Russian House New Delhi
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В Русском доме в Нью-Дели посмотрели российский фильм «Солнцепек» (2021) о событиях весны-лета 2014 года на Луганщине. Кинопоказ состоялся в рамках российско-индийской встречи друзей «Видение будущего диалога цивилизации». Индийская сторона представила моноспектакль на хинди об изъянах британской колониальной системы.

Просмотр киноленты режиссеров Максима Бриуса и Михаила Вассербаума стал премьерным в работе киноклуба культурного центра с условным названием «От Волги до Ганга». Другое возможное наименование – «Матрабхуми» (родина на хинди). Решение – за зрителями.

На встрече в Русском доме собрались официальный представитель правящей Индийской народной партии (БДП) Прем Шукла, координатор Национального столичного округа Дели Раджив Джолли Кхосла, президент Международного форума БРИКС Пурнима Ананд, представители посольства России, более 100 индийских учащихся колледжей, студентов вузов и российских соотечественников.
Участники встречи почтили минутой молчания память погибших на Донбассе.

Киноклуб будет работать совместно с неправительственной организацией Международный форум БРИКС, возглавляемой Пурнимой Ананд.

#РусскийДом #БРИКС #фильм #солнцепек

The Russian House in New Delhi showed the film "Hot Sun Shine" (2021) about the events of spring-summer 2014 in the Luhansk region. The film screening took place within the framework of the Russian-Indian meeting of friends “Vision for Future Dialogue of Civilization”. The Indian side presented a one-man show in Hindi about the flaws of the British colonial system.

The screening of the film directed by Maxim Brius and Mikhail Wasserbaum became the premiere in the work of the cinema club of the cultural center with the conditional name “Volga to Ganga”. Another possible name is "Maatrabhoomi" (Motherland in Hindi). The decision is up to the audience.

The meeting at the Russian House brought together the official representative of the ruling Indian People's Party (BJP) Prem Shukla, the coordinator of the National Capital Region Delhi Rajeev Jolly Khosla, the President of the BRICS International Forum Purnima Anand, representatives of the Russian Embassy, more than 100 Indian college, university students and Russian compatriots.
The participants of the meeting honored the memory of those killed in Donbass with a minute of silence.

The film club will work together with the non-governmental organization BRICS International Forum, headed by Purnima Anand.

#RussianDom #BRICS #film #sunshine
В делийской средней школе «Дварка», где изучают русский язык, 9 мая отметили День Победы. Концертная программа «Голос правды» в исполнении учащихся состояла из советских послевоенных песен и русских народных танцев. Ребята подготовили выставку рисунков «День Победы».

Русский дом в Нью-Дели, со своей стороны, сделал презентацию о Великой Отечественной войне и о роли СССР в освобождении мира от нацизма.
Директор школы Сунита Танвар сообщила, что в этом году «Дварка» впервые в своей истории (основана в 1996 году) решила отметить 9 мая в знак уважения к стране, победившей фашизм.

В декабре 2022 года было подписано соглашение о создании на базе этой школы российско-индийского культурно-образовательного Центра Льва Толстого и Махатмы Ганди. Ее партнером стала московская школа № 1409 в Северном административном округе. Договор был заключен в рамках международной и межрегиональной социально-культурной программы «Народы БРИКС выбирают жизнь».

#ДеньПобеды #школа #Индия #БРИКС

On May 9, Victory Day was celebrated at the Dwarka secondary school in Delhi, where they study Russian. The concert program "Voice of Truth" performed by students consisted of Soviet post-war songs and Russian folk dances. The children prepared an exhibition of drawings "Victory Day".

The Russian House in New Delhi, for its part, made a presentation about the Great Patriotic War and the role of the USSR in liberating the world from nazism.
Principal Sunita Tanwar said that this year Dwarka for the first time in its history (founded in 1996) decided to celebrate May 9 as a sign of respect for the country that defeated fascism.

In December 2022, an agreement was signed on the establishment of the Russian-Indian cultural and educational center of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi on the basis of this school. Moscow School No. 1409 became her partner. The agreement was concluded within the framework of the international and interregional socio-cultural program "BRICS Peoples Choose Life".

