Семидневный летний лагерь «Мини-Артек» был организован Русским домом в Тривандруме совместно с Организацией содействия развитию декоративно-прикладного искусства «Флора». Лагерь стал площадкой для знакомства молодого поколения с деятельностью культурного центра, а также для ознакомления с различными программами, предлагаемыми российскими властями, в частности –Россотрудничеством для учащихся в Индии.
О предстоящей программе в крымском «Артеке» рассказала заместитель директора Русского дома в Тривандруме Кавита Наир. Представители школ и дети имели возможность больше узнать о лагере на берегу Черного моря.
Для индийских детей будут организованы встречи с их соотечественниками, которые в прошлом побывали в «Артеке». Это член парламента и бывший министр штата Керала Биной Висвам, писатель К.А.Бина и бывший директор государственного телеканала «Доордарсан» Байджу Чандран.
В рамках летнего лагеря в Тривандраме прошел конкурс живописи.
#РусскийДом #Артек #Тривандрум #Россотрудничество
A seven day summer camp called Mini Artek was organized jointly by the Russian House and Flora, an organization for the promotion of Arts and Crafts. The camp was a platform for the new generation to get acquainted with the activities of the Russian House in Trivandrum and also to learn different programs offered by the Russian government, especially Rossotrudnichestvo to the students in India.
Kavitha Nair, Deputy Director of the Russian House, briefed about the upcoming program in Artek. Representatives of the schools and children had an opportunity to know more about the camp.
In the next program, students from schools will interact with former participants of the Artek camp, like Mr Binoy Viswam, Member of Parliament and former Kerala Minister, Ms K.A.Beena, writer and Mr Baiju Chandran, former director, government owned TV Channel Doordarsan.
Competition for drawing and painting was also held as part of the summer camp in Trivandrum.
#RussianHouse #Artek #Trivandrum #Rossotrudnichestvo
О предстоящей программе в крымском «Артеке» рассказала заместитель директора Русского дома в Тривандруме Кавита Наир. Представители школ и дети имели возможность больше узнать о лагере на берегу Черного моря.
Для индийских детей будут организованы встречи с их соотечественниками, которые в прошлом побывали в «Артеке». Это член парламента и бывший министр штата Керала Биной Висвам, писатель К.А.Бина и бывший директор государственного телеканала «Доордарсан» Байджу Чандран.
В рамках летнего лагеря в Тривандраме прошел конкурс живописи.
#РусскийДом #Артек #Тривандрум #Россотрудничество
A seven day summer camp called Mini Artek was organized jointly by the Russian House and Flora, an organization for the promotion of Arts and Crafts. The camp was a platform for the new generation to get acquainted with the activities of the Russian House in Trivandrum and also to learn different programs offered by the Russian government, especially Rossotrudnichestvo to the students in India.
Kavitha Nair, Deputy Director of the Russian House, briefed about the upcoming program in Artek. Representatives of the schools and children had an opportunity to know more about the camp.
In the next program, students from schools will interact with former participants of the Artek camp, like Mr Binoy Viswam, Member of Parliament and former Kerala Minister, Ms K.A.Beena, writer and Mr Baiju Chandran, former director, government owned TV Channel Doordarsan.
Competition for drawing and painting was also held as part of the summer camp in Trivandrum.
#RussianHouse #Artek #Trivandrum #Rossotrudnichestvo
April 26, 2023
The Indian Centre of the Russian Geographical Society was inaugurated in Trivandrum. In her inaugural address, Princess of the erstwhile Travancore Kingdom Aswathy Thirunal Gauri Laksmi Bayi said that the Russian Geographical Society contributes greatly to encouraging the new generation to love and preserve nature.
The Honorary Consul of Russia and Director of the Russian House Ratheesh Nair, who initiated the foundation of the Indian Centre and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indian Centre, said that his team was committed to upholding the values of the Russian Geographical Society.
People representing different walks of lives were present in the inaugural ceremony. These included representatives of political parties, government officials, writers, Army officers, Russian compatriots, nuclear energy specialists from Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, students, journalists.
#RussianGeograficalSociety #Trivandrum #IndianCentre #opening
The Honorary Consul of Russia and Director of the Russian House Ratheesh Nair, who initiated the foundation of the Indian Centre and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indian Centre, said that his team was committed to upholding the values of the Russian Geographical Society.
People representing different walks of lives were present in the inaugural ceremony. These included representatives of political parties, government officials, writers, Army officers, Russian compatriots, nuclear energy specialists from Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, students, journalists.
#RussianGeograficalSociety #Trivandrum #IndianCentre #opening
December 15, 2023
📚 The month-long Russian literature festival in Trivandrum has ended. It was organized by the Russian House in Trivandrum together with the Russkiy Mir Foundation.
👥 The closing ceremony was attended by the writer K.V.Mohankumar, literary critic K.S.Ravikumar, poet Rose Mary, and director of the Russian House in India Oleg Osipov.
👨In his speech K.V. Mohankumar noted that literature played a significant role in the development of friendly relations between Russia and India. O. Osipov presented awards to Rose Mary and Dr. K. Govindan Nair for their contribution to the popularization of Russian literature.
🥇 The winners of the “Eloquence” competition on the topic “Russian writers in world literature” were awarded medals.
✅ The honorary consul of Russia, director of the Russian House in Trivandrum, Ratish Nair, presided.
#RussianHouse #festival #Russianlanguage #Trivandrum
👥 The closing ceremony was attended by the writer K.V.Mohankumar, literary critic K.S.Ravikumar, poet Rose Mary, and director of the Russian House in India Oleg Osipov.
👨In his speech K.V. Mohankumar noted that literature played a significant role in the development of friendly relations between Russia and India. O. Osipov presented awards to Rose Mary and Dr. K. Govindan Nair for their contribution to the popularization of Russian literature.
🥇 The winners of the “Eloquence” competition on the topic “Russian writers in world literature” were awarded medals.
✅ The honorary consul of Russia, director of the Russian House in Trivandrum, Ratish Nair, presided.
#RussianHouse #festival #Russianlanguage #Trivandrum
June 15, 2024
🗣 “The recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Russia and the XXII India-Russia bilateral summit provided a new impetus to the multi-faceted relationship between our two countries”, said the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas and Tourism, Government of India, Suresh Gopi.
📄 He was addressing the seminar organised by the Russian House in Trivandrum on the subject “Significance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia and XXII Indo-Russian bilateral summit”.
🤝 “India’s decision to open two more consulates in Russia will boost tourism. Prime Minister Modi’s visit will also strengthen our ties in the field of trade, especially petroleum and peaceful use of nuclear energy”, said the minister.
#RussianHouse #seminar #Trivandrum #summit
📄 He was addressing the seminar organised by the Russian House in Trivandrum on the subject “Significance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia and XXII Indo-Russian bilateral summit”.
🤝 “India’s decision to open two more consulates in Russia will boost tourism. Prime Minister Modi’s visit will also strengthen our ties in the field of trade, especially petroleum and peaceful use of nuclear energy”, said the minister.
#RussianHouse #seminar #Trivandrum #summit
July 15, 2024