В преддверии Дня космонавтики продолжаем рассказывать о современных российских разработках в космосе.
«Фобос-Грунт-2» - станция для доставки образцов грунта с Марса и спутника Фобос на Землю. Станцию будет определять физические и химические особенности грунта Фобоса, исследовать происхождение спутников Марса, взаимодействие его атмосферы и поверхности, а также связь малых тел Солнечной системы с солнечным ветром. Запуск планируется после 2025 года.
#денькосмонавтики #космос #наука #российскаянаука #Марс
On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, we continue to talk about modern Russian developments in space.
"Phobos-Grunt-2" is a station for delivering soil samples from Mars and the Phobos satellite to Earth. The station will determine the physical and chemical features of the Phobos soil, investigate the origin of the Mars satellites, the interaction of its atmosphere and surface, as well as the connection of small bodies of the Solar System with the solar wind. The launch is planned after 2025.
#cosmonauticsday #space #science #Russianscience #Mars
«Фобос-Грунт-2» - станция для доставки образцов грунта с Марса и спутника Фобос на Землю. Станцию будет определять физические и химические особенности грунта Фобоса, исследовать происхождение спутников Марса, взаимодействие его атмосферы и поверхности, а также связь малых тел Солнечной системы с солнечным ветром. Запуск планируется после 2025 года.
#денькосмонавтики #космос #наука #российскаянаука #Марс
On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, we continue to talk about modern Russian developments in space.
"Phobos-Grunt-2" is a station for delivering soil samples from Mars and the Phobos satellite to Earth. The station will determine the physical and chemical features of the Phobos soil, investigate the origin of the Mars satellites, the interaction of its atmosphere and surface, as well as the connection of small bodies of the Solar System with the solar wind. The launch is planned after 2025.
#cosmonauticsday #space #science #Russianscience #Mars
April 10, 2023
Более 60 лет назад открылась новая страница в истории человечества. 108 минут полета Юрия Гагарина предопределили развитие всей мировой космонавтики.
Космос подарил нам колоссальные возможности для сотрудничества. Так, например, Международная космическая станция — результат совместной работы 14 стран. И сегодня с борта МКС звучат поздравления российских космонавтов.
С днём космонавтики, друзья!
#Россия #Роскосмос #Космос
More than 60 years ago, a new page in the history of mankind was opened. 108 minutes of Yuri Gagarin's flight predetermined the development of the entire world cosmonautics.
Space has given us tremendous opportunities for cooperation. For example, the International Space Station is the result of the joint work of 14 countries. And today congratulations of Russian cosmonauts are being heard from the ISS.
Happy Cosmonautics Day, friends!
#Russia #Roscosmos #Space
Космос подарил нам колоссальные возможности для сотрудничества. Так, например, Международная космическая станция — результат совместной работы 14 стран. И сегодня с борта МКС звучат поздравления российских космонавтов.
С днём космонавтики, друзья!
#Россия #Роскосмос #Космос
More than 60 years ago, a new page in the history of mankind was opened. 108 minutes of Yuri Gagarin's flight predetermined the development of the entire world cosmonautics.
Space has given us tremendous opportunities for cooperation. For example, the International Space Station is the result of the joint work of 14 countries. And today congratulations of Russian cosmonauts are being heard from the ISS.
Happy Cosmonautics Day, friends!
#Russia #Roscosmos #Space
April 12, 2023
15 апреля в 10:30 в Русском доме в Нью-Дели состоится Индийский российский космический диалог 2023 (IRSD 2023), организованный совместно с Aviakul Private Limited.
Эта встреча призвана собрать представителей космической промышленности, студентов и активистов в области науки и техники из Индии и России с целью обсуждения сотрудничества между странами в области космоса.
Участников ждет насыщенная программа, включающая встречу с ветеранами космоса, отраслевыми экспертами, академиками, организациями, содействующими развитию космической промышленности. Среди выступающих - эксперты Индийской организации космических исследований, Индийской космической ассоциации, Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру, Отраслевой ассоциации Сатком, Московского авиационного института и других организаций.
