Russian House New Delhi
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В Русском Доме в Нью-Дели состоялся первый Индийско-Российский космический диалог 2023, организованный совместно с компанией Aviakul Private Limited.

В культурном центре собралось более двухсот человек. Встреча была посвящена полетам Юрия Гагарина (12 апреля 1961 года) и Ракеша Шармы – первого индийского космонавта, отправившегося в космос 3 апреля 1984 года.

Участники дискуссии вспомнили основные вехи российско-индийского сотрудничества в космосе, подчеркнули важность сотрудничества двух стран в текущей геополитической обстановке, обсудили вопросы развития частного космического сектора, а также важность использования мирного космоса в интересах жителей Земли.

В Русском доме собрались делегации Московского авиационного института (МАИ), Университета имени Джавахарлала Неру (JNU), Индийского института высшего образования и исследований (BIHER), сотрудники Индийского космического агентства (ISRO). В обсуждении приняли также участие представители некоммерческих организаций Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.

Фотопрезентацию советско-индийского полета на орбиту весной 1984 года сделала сотрудница Центра подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А.Гагарина Екатерина Малышева. Ее дед, космонавт Юрий Малышев, отправился на станцию Салют-7 вместе со своим индийским коллегой и близким другом – Ракешем Шармой.

#космос #РусскийДом #РакешШарма #Гагарин

The Russian House in New Delhi hosted the first Indian-Russian Space Dialogue 2023, organized jointly with Aviakul Private Limited.

More than two hundred people gathered in the cultural center. The meeting was dedicated to the flights of Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961) and Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian cosmonaut who went into space on April 3, 1984.

The participants of the discussion recalled the main milestones of Russian-Indian cooperation in space, stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the current geopolitical situation, discussed the development of the private space sector, as well as the importance of using peaceful space in the interests of the inhabitants of the Earth.

Delegations from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), the Indian Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), and employees of the Indian Space Agency (ISRO) gathered at the Russian House. The discussion was also attended by representatives of non-profit organizations Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.

A photographic presentation of the Soviet-Indian flight into orbit in the spring of 1984 was made by Ekaterina Malysheva, an employee of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Her grandfather, cosmonaut Yuri Malyshev, went to the Salyut-7 station along with his Indian colleague and close friend, Rakesh Sharma.

#space #RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #Gagarin
On April 3, 1984, Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to go to space as part of a joint Soviet-Indian crew on the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft. He worked for a week at the Salyut-7 orbital station.
The Russian news agency TASS, together with the Russian House and the Russian Embassy in New Delhi, is pleased to present a unique photo exhibition dedicated to Sharma’s historical space flight. Many of the photographs on display will be shown to the public for the first time.
The exhibition will last until April 16.
The opening will take place on April 3 at 6 p.m.
Venue: Russian House, 24, Firozeshah Road, New Delhi, 110001.
#RakeshSharma #space #exhibition #RussianHouse
Photo exhibitions from the Russian news agency TASS archives, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the flight of India's first cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma, opened in Russian Houses in India - in the capital, in Calcutta, Chennai and Trivandrum. Guests of Russian cultural centers were greeted via video link by Rakesh Sharma himself, who lives in Bangalore. On April 11, the exhibition will open at the Russian House in Mumbai.
In New Delhi, the exhibition brought together 40 photographs telling about the preparations for the flight of the Soviet-Indian crew, about Sharma’s stay on board the Salyut-7 station, about how the cosmonauts were greeted on Earth.
“It was a historic flight. And today, Indian astronauts who are preparing to go into space on the Gaganyaan spacecraft have undergone training in Russia,” said Sanjeev Varshney, head of the department of international cooperation of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.
#RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #space #anniversary