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Recently we told you about mystical places in St. Petersburg ( we will look at 3 such places in Moscow.


People call this street the main street in the city. There are many legends connected with it. It is believed that once there was a house number 14 on it. It was called the house of hangmen - many residents ended their lives by suicide. New tenants complained about voices in the basement, creaks and footsteps in the attic. Some even claimed that candles were burning in the rooms! In the end, the terrible house was demolished.

Bolshaya Ordynka

One of the oldest streets of the capital is also associated with many rumors. According to legend, poltergeists have been seen more than once in many old houses. The newspapers wrote that in house number 19 there are often ghosts of monks running down the corridor.

Kuznetsky Most

According to legend, the mistress of the industrialist Savva Morozov, traveling in a carriage, heard the shouts of a newspaper boy that Savva had committed suicide.The girl jumped out on the road to get the newspaper, but she was run over to death by a carriage. Since then, the figure of the lady appears in the evenings on Kuznetsky Most.

#Russia #Moscow
December 19, 2023
June 6, 2024
🎊 🇷🇺 Сегодня и завтра в Москве проходят празднования по случаю Дня города, столица отмечает свое 887-летие.
🏙 В эти дни в городе для жителей столицы организованы крупные праздничные мероприятия, в том числе концерты, фестивали, различные тематические программы и другое.
➡️Основные торжества традиционно проходят на Тверской улице, Красной площади, Васильевском спуске, Поклонной горе и Воробьёвых горах, народные гуляния и концерты проходят по всему городу. Завершает День города праздничный салют.
📆 Ежегодное празднование Дня города в Москве началось с 1987 года. Ранее торжественные мероприятия проходили только в юбилейные годы 700-летия и 800-летия столицы.

#Русскийдом #Москва #праздник

🎊 🇷🇺 Today and tomorrow, Moscow is hosting celebrations on the occasion of City Day, the capital is celebrating its 887th anniversary.
🏙 These days, the city has organized large festive events for residents of the capital, including concerts, festivals, various thematic programs, and more.
➡️ The main celebrations traditionally take place on Tverskaya Street, Red Square, Vasilievsky Spusk, Poklonnaya Hill, and Vorobyovy Gory; public festivities and concerts are held throughout the city. City Day ends with a festive fireworks display.
📆The annual celebration of City Day in Moscow began in 1987. Previously, festive events were held only in the jubilee years of the 700th and 800th anniversaries of the capital.

#RussianHouse #Moscow #holiday
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September 7, 2024