Подробности на сайте www.irsd.space
#космическийдиалог2023 #космос #наука
The India Russia Space Dialogue 2023 (IRSD 2023) jointly organized by Russian House New Delhi and Aviakul Private Limited that is scheduled to happen at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC), Firozshah Road 24, New Delhi on April 15, 2023 (Saturday) at 10:30 AM.
This meeting is meant to bring together Space Industry, Aerospace Professionals, Science & Technology Students, Enthusiasts, Policy Makers, Bureaucrats from India and Russian Federation to commemorate the cooperation amongst both the countries and to increase awareness about the possible areas of collaboration in the days to come.
A rich programme comprising Space Veterans, Industry Experts, Academicians, Organizations promoting Space Industry has been organized. Speakers include Experts from Indian Space Research Organization, Indian Space Association, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Satcom Industry Association, Moscow Aviation Institute, Educational Institutions and Organizations working towards promotion of Space.
Details at www.irsd.space
#spacedialog2023 #space #science
Эта встреча призвана собрать представителей космической промышленности, студентов и активистов в области науки и техники из Индии и России с целью обсуждения сотрудничества между странами в области космоса.
Участников ждет насыщенная программа, включающая встречу с ветеранами космоса, отраслевыми экспертами, академиками, организациями, содействующими развитию космической промышленности. Среди выступающих - эксперты Индийской организации космических исследований, Индийской космической ассоциации, Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру, Отраслевой ассоциации Сатком, Московского авиационного института и других организаций.
Подробности на сайте www.irsd.space
#космическийдиалог2023 #космос #наука
The India Russia Space Dialogue 2023 (IRSD 2023) jointly organized by Russian House New Delhi and Aviakul Private Limited that is scheduled to happen at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC), Firozshah Road 24, New Delhi on April 15, 2023 (Saturday) at 10:30 AM.
This meeting is meant to bring together Space Industry, Aerospace Professionals, Science & Technology Students, Enthusiasts, Policy Makers, Bureaucrats from India and Russian Federation to commemorate the cooperation amongst both the countries and to increase awareness about the possible areas of collaboration in the days to come.
A rich programme comprising Space Veterans, Industry Experts, Academicians, Organizations promoting Space Industry has been organized. Speakers include Experts from Indian Space Research Organization, Indian Space Association, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Satcom Industry Association, Moscow Aviation Institute, Educational Institutions and Organizations working towards promotion of Space.
Details at www.irsd.space
#spacedialog2023 #space #science
April 13, 2023
В Русском Доме в Нью-Дели состоялся первый Индийско-Российский космический диалог 2023, организованный совместно с компанией Aviakul Private Limited.
В культурном центре собралось более двухсот человек. Встреча была посвящена полетам Юрия Гагарина (12 апреля 1961 года) и Ракеша Шармы – первого индийского космонавта, отправившегося в космос 3 апреля 1984 года.
Участники дискуссии вспомнили основные вехи российско-индийского сотрудничества в космосе, подчеркнули важность сотрудничества двух стран в текущей геополитической обстановке, обсудили вопросы развития частного космического сектора, а также важность использования мирного космоса в интересах жителей Земли.
В Русском доме собрались делегации Московского авиационного института (МАИ), Университета имени Джавахарлала Неру (JNU), Индийского института высшего образования и исследований (BIHER), сотрудники Индийского космического агентства (ISRO). В обсуждении приняли также участие представители некоммерческих организаций Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.
Фотопрезентацию советско-индийского полета на орбиту весной 1984 года сделала сотрудница Центра подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А.Гагарина Екатерина Малышева. Ее дед, космонавт Юрий Малышев, отправился на станцию Салют-7 вместе со своим индийским коллегой и близким другом – Ракешем Шармой.
