Российские ученые разработали инновационный суперантибиотик. Новейшее лекарство не имеет аналогов и может стать заменой антибиотикам. Выпуск препарата планируется в жидкой форме и форме таблеток.
Подробнее: https://ren-tv.turbopages.org/ren.tv/s/news/v-rossii/1081494-innovatsionnyi-preparat-rossiiskie-uchenye-sozdali-superantibiotik
#медицина #лекарство #антибиотик #наука #Россия
Russian scientists have developed an innovative superantibiotic. The newest medicine has no analogues and can become a replacement for antibiotics. The release of the drug is planned in liquid form and in the form of tablets.
Tap to read more: https://ren-tv.turbopages.org/ren.tv/s/news/v-rossii/1081494-innovatsionnyi-preparat-rossiiskie-uchenye-sozdali-superantibiotik
#medicine #antibiotic #science #Russia
Подробнее: https://ren-tv.turbopages.org/ren.tv/s/news/v-rossii/1081494-innovatsionnyi-preparat-rossiiskie-uchenye-sozdali-superantibiotik
#медицина #лекарство #антибиотик #наука #Россия
Russian scientists have developed an innovative superantibiotic. The newest medicine has no analogues and can become a replacement for antibiotics. The release of the drug is planned in liquid form and in the form of tablets.
Tap to read more: https://ren-tv.turbopages.org/ren.tv/s/news/v-rossii/1081494-innovatsionnyi-preparat-rossiiskie-uchenye-sozdali-superantibiotik
#medicine #antibiotic #science #Russia