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Открывая Россию. Урал
Выбрав для обучения один из вузов Урала, вы будете поражены красотой местной природы. А еще тут проходит условная граница Европы и Азии. Чем еще знамениты города Урала, узнаете из нашего обзора.
Выбирайте и поступайте в один из вузов Урала: Тюменский государственный медицинский университет, Челябинский государственный университет, Южно-Уральский государственный университет.
#studyinrussia #travel #russia #ural #ТюмМГУ #tyumsmu #ЧелГУ #CSU #ЮУГУ #SUSU
Discovering Russia. Ural
If you choose one of the universities in Ural, you will be amazed by the beauty of local nature. And what is more, a conventional border between Europe and Asia is located here. Read our overview and find out about other things the Ural cities are famous for.
Choose one of the Ural universities and apply: Tyumen State Medical University, Chelyabinsk State University, South Ural State University.
It is known that ancient people drew on rocks everything that surrounded them: animals, people, everyday objects. There are many places in Russia where you can see real rock paintings: in Bashkiria, the Altai Mountains, Karelia, Murmansk region, Khakassia, Yakutia, Tomsk. We will tell you about some of them.

Urals: Kapova Cave
More than 70 places where monuments of ancient art were found in the Urals have been discovered. They are located in the valleys of the Vishera, Neiva, Iset, Belaya, Tura and Tagil rivers.

There you can see images of moose and deer, ducks, snakes and geese. There are even drawings, within which internal organs or bones are outlined. On the rocks there are also circles, straight lines. This may be related to mythology - local peoples especially revered rocks.

They painted with special colors: natural pigment, usually ochre, was mixed with animal fat.

Mountain Altai: Kalbak-Tash
Kalbak-Tash is located near the junction of the Chuya and Katun rivers. On the right bank of the Chuya River you can see rock carvings from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.

The earliest drawings are figures of deer and elk. Later they began to depict scenes of hunting and warriors with weapons, chariots and women.

It is believed that in the middle of the II millennium B.C. drawings of domestic bulls with wagons or riders began to appear here, and in the beginning of our era - horses, deer, ibexes and wolves. In total, more than five thousand images were discovered on the rocks of Kalbak-Tash.

#Russia #history #Ural #Altai #ancientpeople