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В сирийском городе Латакия развернута работа мобильного пункта помощи Российского Красного Креста (РКК).

Пункт представляет собой большую надувную палатку, оснащенную электричеством, связью, кулерами с холодной и горячей водой, кондиционером, конвекторами и тепловыми подушками, которые позволяют поддерживать комфортную температуру.

В составе делегации 10 специалистов и волонтёров. Среди них два специалиста по психосоциальной поддержке, пять врачей-добровольцев, специалист по гуманитарной помощи.

Проект проходит в рамках международной программы «Миссия Добро» и реализуется Россотрудничеством, Ассоциацией волонтерских центров и Русской Гуманитарной Миссией в партнерстве российскими гуманитарными организациями.

#Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Сирия #РКК #МиссияДобро

In the Syrian city of Latakia, the Russian Red Cross (RRC) has set up a mobile aid station.

The station is a large inflatable tent equipped with electricity, communication, coolers with hot and cold water, air conditioning, heaters, and thermal pads to maintain a comfortable temperature.

The delegation consists of 10 specialists and volunteers, including two specialists in psychosocial support, five volunteer doctors, and a humanitarian aid specialist.

The project is part of the international program "Mission Dobro" and is being implemented by Rossotrudnichestvo, the Association of Volunteer Centers, and the Russian Humanitarian Mission in partnership with Russian humanitarian organizations.

#Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #Syria #RRC #MissionDobro
The International Program "Mission Dobro" has started in India

As part of the International Program, volunteer veterinarians visited several Indian shelters for homeless animals on the first day: "Рaws pet boarding", "Nandi Seva trust", SPCA Noida, to collect anamnesis of life and illness of patients and to determine a plan for the coming days.
Veterinarians from Russia will also conduct trainings for Indian specialists on modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of animals for two weeks.
The program is being implemented by Rossotrudnichestvo jointly with the Association of Volunteer Centers and the "Traces of Man" Foundation.

#RussianHouse #MissionDobro #volunteers #India
📝 🤝 As part of the International Program "Mission Dobro"
veterinary volunteers arrived in India. The first day was eventful.
➡️ ✈️ 🧑‍⚕️ Flight, examination, diagnostics, planning.

#RussianHouse #MissionDobro #volunteers #India
The International program “Mission Dobro” continues to be implemented in India

On the second day, part of the team of veterinary volunteers worked in the dog shelters "Paws pet boarding" and "SPCA Noida", while others worked in the open air and scorching sun in the cow shelter "Nandi Seva trust". Several complex operations were performed, but everything went well.
Local centers do not always have enough medicines and veterinary drugs for the full treatment of homeless animals, but Russian volunteers tried to provide Indian centers with the necessary medicines for the near future in order to be able to provide full assistance to homeless animals.
Today, according to the plan, in these same shelters, repeated washing of infected necrotic wounds, antibiotic injections, treatment of mastitis, stimulation of metabolism in exhausted animals and work with new patients are planned.
The program is implemented by Rossotrudnichestvo together with the Association Dobro.rf, and also with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Co-organizer: Foundation "Traces of Man".

#RussianHouse #volunteers #MissionDobro #India
The Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India organized a meeting of Russian volunteer veterinarians, participants of the International Program "Mission Dobro", with representatives of the Indian Veterinary Association "Sava Delhi".
The event was dedicated to the exchange of experience and discussion of modern veterinary practices.
The parties agreed on further cooperation. Russian veterinarians will also share their experience with Indian specialists in modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of animals.
Recall that with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo, "Mission Dobro" was launched in India, where veterinarians from Russia will help animals living in shelters for two weeks. Among the volunteers are experienced oncology surgeons, anesthesiologists, and orthopedic surgeons.
"Mission Dobro" in India was organized by Rossotrudnichestvo together with the Association Dobro.rf, as well as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the "Traces of Man" Foundation.

#RussianHouse #MissionDobro #volunteers #India
The International Program "Mission Dobro" has ended in India

With the support of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, "Mission Dobro" took place, which lasted from November 10 to 19.
We sincerely thank our veterinary volunteers: Anastasia Kozich, Daria Klekovkina, Elina Efimova, Ulyumzha Erdnenov, Svetlana Karamushkina and Pavel Strochkov for their selfless work, for saving more than a dozen animals that were helped.
Among the volunteers are experienced oncology surgeons, anesthesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, who worked without days off, trying to help every homeless animal.
For two weeks, Russian volunteers worked in several Indian shelters for homeless animals: "Рaws pet boarding", "Nandi Seva trust" and "SPCA Noida", where they collected anamnesis of life and illness of patients and determined further plans for providing targeted assistance to animals.
Veterinarians examined cattle - sacred cows, bulls, buffaloes, as well as cats and dogs. During the study of animal diseases, the main problems were: gastrointestinal disorders, exhaustion, wounds, electric shocks, injuries after accidents, burns, oncology.
Volunteers of "Mission Dobro" performed operations with complex fractures, spinal surgeries, tumor removal, vaccinations.
With the assistance of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India, a meeting of Russian veterinary volunteers with representatives of the Indian veterinary association "Sava Delhi" was also held, where the parties agreed on further cooperation. Russian veterinarians will also share their experience with Indian specialists in modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of animals.

#RussianHouse #MissionDobro #volunteers #India