#космос #РусскийДом #РакешШарма #Гагарин
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted the first Indian-Russian Space Dialogue 2023, organized jointly with Aviakul Private Limited.
More than two hundred people gathered in the cultural center. The meeting was dedicated to the flights of Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961) and Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian cosmonaut who went into space on April 3, 1984.
The participants of the discussion recalled the main milestones of Russian-Indian cooperation in space, stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the current geopolitical situation, discussed the development of the private space sector, as well as the importance of using peaceful space in the interests of the inhabitants of the Earth.
Delegations from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), the Indian Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), and employees of the Indian Space Agency (ISRO) gathered at the Russian House. The discussion was also attended by representatives of non-profit organizations Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.
A photographic presentation of the Soviet-Indian flight into orbit in the spring of 1984 was made by Ekaterina Malysheva, an employee of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Her grandfather, cosmonaut Yuri Malyshev, went to the Salyut-7 station along with his Indian colleague and close friend, Rakesh Sharma.
#space #RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #Gagarin
В культурном центре собралось более двухсот человек. Встреча была посвящена полетам Юрия Гагарина (12 апреля 1961 года) и Ракеша Шармы – первого индийского космонавта, отправившегося в космос 3 апреля 1984 года.
Участники дискуссии вспомнили основные вехи российско-индийского сотрудничества в космосе, подчеркнули важность сотрудничества двух стран в текущей геополитической обстановке, обсудили вопросы развития частного космического сектора, а также важность использования мирного космоса в интересах жителей Земли.
В Русском доме собрались делегации Московского авиационного института (МАИ), Университета имени Джавахарлала Неру (JNU), Индийского института высшего образования и исследований (BIHER), сотрудники Индийского космического агентства (ISRO). В обсуждении приняли также участие представители некоммерческих организаций Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.
Фотопрезентацию советско-индийского полета на орбиту весной 1984 года сделала сотрудница Центра подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А.Гагарина Екатерина Малышева. Ее дед, космонавт Юрий Малышев, отправился на станцию Салют-7 вместе со своим индийским коллегой и близким другом – Ракешем Шармой.
#космос #РусскийДом #РакешШарма #Гагарин
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted the first Indian-Russian Space Dialogue 2023, organized jointly with Aviakul Private Limited.
More than two hundred people gathered in the cultural center. The meeting was dedicated to the flights of Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961) and Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian cosmonaut who went into space on April 3, 1984.
The participants of the discussion recalled the main milestones of Russian-Indian cooperation in space, stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the current geopolitical situation, discussed the development of the private space sector, as well as the importance of using peaceful space in the interests of the inhabitants of the Earth.
Delegations from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), the Indian Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), and employees of the Indian Space Agency (ISRO) gathered at the Russian House. The discussion was also attended by representatives of non-profit organizations Society for Space Education, Space development NEXUS, Indian Women Pilots’ Association.
A photographic presentation of the Soviet-Indian flight into orbit in the spring of 1984 was made by Ekaterina Malysheva, an employee of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Her grandfather, cosmonaut Yuri Malyshev, went to the Salyut-7 station along with his Indian colleague and close friend, Rakesh Sharma.
#space #RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #Gagarin
April 17, 2023
Российский фильм «Вызов», первый в истории фильм, снятый на Международной космической станции, выйдет в прокат в 20 странах мира.
Он рассказывает о женщине-хирурге, которая отправилась на МКС, чтобы спасти космонавта. Одну из ролей в драме сыграл летчик-космонавт Олег Новицкий.
«Фильм стал настоящим вызовом - для всех, кто имеет отношение к его созданию. Юлия Пересильд и Клим Шипенко 3,5 месяца готовились к полету и находились 12 дней в космосе на МКС. За этим легендарным событием следил весь мир», - отметила министр культуры России Ольга Любимова.
В России премьера состоялась 12 апреля — в День Космонавтики.
