among universities in Russia. The online campus offers a wide range of educational programs, including additional professional education, bachelor's and master's programs that are fully implemented online. The project is of particular interest to international applicants and adults who find it difficult to enroll in programs that require physical presence at the university. According to the rector, the online campus is not just a set of educational programs, but also an environment where participants can use all of the university's services without leaving home.
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#HSE #highereducation #studyinRussia #educationonline
Representatives of 22 Russian universities came to India for an education exhibition that opened on Friday at the Russia House in New Delhi.

Medical, technical, and humanitarian universities take part in the educational fair. Among them are state universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Orenburg, Perm, Tula, Pskov, Yoshkar-Ola. For the first time, Sevastopol State University is taking part in the exhibition in India.

“This is the first exhibition of this scale, but I am sure that we are laying down a long-term tradition. Russian education is traditionally valued in India. Medical education is in great demand here, but thanks to this exhibition we want to show that in Russia there are many areas of high-quality training,” said at the opening, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov.

According to him, about 30 thousand students from the South Asian republic study in Russia. They can study in both Russian and English, in which training programs have already been developed. The Russian government has provided India with a quota of 200 places in Russian universities. As Shevtsov noted, the allocated quota is always filled.

#education #RussianHouse #exhibition #highereducation #quota
HSE International Olympiad 2024

HSE International Olympiad (HSE INTO) ( is the biggest international project of HSE University. This year, it will take place for the tenth time. More than 5000 participants join the Competition every year, and the number is growing annually.

Competition participants will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships and grants, which will allow them to obtain tuition fee grants. HSE INTO 2024 outcomes will be valid for admission at HSE University for the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 academic years. Competition winners who apply to HSE University in 2024 will be entitled to a full Russian Government scholarship (within a quota) to study in one of the University's Bachelor’s programmes, if they comply with the application requirements.

Foreign (non-Russian) citizens and stateless persons are invited to take part in the competition, including high school students in the 10th or 11th grades (or in the 11th or 12th grades for those pursuing a 12-year school programme), as well as school graduates under 25 years. Foreign citizens residing and studying at high schools in Russia are also invited to take part in the competition.
Participation in HSE INTO 2024 is free of charge.

All prospective participants in the HSE International Olympiad – 2043 must apply online ( from September 1 to November 5, 2023.

Competitions will be held from November 14 to November 25, 2023. The results are to be announced before December 31, 2023 on the HSE INTO website.

HSE INTO – 2024 participants may choose between on-campus (offline) and off-campus (online) modes of participation. List of offline venues will be published in November 2023, on the website.
HSE INTO covers the following subject fields: Design, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications (English), Mathematics, IT, International Relations, Social Sciences (Person. Society. State).
Detailed information about registration and the rules for participation are available on the HSE International Olympiad's website: (

#internationalolympiad #HSE #education #highereducation #grant #quota #undergraduate.
The special African issue of the Higher Education Discovery magazine
The special issue about education in Russia for international applicants Higher Education Discovery “Russia – Africa” has come out.
Featured sections:

📰 In the foreseeable future, Africa will become a territory with the largest number of school and university students in the world, and this projection makes the issue of high-quality training especially urgent. Experts describe Russian-African cooperation in education as “the beginning of a new Renaissance.” This definition is also confirmed by the increasing numbers of free education quotas for African students at Russian universities, the increasing flow of applicants, and implementation of some new joint inter-country projects in education and science. Read more in the article “Africa: the Continent of the 21st Century …And Other Six Arguments for Partnerships”.

📰 Over the years, Rossotrudnichestvo has been making consistent efforts to develop cooperation in science and education and promote the Russian language and culture. The increase in the number of the Russian Government Scholarships allocated for African countries and a great number of eligible applicants per place confirm an extremely high demand for affordable and high-quality education. The Heads of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Offices in Egypt, Morocco, the Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ethiopia talk about the admission aspects for citizens of these countries.

📰 The issue also contains the reviews of leading Russian universities such as Belgorod State University, Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Kemerovo State Medical University, Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Kuban State Medical University, Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", Omsk State Medical University, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Siberian State Medical University, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Kadyrov Chechen State University, South Ural State University (National Research University).

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