#VictoryDay #school #India #BRICS
Elena Barman, who heads the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots, became the first citizen of the Russian Federation in the Asian country to receive the BRICS Annual “Cross Cultural Excellence Award”, established by the BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the ceremony in New Delhi, signs of recognition were presented to representatives of other countries that are members of this interstate association.
Svetlana Lukash, Deputy Head of the Expert Directorate of the President of Russia, Russia’s Sherpa in the G20, spoke at the opening. The ceremonial part included her awarding in the “Sustainability Champion” and “Special Contribution” categories.
Russian compatriot, choral singing and piano teacher Nadezhda Balyan was given the “Cultural Performer” award by the BRICS CCI.
The award ceremony was dedicated to the entry of new members into BRICS. It was attended by the 14th President of the Republic of India Ram Nath Kovind and other prominent public figures.
#BRICS #India #compatriots #ElenaBarman
From August 27 to 28, Moscow will host the VI International Municipal Forum of the BRICS countries. More than 5,000 representatives from Russian regions, as well as CIS countries, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America will take part in it. Delegates will enjoy panel discussions, round tables and presentations by experts on issues of the social sphere, ecology, transport, information technology, artificial intelligence, urban planning, economic, investment, tourism and cultural interaction between municipalities.
🌐 During the forum, participants will discuss current topics of urban development, implementation of the principles of sustainable development, effective resource management, and also exchange experiences on the interaction of megacities in different areas. Read more on the website:
#Russia #BRICS
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, on an official visit to Russia, held talks in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

💬 Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, this is your first official visit after your reappointment following parliamentary elections. I would like to congratulate you on this once again.

Our countries have long-time friendship and good relations that have evolved over the decades. This year, we are marking the 77th Anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Today, our relations have the status of a specially privileged strategic partnership. We are in permanent contact, and we prioritise the development of trade and economic ties. Certainly, their development meets the interests of the people of India and the peoples of the Russian Federation.

📈 Last year, our trade soared by 60 percent and even more, by 66 percent; it increased by an additional 20 percent in the first quarter of 2024.

🌐 We cooperate closely on the international arena, including at international organisations, primarily the #UN and such associations as the #SCO and #BRICS.

Yesterday, we had an opportunity to discuss virtually all practical issues in an informal setting. I am grateful to you for devoting attention to the most acute issues and for trying to find some options for resolving the Ukraine crisis, primarily by peaceful methods.

Mr Prime Minister, we will be delighted to see you in Kazan this autumn at the upcoming BRICS Summit.

At the end of my opening remarks, I would like to wish you new successes in facilitating the development of the Indian state. You and I know each other for a long time, and I know that your entire life is devoted to implementing the idea of strengthening the Indian state and improving the life of the people of India.

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Charge d'Affaires of Russia in India Mr. Roman Babushkin and Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Mission in India Dr. Elena Remizova attended a conference «Promoting BRICS Multi-Dimensional Agenda». The event was organized by the Institute of Social Sciences and the People's Forum for a Multi-Polar World.
In his welcoming speech, Mr. Babushkin noted the importance of the BRICS format for resolving multilateral issues. "Russia, being the BRICS Chairman, now pays great attention to the integration of new members of the association. Also on the agenda of the Russian presidency are issues of security in various fields, trade and economic cooperation, an increase in the use of national currencies in cross-country settlements, cooperation in the field of lawmaking and artificial intelligence," Mr. Babushkin emphasized.
Speaking about cultural interaction within the BRICS members, Dr.Remizova stressed that the format of the association is unique in its essence, as it is a platform for a respectful dialogue of various cultures and civilizations, without the desire for thoughtless unification. "The time of vulgar globalization, in which Western patterns of consumer society, passed off as universal values, were imposed on the whole world, is over. Today we are focused on strengthening our cultural identity, preserving historical memory. It is cultural diversity that is the key to a successful and stable future, " Dr. Remizova said.
At the end of the event, Dr. Remizova invited all those present to participate in the conference dedicated to the outcomes of the BRICS Summit, which will be held on the basis of the Russian House in New Delhi in November this year.

#RussianHouse #BRICS #conference #Russia #India
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🎙 On July 24, Chargé d'Affaires of Russia in India Roman Babushkin gave an interview to RT India TV channel in Hindi.

💬 He elaborated on the outcomes of the XXII bilateral summit held in Moscow on July 8-9 as well as dwelled upon the priorities of Russia's BRICS Chairmanship in 2024.

