Russian House New Delhi
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On October 2, when the national holiday Gandhi Jayanti, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated throughout India, the Russian House in New Delhi laid flowers at one of the most famous monuments to the great Indian political and public figure.
The ceremony was attended by employees of the cultural center and teachers from Russian universities, participants of the “Masters of Russian Language” program.
Gyara Murti is a monument in memory of the Mahatma, the ideological leader of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain. The 10 statues behind him depict people of different religions and economic factors moving forward as a united India.
The creation of the ensemble was a tribute to the generations of Indians who fought for freedom led by Gandhi. October 2, 2023 marks the 154th anniversary of his birth.
#Mahatma #RussianHouse #holiday #flowers
On February 10, employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry celebrate their professional holiday - Diplomatic Worker's Day. It was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2002.
The ambassadorial order, created in Russia under Ivan the Terrible, was first mentioned in historical documents on February 10. However, the traditions of domestic diplomacy go back centuries. Back in 838, the Russian embassy was sent to Constantinople, and in 860 Rus' signed a treaty of peace and love with the Byzantine Empire.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself was established under Tsar Alexander I in 1802.
For a significant part of the Soviet period - from 1917 to 1946 - the foreign policy department was called the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. In March 1946, the foreign policy department was returned to its previous name - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
#diplomats #holiday
🎊 🇷🇺 Сегодня и завтра в Москве проходят празднования по случаю Дня города, столица отмечает свое 887-летие.
🏙 В эти дни в городе для жителей столицы организованы крупные праздничные мероприятия, в том числе концерты, фестивали, различные тематические программы и другое.
➡️Основные торжества традиционно проходят на Тверской улице, Красной площади, Васильевском спуске, Поклонной горе и Воробьёвых горах, народные гуляния и концерты проходят по всему городу. Завершает День города праздничный салют.
📆 Ежегодное празднование Дня города в Москве началось с 1987 года. Ранее торжественные мероприятия проходили только в юбилейные годы 700-летия и 800-летия столицы.

#Русскийдом #Москва #праздник

🎊 🇷🇺 Today and tomorrow, Moscow is hosting celebrations on the occasion of City Day, the capital is celebrating its 887th anniversary.
🏙 These days, the city has organized large festive events for residents of the capital, including concerts, festivals, various thematic programs, and more.
➡️ The main celebrations traditionally take place on Tverskaya Street, Red Square, Vasilievsky Spusk, Poklonnaya Hill, and Vorobyovy Gory; public festivities and concerts are held throughout the city. City Day ends with a festive fireworks display.
📆The annual celebration of City Day in Moscow began in 1987. Previously, festive events were held only in the jubilee years of the 700th and 800th anniversaries of the capital.

#RussianHouse #Moscow #holiday
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🇷🇺 🇮🇳 Русский дом в Нью-Дели сердечно поздравляет с Днем Республики!
➡️ Пусть идеалы справедливости, свободы, равенства и братства продолжают вести по пути прогресса и процветания.
С Днем Республики!

#РусскийДом #праздник #Индия

🇷🇺 🇮🇳 Russian House in New Delhi warmly congratulates you on the Republic Day!
➡️ May the ideals of justice, freedom, equality and fraternity continue to lead you along the path of progress and prosperity.
Happy Republic Day!

#RussianHouse #holiday #India
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🇷🇺 С Днём защитника Отечества!

#Русскийдом #праздник #23февраля

🇷🇺 Happy Defender of the Motherland Day!
#RussianHouse #holiday #February23