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В феврале 2023 года музею-заповеднику «Коломенское» исполнилось 100 лет.
В юбилейном году всех посетителей ждут тематические выставки, экскурсии и целая серия мероприятий на открытом воздухе.
Тем же, кто не может посетить «Коломенское» лично, предлагаем взглянуть на онлайн-выставки музея-заповедника:

#Коломенское #Москва #Россия #музей #культура #выставка

In February 2023, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve celebrated its 100th anniversary.
In the anniversary year, thematic exhibitions, excursions and many outdoor events will be organized for visitors.
Those who cannot visit Kolomenskoye in person are invited to take a look at the online exhibitions of the museum-reserve:

#Kolomenskoye #Moscow #Russia #museum #culture #exhibition
В Государственном центральном музее современной истории России был открыт историко-культурный просветительский мультимедийный проект «Донбасс – Россия: история и современность».

Программа приурочена к 80-летию освобождения Донбасса от немецко-фашистских захватчиков. Впервые в музейном пространстве комплексно рассказано об истории Донбасса начиная с Новороссии до наших дней.


#Донбасс #история #музей #ГЦМСИ

The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia launched a historical and cultural educational multimedia project entitled "Donbass - Russia: History and Modernity". The program is timed to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Donbass from the Nazi invaders. For the first time, the museum comprehensively tells about the history of Donbass from Novorossiya to the present day.

#Donbass #history #museum #SCMCHR
Сначала – на Международной музейной выставке, которую открыл премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди, и в тот же день – в Русском доме в Нью-Дели. Государственный музей-заповедник М.А. Шолохова в Международный день музеев, отмечаемый 18 мая, устроил сразу две свои презентации в жаркой азиатской стране.

Ученый секретарь Музея-заповедника Лидия Слюсаренко представила фильм «Михаил Шолохов. Письма в будущее». Это фильм-послание современному поколению, основанное на размышлениях великого русского писателя в послевоенные годы.

Заведующая отделом развития Наталья Трофименко сделала презентацию «Дон. Шолохов. Россия», посвященную сохранению в музее на Дону наследия классика ХХ века, лауреата Нобелевской премии.
Заведующая отделом молодежных программ Ольга Каргина показала мастер-класс «Казачка-рукодельница».

#РусскийДом #Шолохов #музей #казаки #Дон

First, at the International Museum Exhibition, which was opened by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and on the same day, at the Russian House in New Delhi. State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov on the International Museum Day, celebrated on May 18, arranged two of his presentations at once in this hot Asian country.

Scientific secretary of the Museum-Reserve Lidia Slyusarenko presented the film “Mikhail Sholokhov. Letters to the Future. This film is a message to the modern generation, based on the reflections of the great Russian writer in the post-war years.

Head of the Development Department Natalya Trofimenko made a presentation “Don. Sholokhov. Russia”, dedicated to the preservation in the museum on the Don of the heritage of the classic of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner.
The head of the department of youth programs Olga Kargina showed a master class "Cossack-needlewoman".

#RussianHouse #Sholokhov #Museum #Cossacks #Don
Livadia Palace is a historical monument on the Black Sea coast in Crimea. It is the last construction of the Russian Empire, created for the Romanov family.

Several Livadia palaces were built by order of the royal family. Only one has survived to this day. The first stone was laid in 1910, the construction and decoration took 17 months.

The palace was built in the style of Italian Renaissance villas with open galleries, openwork balconies and carved decoration. The material for it was white Inkermansky stone - a type of limestone, which is mined in the Crimea.

After the revolution, a museum of the royal family's life worked in the palace for several years, and then a tuberculosis sanatorium for peasants was organized. After the war and until Stalin's death in 1953, the palace served as a summer house for the highest state officials of the USSR. And only after the collapse of the Union, in 1993, the palace was turned into a museum.

The Livadia Palace in Yalta became especially famous after the famous Crimean Conference of the heads of three allied states: the USSR, the USA and Great Britain was held there in 1945. A monument to the leaders of the "Big Three" - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill - was erected here.

#Russia #Crimea #history #travel #museum