Key topics:

🔗 Watch in full

🔸 @RusEmbIndia
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🏢 On August 9, an online conference with the participation of the President of the BRICS International Forum Purnima Anand was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
🤝 The video conference was dedicated to the celebration of the 53rd anniversary of the signing of the Soviet-Indian Treaty on Peace, Friendship and Cooperation.
📎 The conference discussed further prospects for the development of relations between the countries in various areas, including within the BRICS framework. It was noted that trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation continues to be the main mechanism for expanding Russian-Indian ties.
🗣 “The BRICS countries have a broad cultural heritage and great potential to unite people. We can show our culture and our unity, demonstrate and highlight what we are strong in. We can cooperate together as one big family for the benefit of world peace,” P. Anand emphasized.
It is worth noting that in 2010, relations between the countries received the status of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. India is the only country with which Russia maintains relations at this level.

#RussianHouse #Cooperation #BRICS #India
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The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in India, Dr Elena Remizova, at the invitation of Amity University, one of the largest private universities in India, gave a lecture "BRICS Perspectives: Understanding Russia through Language and Heritage." In continue, Ms Ekaterina Dynyak, head of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian House in New Delhi, delivered a presentation on the history of the Russian language and the diversity of Russian culture. Also, students were presented with information that aroused great interest about the quota campaign implemented by Rossotrudnichestvo in India.Among the attendees were teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the University and Russian language students.
During the visit, a meeting was held with the BRICS University Center, at which agreements were reached on establishing ties with Russian universities, as well as participating in the autumn conference following the BRICS Summit, which will be held at the Russian House.Representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo also took part in the opening of the Druzhba Russian Cultural Club, created by the Russian language teachers and students. Guests promised to provide organizational and methodological assistance to the club's work.

#RussianHouse #university #BRICS #India
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi held talks on the sidelines of the XVI BRICS Summit (October 22, 2024):

💬 President Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, friends,

I am delighted to welcome you to Russia, this time to Kazan, a magnificent historical city on the Volga.

I warmly remember your visit to Moscow and our fruitful talks back in July. We regularly speak on the telephone. I am grateful that you accepted our invitation and came to the #BRICS Summit in Kazan in person.

Today we will take part in the opening ceremony of the summit. Later, there will be a dinner for the leaders, and then we will begin our work.

Here in Kazan, we are to make a number of important decisions to enhance the efficiency of efforts made by BRICS and to strengthen multilateral cooperation within the group. We value our cooperation on this track, considering that our nations were instrumental in founding BRICS.

🤝 Russian-Indian relations are characterised by a special privileged strategic partnership and continue to develop actively. Interaction between legislative bodies is strengthening, and our foreign ministers are in constant contact.

📈 Trade is also in good shape. The next meeting of the intergovernmental commission is scheduled for November 12 in New Delhi.

Large projects are consistently developing, and we welcome your decision to open a Consulate General of India in Kazan. Expanding India’s diplomatic presence in Russia will contribute to the further development of bilateral relations.

Mr Prime Minister, we are very glad to see you and your entire representative team in Russia.

#RussiaIndia #DruzhbaDosti
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📸 #PhotoOfTheDay

Leaders of #BRICS & the multipolar world 👍

#Day1 of the #BRICS2024 Summit concludes with a concert and a reception for the honoured guests.

🤩🤩🤩 #BRICS2024
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Writers and cultural figures of Russia, India and Iran discussed the past, present and future of literature in the framework of the discussion "Contemporary Literature in the BRICS Countries" held at the Russian House in New Delhi,occationed with the International Book Fair, which is taking place these days in the Indian capital.The event was attended by Dr Fariddodin Farid Asr, Cultural Advisor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in India, Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr Ayoub Dehghan Kar, one of the most popular contemporary Iranian authors, novelist and translator Mr Mostafa Mastoori, famous Indian writers and poets Mr Liladhar Mandloy and Mr Indrajit Singh, poet and editor of «Modern Indian Literature» magazine Mrs Sakrita Kumar, writer and translator Dr Sonu Saini, writer, journalist, editor-in-chief of the «Yunost’» magazine Mr Sergei Shargunov, director of the Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V.I. Dal’ Dr Dmitry Bak, young Russian authors - prose writer Ms Anna Shipilova and poet Mr Vasily Natsentov, as well as translators, Russianists, representatives of the publishing houses, and book fairs. The discussion was moderated by Dr Elena Remizova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India.
During the three-hour meeting, the participants shared their views on contemporary literature in their countries, touched upon the problems of translation and the need to understand the cultural content of the original text, noted a small number of translations by contemporary authors and low awareness of the trends in the literature of neighboring countries, discussed possible ways to popularize literature and reading culture, put forward the idea of creating a literary platform of the BRICS countries.The parties agreed to continue this format of literary discussion within the framework of the Tehran Book Fair in May and the Moscow Book Fair in September this year.

#RussianHouse #BRICS #India