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Российский фильм «Вызов», первый в истории фильм, снятый на Международной космической станции, выйдет в прокат в 20 странах мира.

Он рассказывает о женщине-хирурге, которая отправилась на МКС, чтобы спасти космонавта. Одну из ролей в драме сыграл летчик-космонавт Олег Новицкий.

«Фильм стал настоящим вызовом - для всех, кто имеет отношение к его созданию. Юлия Пересильд и Клим Шипенко 3,5 месяца готовились к полету и находились 12 дней в космосе на МКС. За этим легендарным событием следил весь мир», - отметила министр культуры России Ольга Любимова.

В России премьера состоялась 12 апреля — в День Космонавтики.


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The Russian film «The Challenge», the first ever film shot on the International Space Station (ISS), will be released in 20 countries around the world.

It tells the story of a female surgeon who goes to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. One of the roles in the drama was played by cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky.

"The film was a real challenge - for everyone who was involved in its creation. Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko spent 3.5 months preparing for the flight and they were 12 days in space on the ISS. The whole world followed this legendary event," said Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of Russia.

In Russia, the premiere took place on 12 April, on Cosmonautics Day.

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The Asian Age (21 апреля) о первом российском фильме, снятом в космосе.

#кино #Россия #космос #вызов

The Asian Age (April 21) about the first Russian film shot in space.

#cinema #Russia #space #challenge
“I am an Indian journalist, I just saw your film at Russian House. It was awesome. Trust me it is mind blowing."
When the film ended, everyone began to applaud, someone wiped away tears, and everyone thanked for the film.
A screening of Klim Shipenko’s space drama “The Challenge” took place in New Delhi. Dozens of Indian citizens, including university students, and Russian compatriots became spectators in the Russian House.
The film was provided by Central Partnership. The film was shown dubbed into English.
“The Challenge” was the first film in the world to be filmed in space – on board the International Space Station. The world premiere of the film took place in 2023. The main roles were played by Yulia Peresild, Milos Bikovich, Vladimir Mashkov, Elena Valyushkina and cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky, Anton Shkaplerov and Pyotr Dubrov.
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