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Индийские студенты, изучающие русский язык в Университете имени Джавахарлала Неру (JNU) в Нью-Дели, обсудили особенности семейных отношений в индийской и российской культурах.

В рамках образовательного проекта «Киноуроки Русского дома», организованного совместно с Центром российских исследований университета, индийская молодежь рассуждала о приоритетах в отношениях с близкими, о вечных ценностях и преходящих влечениях.

Тема для разговора была задана российской короткометражной драмой «Гоголь-моголь» (2021, Александр Котт). Сотрудники Русского дома Александр Додонов и Наталья Сутягина сопроводили показ лингвокультурологическим комментарием, который помог студентам понять содержание фильма и особенности его сюжетно-образной системы.

#русскийязык #Индия #университет #киноурок

Indian students studying Russian at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi discussed the peculiarities of family relations in Indian and Russian cultures.

Within the framework of the educational project "Film Lessons of the Russian House", organized jointly with the University's Center for Russian Studies, Indian youth talked about priorities in relationships with loved ones, eternal values, and transient attractions.

The topic of conversation was set by the Russian short drama Gogol Mogul (2021, Alexander Kott). Employees of the Russian House Alexander Dodonov and Natalya Sutyagina accompanied the screening with a linguoculturological commentary, which helped students understand the content of the film and the features of its plot and figurative system.

#Russianlanguage #India #university #filmlesson
As part of the educational project “Film Lessons from the Russian House,” organized jointly with the Center for Russian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian students discussed the importance of literature in the life of modern people. Using the material from the short film “The Ink Sea” (Russia, 2021), students appreciated the importance of a literary text for preserving the connection between generations and establishing mutual understanding between people.

The finalist of the “Masters of the Russian Language” competition, master’s student of the Far Eastern Federal University Ekaterina Dynyak took part in the film lesson, who told the students about the Primorsky region and one of the most beautiful cities in Russia - Vladivostok.

#RussianHouse #filmlesson #literature #students