Russian House New Delhi
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Младше 11 и не старше 16 – в двух возрастных группах в Русском доме в Нью-Дели прошел турнир по быстрым шахматам для воспитанников Академии имени гроссмейстера Ботвиннника. Состязание организовали генеральный директор Академии Радхешам Тивари и главный тренер Хамид Хасан совместно с партнерской шахматной академией «Гений».

Каждому участнику отводилось по 10 минут игрового времени. Отдельная программа соревнований была организована для девочек в обеих возрастных категориях.
Победители заслуженно получили награды – кубки и медали.

Р.Тивари – известный в Индии шахматный арбитр международного класса. Ранее он работал казначеем Всеиндийской шахматной федерации и тренировал Вишванатана Ананнда, ставшего впоследствии чемпионом мира, в том числе по версии ФИДЕ.
Хамид Хасан с 1983 года занимал высокие места в международной классификации шахматистов.

#шахматы #турнир #академияБотвинника #РусскийдомНьюДели

Under 11 and under 16 - in the Russian House in New Delhi a rapid chess tournament was held in two age groups for pupils of the Academy named after Grandmaster Botvinnnik. The competition was organized by the general director of the Academy Radhesham Tiwari and head coach Hamid Hassan together with the partner chess academy "Genius."

Each participant was given 10 minutes of playing time. A separate competition program was organized for girls in both age categories.
The winners deservedly received awards - cups and medals.

R. Tivari is a famous international chess referee in India. He previously worked as treasurer of the All India Chess Federation and coached Viswanathan Anand, who later became world champion, including according to FIDE.
Hamid Hassan has held high places in the international classification of chess players since 1983.

#chess #tournament #BotvinnikAcademy #russianhousenewdelhi
В рамках Дней Ассамблеи народов Евразии (АНЕ) в Республике Индия (20 – 26 марта 2023 года) в Русском доме в Нью-Дели состоится показ художественного фильма «Чемпион мира».

Приглашаем всех на просмотр 23 марта в 19:00.
Фильм на русском языке с английскими субтитрами.

#РусскийДом #фильм #шахматы
As part of the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (ANE) in the Republic of India (March 20-26, 2023), the feature film "World Champion" will be shown at the Russian House in New Delhi.

We invite everyone to watch on March 23 at 7 p.m.
Film in Russian with English subtitles.

#RussianHouse #film #chess
Dear friends!
The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to the photo exhibition “Russia on 64 squares. History of Victories” dedicated to International Chess Day.
📆 We are waiting for you at the photo exhibition on July 18 at 17:00.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Admission for exhibition visitors is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
Waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #chess #exhibition #Rossotrudnichestvo
The exhibition "Russia on 64 Cells," prepared by the Alexander Pechersky Memorial Foundation and dedicated to the International Chess Day, has opened in the Russian House in New Delhi. The exposition tells about Soviet and Russian grandmasters and champions. As it’s known, the Soviet chess school had a tremendous impact on the development of chess in India, and the Soviet centers of science and culture played a significant role in this. On its basis many Indian professionals began their journey to the world of chess, including the most famous chess player in India, vice president of FIDE Viswanathan Anand.
Celebrating this event, the Russian House prepared a special showcase of books of the Soviet period on the theory and practice of playing chess, and the Chess club of the Russian House hosted the championship for students.
Also, the visitors were shown the film "BRICS: the Champions," which aroused great public interest.

#RussianHouse #chess #exhibition #India