Russian House New Delhi
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Русский дом в Нью-Дели передал партию литературы, изданной в России на русском и английском языках, школе Маунт Абу в индийской столице. В этом учебном заведении изучают несколько иностранных языков – французский, корейский, итальянский, индонезийский и «мандаринский» китайский, однако русский пока «не проходят».

Это новый партнер представительства Россотрудничества в системе среднего образования в южноазиатской стране. С началом нового учебного года (в Индии – с 1 июля) запланирован ряд совместных действий Русского дома и Маунт Абу. Учащимся школы покажут российские фильмы, будет проведен презентационный урок русского языка и кириллицы, намечен показ театральных представлений русских авторов на английском языке.

«Ваш визит, во время которого вы подарили нам экземпляры русских книг для нашей Межкультурной библиотеки, стал важной вехой в отношениях между нашей школой и Русским домом в Нью-Дели. Ваш добрый жест обогатил наши образовательные ресурсы и открыл перед нашими студентами захватывающие возможности для изучения русской литературы и культуры», – заявила директор школы Маунт Абу Джайоти Арора.

#РусскийДом #русскийязык #школа

The Russian House in New Delhi donated a batch of literature published in Russia in Russian and English to Mount Abu School in the Indian capital. In this educational institution they study several foreign languages - French, Korean, Italian, Indonesian and "Mandarin" Chinese, but Russian is not yet "passed".

This is a new partner of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the system of secondary education in the South Asian country. With the beginning of the new academic year (in India - from July 1), a number of joint actions of the Russian House and Mount Abu are planned. School students will be shown Russian films, a presentation lesson of the Russian language and Cyrillic alphabet will be held, and theatrical performances of Russian authors in English are scheduled to be shown.

“Your visit, during which you gave us copies of Russian books for our Intercultural Library, was an important milestone in the relationship between our school and the Russian House in New Delhi. Your kind gesture has enriched our educational resources and opened up exciting opportunities for our students to explore Russian literature and culture,” said Mount Abu Principal Jayoti Arora.

#RussianHouse #Russianlanguage #school
В делийской средней школе «Дварка», где изучают русский язык, 9 мая отметили День Победы. Концертная программа «Голос правды» в исполнении учащихся состояла из советских послевоенных песен и русских народных танцев. Ребята подготовили выставку рисунков «День Победы».

Русский дом в Нью-Дели, со своей стороны, сделал презентацию о Великой Отечественной войне и о роли СССР в освобождении мира от нацизма.
Директор школы Сунита Танвар сообщила, что в этом году «Дварка» впервые в своей истории (основана в 1996 году) решила отметить 9 мая в знак уважения к стране, победившей фашизм.

В декабре 2022 года было подписано соглашение о создании на базе этой школы российско-индийского культурно-образовательного Центра Льва Толстого и Махатмы Ганди. Ее партнером стала московская школа № 1409 в Северном административном округе. Договор был заключен в рамках международной и межрегиональной социально-культурной программы «Народы БРИКС выбирают жизнь».

#ДеньПобеды #школа #Индия #БРИКС

On May 9, Victory Day was celebrated at the Dwarka secondary school in Delhi, where they study Russian. The concert program "Voice of Truth" performed by students consisted of Soviet post-war songs and Russian folk dances. The children prepared an exhibition of drawings "Victory Day".

The Russian House in New Delhi, for its part, made a presentation about the Great Patriotic War and the role of the USSR in liberating the world from nazism.
Principal Sunita Tanwar said that this year Dwarka for the first time in its history (founded in 1996) decided to celebrate May 9 as a sign of respect for the country that defeated fascism.

In December 2022, an agreement was signed on the establishment of the Russian-Indian cultural and educational center of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi on the basis of this school. Moscow School No. 1409 became her partner. The agreement was concluded within the framework of the international and interregional socio-cultural program "BRICS Peoples Choose Life".

#VictoryDay #school #India #BRICS
Bluebells School International in New Delhi hosted an open lesson for schoolchildren studying the Russian language.
The lesson was conducted by Girish Munjal, Professor of the University of Delhi, together with specialists from the Russian House in India. The students repeated the Russian alphabet, the system of vowels and consonants, the basic rules of reading and the peculiarities of pronouncing the sounds of the Russian language, and also learned and sang a song to the words of M. Matusovsky and the music of V. Shainsky "Together it's fun to walk."
The children liked the game form of the lesson very much and aroused genuine interest among the school teachers present.
At the end of the lesson, representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi handed over textbooks and game aids in the Russian language to the school for further use in the academic process.
#RussianLanguage #India #school #RussianHouse
Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov and Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Denis Gribov visited the Sancta Maria secondary school in Faridabad, near New Delhi.
This educational institution is a partner of the Russian House and the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC).
Students of "Sancta Maria" study in the ballet studio of the Russian House with the prima of the Bolshoi Theater Galina Vishnyakova. Russian compatriots attend master classes of Indian artists at Sancta Maria.
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #education #school
Students from the Sancta Maria International School from Faridabad visited the Russian House in New Delhi. The excursion to the cultural center was organized with the assistance of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC). Schoolchildren were given a tour of the Russian House, exhibitions of paintings by famous artists were shown, and a master class on painting “Painting a Russian nesting doll” was held. The students visited the library of the cultural center. The Sancta Maria school is a partner of the Russian House and IARS. Her students study in the ballet studio of the Russian House with the prima of the Bolshoi Theater Galina Vishnyakova. Russian compatriots attend master classes by Indian artists at Sancta Maria.
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #education #school #IARS
🏢 The Russian House in New Delhi together with the Russian Embassy in India and the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) visited the “Sancta Maria” International School in Faridabad.
📚 The opening of a center for studying the Russian language at an international school took place in a solemn atmosphere. In her speech, the wife of the Russian Ambassador to India, Diana Alipova, noted that the opening of the center is now especially timely, since this year we are celebrating the 225th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin - the great Russian poet, founder of the Russian literary language.
📎 This educational institution is a partner of the Russian House and IARC. Students of “Sancta Maria” practice in the ballet studio of the Russian House with Bolshoi Theater prima Galina Vishnyakova. Russian compatriots attend master classes of Indian artists in "Sancta Maria".