Подробнее: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#культура #Россия #вызов #космос #фильм
The Russian film «The Challenge», the first ever film shot on the International Space Station (ISS), will be released in 20 countries around the world.
It tells the story of a female surgeon who goes to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. One of the roles in the drama was played by cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky.
"The film was a real challenge - for everyone who was involved in its creation. Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko spent 3.5 months preparing for the flight and they were 12 days in space on the ISS. The whole world followed this legendary event," said Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of Russia.
In Russia, the premiere took place on 12 April, on Cosmonautics Day.
Read more: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#culture #Russia #challenge #space #movie
Он рассказывает о женщине-хирурге, которая отправилась на МКС, чтобы спасти космонавта. Одну из ролей в драме сыграл летчик-космонавт Олег Новицкий.
«Фильм стал настоящим вызовом - для всех, кто имеет отношение к его созданию. Юлия Пересильд и Клим Шипенко 3,5 месяца готовились к полету и находились 12 дней в космосе на МКС. За этим легендарным событием следил весь мир», - отметила министр культуры России Ольга Любимова.
В России премьера состоялась 12 апреля — в День Космонавтики.
Подробнее: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#культура #Россия #вызов #космос #фильм
The Russian film «The Challenge», the first ever film shot on the International Space Station (ISS), will be released in 20 countries around the world.
It tells the story of a female surgeon who goes to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. One of the roles in the drama was played by cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky.
"The film was a real challenge - for everyone who was involved in its creation. Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko spent 3.5 months preparing for the flight and they were 12 days in space on the ISS. The whole world followed this legendary event," said Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of Russia.
In Russia, the premiere took place on 12 April, on Cosmonautics Day.
Read more: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#culture #Russia #challenge #space #movie
April 24, 2023
April 25, 2023
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted an interactive program “The First Sputnik and the Era of Space Conquest,” dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s launch of an artificial object into Earth orbit. Students of Russian language courses took part in the program; it was conducted by the winners of the All-Russian competition “Masters of Russian Language-2023” Evgenia Yadrinskaya and Denis Goryushchenko.
Course participants watched with interest a film about space, a presentation about Sputnik 1, and took part in an online quiz using mobile phones. The winners of the quiz received prizes.
Course student Vishnu Priya spoke about joint Indo-Russian space research. The highlight of the program was the song “Grass at the House,” performed by Sakshi Sharma (employee of the Russian House library).
At the end of the program, “Launching a satellite into orbit” took place - a game in which Indian students participated with pleasure.
#RussianHouse #Sputnik #space #students
Course participants watched with interest a film about space, a presentation about Sputnik 1, and took part in an online quiz using mobile phones. The winners of the quiz received prizes.
Course student Vishnu Priya spoke about joint Indo-Russian space research. The highlight of the program was the song “Grass at the House,” performed by Sakshi Sharma (employee of the Russian House library).
At the end of the program, “Launching a satellite into orbit” took place - a game in which Indian students participated with pleasure.
#RussianHouse #Sputnik #space #students
October 23, 2023
On April 3, 1984, Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to go to space as part of a joint Soviet-Indian crew on the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft. He worked for a week at the Salyut-7 orbital station.
The Russian news agency TASS, together with the Russian House and the Russian Embassy in New Delhi, is pleased to present a unique photo exhibition dedicated to Sharma’s historical space flight. Many of the photographs on display will be shown to the public for the first time.
The exhibition will last until April 16.
The opening will take place on April 3 at 6 p.m.
Venue: Russian House, 24, Firozeshah Road, New Delhi, 110001.
#RakeshSharma #space #exhibition #RussianHouse
The Russian news agency TASS, together with the Russian House and the Russian Embassy in New Delhi, is pleased to present a unique photo exhibition dedicated to Sharma’s historical space flight. Many of the photographs on display will be shown to the public for the first time.
The exhibition will last until April 16.
The opening will take place on April 3 at 6 p.m.
Venue: Russian House, 24, Firozeshah Road, New Delhi, 110001.
