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Стартовал прием заявок на соискание одиннадцатой премии «Хрустальный компас».

Это престижная международная награда за выдающиеся достижения современности в области географии, экологии, сохранения и популяризации природного и историко-культурного наследия, которая призвана найти и поддержать лучшие достижения и практические проекты, направленные на сохранение будущего нашей планеты.

Премия проводится ежегодно под эгидой Русского географического общества. В Экспертный совет Премии входят общепризнанные в России и мире профессионалы.

За десять лет на соискание Премии выдвинуты 3312 проектов из 44 стран мира. В специальной номинации «Признание общественности», где победителя определяют путем интернет-голосования, свои предпочтения выразили более 2,2 млн. человек.

Принять участие в Премии могут общественные организации, географические общества, научные и образовательные учреждения, творческие союзы, предприятия различных сфер, а также независимые инициативные группы и общественные деятели, в следующих номинациях:
✔️Научное достижение;
✔️Лучший социально-информационный проект по сохранению природного и историко-культурного наследия;
✔️Лучший экологический проект промышленных предприятий, бизнеса;
✔️Путешествие и экспедиция;
✔️Лучший проект СМИ, медиапроект;
✔️Гражданская позиция;
✔️Лучший региональный проект;
✔️Признание общественности.

Прием заявок открыт до 20 февраля 2023 года.
Ознакомиться с Положением о Премии, описанием ее номинаций, сроками, порядком проведения конкурса и другой подробной информацией, а также подать заявку на участие в конкурсе на соискание Премии можно на сайте Премии

#хрустальныйкомпас #РГО #премия

Acceptance of applications for the eleventh Crystal Compass Prize has started.

This is a prestigious international award for outstanding achievements of our time in the field of geography, ecology, preservation and popularization of natural and historical and cultural heritage, which is designed to find and support the best achievements and practical projects aimed at preserving the future of our planet.

The award is held annually under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society. The Expert Council of the Prize includes professionals generally recognized in Russia and the world.

Over ten years, 3312 projects from 44 countries of the world have been nominated for the Prize. In the special nomination "Public Recognition," where the winner is determined by Internet voting, more than 2.2 million people expressed their preferences.

Public organizations, geographical societies, scientific and educational institutions, creative unions, enterprises of various spheres, as well as independent initiative groups and public figures can take part in the Awards in the following nominations:

✔️ Scientific achievement;
✔️ Enlightenment;
✔️ The best social and information project for the preservation of natural and historical and cultural heritage;
✔️ The best environmental project of industrial enterprises, business;
✔️ Journey and expedition;
✔️ The best media project, media project;
✔️ Edition;
✔️ Photo work;
✔️ Civic position;
✔️ Best Regional Project;
✔️ Public recognition.

Applications are open until February 20, 2023.

You can get acquainted with the Regulation on the Prize, the description of its nominations, the terms, the procedure for holding the competition and other detailed information, as well as apply for participation in the competition for the Prize on the Prize website

#crystalcompass #RGS #award
On November 22 at 19:00 at the Russian House in New Delhi there will be a grand opening of the exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society “Bouquet of Peaks. Great Mountains of the World." The exhibition will feature a unique collection of “portraits” of all 14 eight-thousanders on the planet, created by the honored artist and traveler of Russia Sergey Dudko as part of the international project of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society “Russian Heritage of the Himalayas. Continuing the journey."
The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be attended by representatives of the Indian scientific community, public and political figures, the media, compatriots, and members of the Russian Geographical Society.
There will be a discussion of the results of the project “Russian Heritage. Continuation of the Path”, as well as further research of the Himalayan mountains and the development of scientific and cultural cooperation between Russia and India.
– With this project we want to introduce the people of India and Nepal to the work of the amazing Russian artist Sergey Dudko, who worked in these places and captured all the eight-thousanders on the planet. “We have started filming the documentary film “Walking in the Clouds” about the creative heritage of outstanding Russian artists, travelers and explorers of the highest mountain system in the world and the modern project of the Russian Geographical Society,” noted project director Ivan Chaika.
Project “Russian Heritage of the Himalayas. Continuation of the Path" started in 2015. Participants of the Russian Geographical Society expedition conducted a number of studies in Bhutan, Nepal, India, China and Pakistan, updated the contribution of Russian researchers in Central Asia, and collected ethnographic and geological material.
Events in India are held as part of the “Walks in the Clouds” project with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, Rossotrudnichestvo and the founder of the investment holding Alias Group Boris Yunanov.
Free entry.

#Himalayas #RGS #exhibition #RussianHouse
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
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🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 From September 2 to October 12, Ratheesh Nair, the Honorary Consul of Russia and head of the Russian House in Trivandrum (India), will embark on a journey retracing the "Journey Beyond Three Seas" route of Afanasy Nikitin. This project, commemorating the 555th anniversary of Nikitin's arrival in India, aims to present the image of modern Russia to residents of other countries while fostering connections between Indian business organizations and Russian regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

🟣The journey will span 🇷🇺Russia, 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, 🇮🇷Iran, 🇴🇲Oman, and 🇮🇳India, following the exact route of the Russian traveler. It will feature online meetings between Russian regional governments and their Indian counterparts, showcasing the tourist, industrial, and trade potential of various Russian regions including Astrakhan, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, as well as the Republics of Tatarstan and Dagestan. Key discussions will focus on expanding trade, cultural, and educational ties through regional cooperation, and promoting Russia's trade opportunities abroad.

🟣 Throughout the journey, meetings with university rectors are planned, with a special emphasis on enhancing cooperation between Russian and foreign universities in student exchange programs and joint training initiatives. This ambitious project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

🟣 By retracing Nikitin's historic route, this modern-day expedition not only honors a significant chapter in Russian exploration but also serves as a platform for cultural exchange and economic cooperation. It exemplifies Russia's commitment to fostering international understanding and collaboration, bridging the past with the present in a meaningful journey of discovery and partnership.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 Ratish Nair, Honorary Consul of Russia in Trivandrum (Kerala), continued his journey along Afanasy Nikitin's route, commemorating the 555th anniversary of the famous “Journey Beyond Three Seas".

⛪️ On September 3, Ratish Nair arrived in Kalyazin, where he visited the monastery mentioned in Afanasy Nikitin's book.

🟣 Next, Ratish Nair headed to Uglich, where he met with the city's mayor, Anatoliy Kuritsyn. The parties agreed to organize "Uglich Days" in Trivandrum in 2025.

🟣 On September 4, the Honorary Consul met with Vice-Governor Andrey Kolyadin in Yaroslavl, during which the parties agreed on Yaroslavl's participation in the Indian tourism fair.l, cooperation between planetariums in Yaroslavl and Kerala and joint projects between Russian and Indian schools.

🟣 The Honorary Consul also met with Yaroslavl Mayor Artem Molchanov: it was decided to hold an online call with the mayor of Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh) next week to establish cooperation.

🟣 In addition, Ratish Nair held meetings with the rectors of three local universities, and a Russian-Indian business online session.

🗺 The Head of the Russian House in Trivandrum will visit four more countries after Russia. His route, like 555 years ago, will lie from Tver to Astrakhan along the Volga river, then by car to Derbent, from there to 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, then to 🇮🇷 Iran, from there by plane to 🇴🇲 Oman, and then to 🇮🇳 India.

This project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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