#RussianHouse #SanctaMaria #school #Russianlanguage #IARC
🏢 On May 20-27, students of the Delhi Public School, Dwarka visited Moscow School no.1409 as part of the ongoing programme ‘BRICS People Choosing Life’ and ‘Creation of Tolstoy – Gandhi Center’ which was initiated on December 13, 2022. The two schools signed an MOU on educational and cultural exchanges.
 👥 The delegation of the DPS Dwarka included School’s Principal Priya Narayan, Russian Language Teacher Monika Sharma and 19 students, and was warmly received by the Moscow’s School’s Principal Irina Ilicheva, Vice Principal Svetlana Zuckerman and its students.
🇮🇳 They were also received by Indian Ambassador to Russia Vinay Kumar at the Indian Embassy in Moscow.
 🖼 As part of the cultural programme, they visited the Tolstoy Museum, the largest scientific and educational center for the study of the artistic heritage of Leo Tolstoy in Moscow, the All-Russian Exhibition Center, the Red Square and other popular attractions.

#RussianHouse #Dwarka #school #Moscow
📆 The representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi visited the Bluebells School International.
📝 During the visit, junior and middle school students were given a presentation on popular symbols of Russian culture, told about folklore and art, and were shown several excerpts from famous Russian cartoons associated with good motives. For example, the frames from the cartoon about Russian bogatyrs demonstrate a unique view of national folklore. The cartoons also praise loyalty, bravery, selflessness, and spiritual kindness.
🤝 Representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi discussed with the management of Bluebells ways of further cooperation, noted the importance of establishing partnerships between the Indian school and Russian educational institutions.
#RussianHouse #school #Russianlanguage #NewDelhi
👥 Russian House staff visited St. Xavier's High School in Gurgaon and took part in the closing ceremony of the school conference "Model UN". The event summed up the results of the conference, recognized outstanding delegates, and discussed important issues of diplomacy and international cooperation.
📚 Schoolchildren were told about the activities of Russian Houses in India, Russian language courses at the Russian House in New Delhi, the possibility of receiving a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, which allows them to study for free at the best universities in Russia, as well as the status of the Russian language in the world.
🖇 They recalled that the Russian language is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN and plays a significant role in international communication: it is used in diplomatic negotiations, official documents and meetings of the United Nations.
📌 According to recent studies, the Russian language has about 260 million native speakers, making it one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world.
🤝 Representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi discussed ways of further cooperation with the school management and noted the importance of establishing contacts between the Indian school and Russian educational institutions.
#RussianHouse #school #conference #India
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📚 The Russian House in New Delhi recently hosted a screening of the Russian family comedy film "Cheburashka".
🍿 The film gave viewers a lot of unforgettable emotions, reminded them of the importance of friendship and kindness, leaving pleasant impressions after watching.
👥 Students from Indian universities and students from Indian schools became young moviegoers.
🧑‍🎓 Indian schoolchildren from the international school "Sancta Maria" decided to share their drawings, where they captured their favorite character of the film Cheburashka.
#RussianHouse #film #Cheburashka #school
Representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi visited the International School "Sancta Maria" in Faridabad.
The Russian House has been closely cooperating with the school for a year now and the results of the cooperation are already noticeable: the children were invited to the film screening "Cheburashka", which was held in the Russian cultural center, and they were noticeably impressed by the Russian film. Also, as part of the trip, the staff of the Russian House attended a Russian language lesson together with a Russian compatriot, a teacher of Russian language Natalia Marochkina. The children began to study Russian in July, but the results are already noticeable: they can pronounce simple phrases, maintain a simple dialogue.
During the lesson, the children learned about the Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy. This experience shows that Indian schoolchildren are very interested in learning the Russian language. There are many such schools with which the Russian House in New Delhi maintains close contacts, in the future close cooperation is also planned with them, where the Russian language will be taught.

#RussianHouse #Russianlanguage #school #India
Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova met teachers and students of the Teremok school in Bangalore.
For three years, thanks to the efforts of a small group of enthusiasts, bilingual and Indian children have been learning to read, write, and speak Russian, are engaged in music and drawing.
For years, Teremok has become a place of attraction for the Russian-speaking community of Bangalore. Dr. Remizova donated russian language training book and childrens' literature to the school. Rossotrudnichestvo will continue to provide the support to this initiative in order to expand its activities and attract a new audience to the school.

#RussianHouse #school #India