#RakeshSharma #space #exhibition #RussianHouse
March 27, 2024
Photo exhibitions from the Russian news agency TASS archives, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the flight of India's first cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma, opened in Russian Houses in India - in the capital, in Calcutta, Chennai and Trivandrum. Guests of Russian cultural centers were greeted via video link by Rakesh Sharma himself, who lives in Bangalore. On April 11, the exhibition will open at the Russian House in Mumbai.
In New Delhi, the exhibition brought together 40 photographs telling about the preparations for the flight of the Soviet-Indian crew, about Sharma’s stay on board the Salyut-7 station, about how the cosmonauts were greeted on Earth.
“It was a historic flight. And today, Indian astronauts who are preparing to go into space on the Gaganyaan spacecraft have undergone training in Russia,” said Sanjeev Varshney, head of the department of international cooperation of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.
#RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #space #anniversary
In New Delhi, the exhibition brought together 40 photographs telling about the preparations for the flight of the Soviet-Indian crew, about Sharma’s stay on board the Salyut-7 station, about how the cosmonauts were greeted on Earth.
“It was a historic flight. And today, Indian astronauts who are preparing to go into space on the Gaganyaan spacecraft have undergone training in Russia,” said Sanjeev Varshney, head of the department of international cooperation of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.
#RussianHouse #RakeshSharma #space #anniversary
April 4, 2024
Три, два, один, поехали!
Сегодня Россия отмечает День космонавтики!
Этот праздник посвящен первому полету человека в космос советского летчика и космонавта Юрия Гагарина 12 апреля 1961 года.
День космонавтики – праздник, имеющий огромное значение для российского народа, символизирует не только технические достижения человечества, но и наши самые смелые мечты и стремления.
#РусскийДом #ДеньКосмонавтики #космос #Россотрудничество
Three, two, one, let's go!
Today Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day!
This holiday is dedicated to the first manned space flight by Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.
Cosmonautics Day is a holiday of great importance for the Russian people, symbolizing not only the technical achievements of mankind, but also our wildest dreams and aspirations.
#RussianHouse #CosmonauticsDay #space #Rossotrudnichestvo
Сегодня Россия отмечает День космонавтики!
Этот праздник посвящен первому полету человека в космос советского летчика и космонавта Юрия Гагарина 12 апреля 1961 года.
День космонавтики – праздник, имеющий огромное значение для российского народа, символизирует не только технические достижения человечества, но и наши самые смелые мечты и стремления.
#РусскийДом #ДеньКосмонавтики #космос #Россотрудничество
Three, two, one, let's go!
Today Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day!
This holiday is dedicated to the first manned space flight by Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.
Cosmonautics Day is a holiday of great importance for the Russian people, symbolizing not only the technical achievements of mankind, but also our wildest dreams and aspirations.
#RussianHouse #CosmonauticsDay #space #Rossotrudnichestvo
April 12, 2024
“We watched the film in one sitting! Very informative and interesting. The film immersed us in a special atmosphere and showed how preparation for a space flight actually goes,” Indian students shared their impressions after the film.
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted a screening of the RT-doc documentary film directed by Pavel Baidikov “How I became an astronaut” about the Russian test cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov.
The audience was Indian citizens, including students from various local universities.
The film tells the story of a man who decided to radically change his occupation - to end his successful career as a department head at a large consulting company and become an astronaut.
At the V Tsiolkovsky International Film Festival, the film was also awarded the Korolev Grand Prix for best director.
#RussianHouse #cinema #space
The Russian House in New Delhi hosted a screening of the RT-doc documentary film directed by Pavel Baidikov “How I became an astronaut” about the Russian test cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov.
The audience was Indian citizens, including students from various local universities.
The film tells the story of a man who decided to radically change his occupation - to end his successful career as a department head at a large consulting company and become an astronaut.
At the V Tsiolkovsky International Film Festival, the film was also awarded the Korolev Grand Prix for best director.
