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Стартовал прием заявок на соискание одиннадцатой премии «Хрустальный компас».

Это престижная международная награда за выдающиеся достижения современности в области географии, экологии, сохранения и популяризации природного и историко-культурного наследия, которая призвана найти и поддержать лучшие достижения и практические проекты, направленные на сохранение будущего нашей планеты.

Премия проводится ежегодно под эгидой Русского географического общества. В Экспертный совет Премии входят общепризнанные в России и мире профессионалы.

За десять лет на соискание Премии выдвинуты 3312 проектов из 44 стран мира. В специальной номинации «Признание общественности», где победителя определяют путем интернет-голосования, свои предпочтения выразили более 2,2 млн. человек.

Принять участие в Премии могут общественные организации, географические общества, научные и образовательные учреждения, творческие союзы, предприятия различных сфер, а также независимые инициативные группы и общественные деятели, в следующих номинациях:
✔️Научное достижение;
✔️Лучший социально-информационный проект по сохранению природного и историко-культурного наследия;
✔️Лучший экологический проект промышленных предприятий, бизнеса;
✔️Путешествие и экспедиция;
✔️Лучший проект СМИ, медиапроект;
✔️Гражданская позиция;
✔️Лучший региональный проект;
✔️Признание общественности.

Прием заявок открыт до 20 февраля 2023 года.
Ознакомиться с Положением о Премии, описанием ее номинаций, сроками, порядком проведения конкурса и другой подробной информацией, а также подать заявку на участие в конкурсе на соискание Премии можно на сайте Премии

#хрустальныйкомпас #РГО #премия

Acceptance of applications for the eleventh Crystal Compass Prize has started.

This is a prestigious international award for outstanding achievements of our time in the field of geography, ecology, preservation and popularization of natural and historical and cultural heritage, which is designed to find and support the best achievements and practical projects aimed at preserving the future of our planet.

The award is held annually under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society. The Expert Council of the Prize includes professionals generally recognized in Russia and the world.

Over ten years, 3312 projects from 44 countries of the world have been nominated for the Prize. In the special nomination "Public Recognition," where the winner is determined by Internet voting, more than 2.2 million people expressed their preferences.

Public organizations, geographical societies, scientific and educational institutions, creative unions, enterprises of various spheres, as well as independent initiative groups and public figures can take part in the Awards in the following nominations:

✔️ Scientific achievement;
✔️ Enlightenment;
✔️ The best social and information project for the preservation of natural and historical and cultural heritage;
✔️ The best environmental project of industrial enterprises, business;
✔️ Journey and expedition;
✔️ The best media project, media project;
✔️ Edition;
✔️ Photo work;
✔️ Civic position;
✔️ Best Regional Project;
✔️ Public recognition.

Applications are open until February 20, 2023.

You can get acquainted with the Regulation on the Prize, the description of its nominations, the terms, the procedure for holding the competition and other detailed information, as well as apply for participation in the competition for the Prize on the Prize website

#crystalcompass #RGS #award
We invite you to take part in The International Award "We Are Together".
It is an annual international event aimed at encouraging foreign citizens and organizations for their selfless contribution to solving important humanitarian problems and strengthening international humanitarian cooperation.
The selection of the Laureates of the Prize is made from 6 regions of the world: the CIS, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and North Africa, North and South America, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2023 the official theme of the Prize is «Social change through volunteering». The applications for the Prize can be submitted by both «Individuals» (volunteers and unregistered associations of initiative citizens) and «Legal entities» (non-profit, public, and business organizations) in 3 nominations:
• Ecology and sustainable development;
• Healthcare and Emergency Response;
• Equal Opportunities and Social Justice.

In 2023 a special nomination «Good Deed of the Year» is awarded among the laureates for significant achievements in the field of promoting social change through volunteering.

The application campaign for the Prize is going to run from May 18, 2023 till July 25th, 2023. The applications will be evaluated in 4 stages, including international experts whose task is to assess the significance of the applications, taking into account the relevance of the nominee's contribution to the world region.

This year a new stage of evaluation will be implemented – an online presentation of the projects that score the maximum number of points based on the results of the correspondence evaluation of international experts.

Every year the International Directorate includes outstanding representatives of international business, public, youth, and humanitarian organizations and associations that develop international humanitarian cooperation.

The awarding of the Prize Laureates will traditionally take place within the framework of the main volunteer event in Russia – the International Forum of Civil Participation in December 2023.

Over the past years, 26 projects of selfless aid have become Laureates from Turkey, Liberia, India, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Portugal, Ecuador, China, Belarus, Pakistan, Denmark, USA, Peru, Qatar, and South Africa. In 2022 each Laureate received a prize of 1 million rubles.

Official Website of the Award -
Social media accounts of the Award:

#award #wearetogather #socialchange #volunteers #ecology