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Where can you get in touch with the ancient world in Russia? We tell you about three ancient Russian cities.


Chersonesus is located on the modern territory of Sevastopol. The city was founded in the V century BC and existed longer than other ancient polis and settlements - until the XIV century. During this entire period it was the center of trade and cultural development. It is believed that it was here in 988 that Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity.


The large ancient city of Phanagoria was located on the Taman Peninsula (modern-day village of Sennaya in the Krasnodar Region).

It was a major economic center. Excavations of the city began in the XVIII century and continue until now. The ruins of the sanctuary of Aphrodite, a dozen mounds with objects made of precious metals and other artifacts were discovered here.


In the III century BC on the north-eastern shore of the Sea of Azov in the delta of the Don, Greeks from the Bosporus Kingdom founded the city of Tanais. Nowadays, the Rostov Region is located on its territory.

Quickly becoming a major trading center, this city supplied nomads with wine and olive oil from Greek islands (primarily from Rhodes) and other polis.

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