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Россия вошла в десятку ведущих стран по качеству общего образования. Ни пандемия коронавирусной инфекции, ни антироссийские санкции не помешали развитию системы российского образования.

#образование #Россия #ТАСС

Russia ranked among the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. Neither the coronavirus pandemic nor anti-Russian sanctions have hindered the development of the Russian education system.
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#education #studyinrussia #Russia #tass
У Русского дома музыки появилась своя страница на Facebook

Вы сможете узнать больше о мероприятиях проекта, открыть новые факты о музыкальных инструментах и звуковом оборудовании и познакомиться с российскими производителями.

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#русскийдомньюдели #музыка #studyinrussia #россотрудничество #академиягнесиных

Russian House of Music has a Facebook page now

You can learn more about the project's events, discover new facts and useful information about musical instruments and audio equipment and get to know Russian manufacturers.

Follow to be in tune:

#russianhousenewdelhi #music #rossotrudnichestvo #gnesinacademy #rostovconservatory #minpromtorg #mirmio #culture
Want to get a law degree? Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin invites foreign students to apply for a master's or bachelor's degree.

#highereducation #education #studyinRussia #msal
Высшая школа экономики (ВШЭ) впервые среди университетов России запустила онлайн-кампус «Вышка онлайн». Онлайн-кампус предлагает широкий спектр образовательных программ, включая дополнительное профессиональное образование, бакалаврские и магистерские программы, реализуемые полностью онлайн. Проект представляет особый интерес для абитуриентов из-за рубежа и для взрослых, которым сложнее поступить на программы, требующие физического присутствия в университете. По словам ректора, онлайн-кампус — это не просто набор образовательных программ, но и среда, где участники могут пользоваться всеми сервисами университета, не выходя из дома.
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#ВШЭ #высшееобразование #учисьвРоссии #образованиеонлайн

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has launched an online campus, "HSE Online," for the first time among universities in Russia. The online campus offers a wide range of educational programs, including additional professional education, bachelor's and master's programs that are fully implemented online. The project is of particular interest to international applicants and adults who find it difficult to enroll in programs that require physical presence at the university. According to the rector, the online campus is not just a set of educational programs, but also an environment where participants can use all of the university's services without leaving home.
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#HSE #highereducation #studyinRussia #educationonline
Media is too big
Indian student Vaishnavi Bagayi is a Master’s student in Cognitive Neuroscience at Ural Federal University. She applied to UrFU through the Open Doors Olympiad and got a chance for tuition-free postgraduate studies (Master’s or Ph.D.) at a Russian university.

#education #studyinRussia #UrFU
The special African issue of the Higher Education Discovery magazine
The special issue about education in Russia for international applicants Higher Education Discovery “Russia – Africa” has come out.
Featured sections:

📰 In the foreseeable future, Africa will become a territory with the largest number of school and university students in the world, and this projection makes the issue of high-quality training especially urgent. Experts describe Russian-African cooperation in education as “the beginning of a new Renaissance.” This definition is also confirmed by the increasing numbers of free education quotas for African students at Russian universities, the increasing flow of applicants, and implementation of some new joint inter-country projects in education and science. Read more in the article “Africa: the Continent of the 21st Century …And Other Six Arguments for Partnerships”.

📰 Over the years, Rossotrudnichestvo has been making consistent efforts to develop cooperation in science and education and promote the Russian language and culture. The increase in the number of the Russian Government Scholarships allocated for African countries and a great number of eligible applicants per place confirm an extremely high demand for affordable and high-quality education. The Heads of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Offices in Egypt, Morocco, the Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ethiopia talk about the admission aspects for citizens of these countries.

📰 The issue also contains the reviews of leading Russian universities such as Belgorod State University, Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Kemerovo State Medical University, Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Kuban State Medical University, Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", Omsk State Medical University, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Siberian State Medical University, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Kadyrov Chechen State University, South Ural State University (National Research University).

#HED #highereducation #studyinRussia #magazine
Togliatti State University - the officially recognized leader of online education in Russia in the segment of higher education - offers an international bachelor's program Software Engineering in the field of Applied Informatics in online format in English.

The program was developed taking into account modern labor market requirements, international standards in the field of computer science, software engineering, information systems and technologies.

#education #studyinRussia #Togliatti #IT
Applications for the International Intellectual Competition “All roads lead to MADI!” are being accepted.
Students of the final grades of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, students of colleges and technical schools, as well as graduates of foreign universities are invited to participate.
The winners will have the opportunity to study for free under the MADI bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree programs, a place in a dormitory and a scholarship.
The competition will be held in a remote format. Hurry up to register on the website.
- until February 12, 2024 for applicants to the master’s degree program;
- until February 2, 2024 for applicants to the bachelor’s degree and specialist degree.
Win and come to study in Russia!

#competition #MADI #education #studyinRussia
Are you interested in sports? Do you want to connect your life with it in order to become professional sportsmen and coaches? Or are you planning to do scientific research in the field of sports?
On December 15, at 4:00 p.m. the Russian House in New Delhi will hold a presentation of Russia's leading sports universities. Anyone who wants to enroll will be able to apply for a scholarship.
We invite all future students and their parents.

#sports #RussianHouse #StudyinRussia #career