#RussianHouse #cinema #space
April 19, 2024
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
Dear friends! 🎉
📖 On the occasion of the upcoming Russia Day 🇷🇺 we are happy to present you a new space-themed edition of the Russia Digest magazine dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma's spaceflight and the 77th anniversary of the Russian-Indian diplomatic relations!
Key topics:
🟣 #Space
🟣 #BilateralRelations
🟣 #Trade
🟣 #Business
🟣 #Culture
🟣 #Education
🟣 #Sports
🟣 #Roerichs
📰 Find its hard copies as a supplement to today's edition of The Economic Times newspaper in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata!
🔗 Here is a digital version
🔸 @RusEmbIndia
Key topics:
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June 10, 2024
🏢 The representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi visited Amity University, Noida, where a scientific conference was held dedicated to the National Space Day and the memory of the first Indian space mission "Chandrayaan-3", which landed on the lunar surface.
🚀 The conference discussed the future direction of space research, and a documentary film about the development of space science in India was shown. After the conference, a scientific exhibition was organized, where samples of research works of university students studying the space industry were presented.
🤝 They discussed the prospects for cooperation between Amity University and Russian organizations in the field of scientific research. They talked about the main areas of activity of the Russian House. They agreed to establish interaction on a permanent basis.
📎 The event was organized by the Institute of Space Science and Technology of Amity University.
#RussianHouse #space #conference #India
🚀 The conference discussed the future direction of space research, and a documentary film about the development of space science in India was shown. After the conference, a scientific exhibition was organized, where samples of research works of university students studying the space industry were presented.
🤝 They discussed the prospects for cooperation between Amity University and Russian organizations in the field of scientific research. They talked about the main areas of activity of the Russian House. They agreed to establish interaction on a permanent basis.
📎 The event was organized by the Institute of Space Science and Technology of Amity University.
#RussianHouse #space #conference #India
August 31, 2024
An educational program for students of Indian schools dedicated to the launch of the First Artificial Earth Satellite «Sputnik-1» and the beginning of the International Space Week took place at the Russian House in New Delhi, organized jointly with the Nehru Planetarium.
Children got acquainted with the Roscosmos exhibition dedicated to Russian cosmodromes and the TASS exhibition dedicated to the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma.
Especially for this event, a member of the cosmonaut corps of Russia Mr Andrei Fedyaev recorded a video greeting, which was shown to the children along with a film about the work of the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City. And the participants of the event prepared drawings dedicated to Russian cosmonautics.
Girls and boys were very interested in the space quiz and a series of blitz questions to the head of the TASS bureau in India Mr Yevgeny Pakhomov and a specialist in the field of aircraft construction and cosmonautics Mr Pavel Belevantsev.
Dr Prerna Chandra from Nehru Planetarium and her colleagues delivered the presentation on Russian-Indian space cooperation.
At the end of the program, schoolchildren were shown the film "Gagarin. Embracing the Earth," which was shown in India for the first time.
#RussianHouse #Space #schools #India
Children got acquainted with the Roscosmos exhibition dedicated to Russian cosmodromes and the TASS exhibition dedicated to the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma.
Especially for this event, a member of the cosmonaut corps of Russia Mr Andrei Fedyaev recorded a video greeting, which was shown to the children along with a film about the work of the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City. And the participants of the event prepared drawings dedicated to Russian cosmonautics.
Girls and boys were very interested in the space quiz and a series of blitz questions to the head of the TASS bureau in India Mr Yevgeny Pakhomov and a specialist in the field of aircraft construction and cosmonautics Mr Pavel Belevantsev.
Dr Prerna Chandra from Nehru Planetarium and her colleagues delivered the presentation on Russian-Indian space cooperation.
At the end of the program, schoolchildren were shown the film "Gagarin. Embracing the Earth," which was shown in India for the first time.
#RussianHouse #Space #schools #India
October 9, 2024