Russian House New Delhi
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What really worries applicants – is it safe to go to Russia now? This question was answered by students at the Stavropol State Medical University. "No problems, no pressure. We feel great, regularly call up with relatives and friends, and continue to study," the students explained.

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As part of the educational project “Film Lessons from the Russian House,” organized jointly with the Center for Russian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian students discussed the importance of literature in the life of modern people. Using the material from the short film “The Ink Sea” (Russia, 2021), students appreciated the importance of a literary text for preserving the connection between generations and establishing mutual understanding between people.

The finalist of the “Masters of the Russian Language” competition, master’s student of the Far Eastern Federal University Ekaterina Dynyak took part in the film lesson, who told the students about the Primorsky region and one of the most beautiful cities in Russia - Vladivostok.

#RussianHouse #filmlesson #literature #students
The Soviet comedy "Captive of the Caucasus", shown at the Russian House in New Delhi as part of the film festival on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding director Leonid Gaidai, made a deep impression on Indian viewers, who gave a long standing ovation after watching it.
According to Delhi University teacher Girish Munjal, one of the initiators of the film festival, the students who came to the screening loved “Captive of the Caucasus.” “I myself have already seen this film more than ten times, and every time I don’t get bored watching it again. Students want to see other films by the great director. Perhaps we will continue this useful practice,” he noted.
One of the spectators, Sartak Dogra, admitted that he received great pleasure from Gaidai’s comedy. “No course will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with Russian culture and Russian traditions like a film like this,” he said. Alaa Abdulkadim Kanoud was impressed by the film's "witty dialogues and situations and colorful characters."

#RussianHouse #Gaidai #100 #students
Large interactive program of the Russian House in New Delhi “Let's get to know each other!” for students of Russian language courses ended with a linguistic journey to the Vologda region and the northern Russian city of Cherepovets. The presentation was given by the winner of the all-Russian competition “Masters of Russian Language 2023” Denis Goryushchenko.
Indian students heard about Vologda lace for the first time and held it in their hands; they listened with interest to the story about the Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin, who traveled around India. They learned about the artistic technology of silver blackening - “northern niello”, about the Rybinsk artificial lake, about the museum of the metallurgical industry, and watched a film about Cherepovets State University.
In conclusion, the students enjoyed tasting northern berries – blueberries and cranberries.

#RussianHouse #Cherepovets #RussianLanguage #students
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted an interactive program “The First Sputnik and the Era of Space Conquest,” dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s launch of an artificial object into Earth orbit. Students of Russian language courses took part in the program; it was conducted by the winners of the All-Russian competition “Masters of Russian Language-2023” Evgenia Yadrinskaya and Denis Goryushchenko.
Course participants watched with interest a film about space, a presentation about Sputnik 1, and took part in an online quiz using mobile phones. The winners of the quiz received prizes.
Course student Vishnu Priya spoke about joint Indo-Russian space research. The highlight of the program was the song “Grass at the House,” performed by Sakshi Sharma (employee of the Russian House library).
At the end of the program, “Launching a satellite into orbit” took place - a game in which Indian students participated with pleasure.

#RussianHouse #Sputnik #space #students
“Let him blame the poet
Mocking, crazy light,
Nobody will stop him
He won't hear my answer."

The “Hour of Poetry” was held at the Russian language courses at the Russian House in New Delhi. A teacher from Yakutsk, Evgenia Yadrikhinskaya, told Indian students about the life and work of the Russian poet, prose writer and artist Mikhail Lermontov.
The students watched with interest the presentation about his life and work, listened to V. Shebalin’s romance “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night,” and got acquainted with the poet’s drawings.
For a detailed analysis, Evgenia Yadrikhinskaya chose the lyrical poem “The Cliff,” written a few weeks before the poet’s death. After reading the poem and analyzing it, the teacher gave the opportunity to interpret the work. Everyone saw something different in him.
At the end of the lesson, homework was given: learn the poem “Cliff” by heart, with pleasure!

#RussianHouse #Lermontov #RussianLanguage #students
More than 100 students and applicants attended the presentation of Russian sports universities, held by the Russian House in New Delhi with the assistance of the All-India Student Council and the World Organization of Students and Youth.
The co-organizer was the Russian Ministry of Sports. Six higher educational institutions under his jurisdiction took part in the online conference: Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Russian University of Sports "GTOLIFK", Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F.Lesgaft, Smolensk State University of Sports.
Universities presented their educational programs and sports that their students master, showed educational buildings and sports facilities, and talked about the history of their institutions.
In the second half of the meeting, employees of the Russian House spoke about the possibilities of admission to these academies and universities, highlighting in detail the scholarship program of the Government of the Russian Federation as one of the most accessible options for obtaining a sports education in our country.

#sport #universities #RussianHouse #presentation #students
The Days of Russian Language and Culture at the Russian House in New Delhi ended with competitions between Indian university students. Six teams brightly and creatively presented their educational institutions, demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the Russian language and knowledge of Russian culture.
Students of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Chaudhary Charan Singh University (Meerut), Amity University Haryana, B.P.S. Women University, Delhi University, as well as a team of students from the Russian Language Institute of the Russian House competed in seven categories.
The guest of honor of the Days was the former head of the Department of Slavic and Fino-Ugric Studies of the University of Delhi Neelakshi Suryanarayan. She taught Russian at the then Soviet cultural center since 1982.
Poems and songs in Russian were sung from the stage, traditional Russian costumes and artwork were shown, and dances were performed. The winners received memorable prizes.

#RussianHouse #RussianLanguage #students #quizzes
On May 3, a meeting was held at Shobhit University in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, with the students who have already been learning Russian language and culture, as well as with those who are interested in that.Elena Barman, President of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots, and Ekaterina Tirath, a member of the IARS, who works in the field of education in Russia, gave a presentation on the importance of studying and mastering the Russian language in today’s relations between India and Russia.
The students actively participated in the discussion, asked many questions and expressed interest in further exploring Russian culture and visiting the Russian House in New Delhi.

#IARS #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #India #Russia #students #RussianLanguage #EducationinRussia #Education #StudyAbroad #IndiaRussiaFriendship #LearnRussian #ShobhitUniversity
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📢 A student from the Russian language courses in Russian House in New Delhi Manoj recites A.S. Pushkin's poem "Elegy".
👥 Our qualified and experienced native-speaking teachers focus not only on teaching the language but also on immersing students in the rich Russian culture.
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📢 Студент курсов русского языка в Русском доме в Нью-Дели Манож читает стихотворение А. С. Пушкина «Элегия».
👥 Наши квалифицированные и опытные преподаватели-носители языка уделяют внимание не только преподаванию языка, но и погружению студентов в богатую русскую культуру.
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