Russian House New Delhi
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Yesterday, November 8, at the International Theater Festival of Dostoevsky, spectators watched the production of the drama club named after A.P. Chekhov at the Russian House from the Indian city of Trivandrum.
The performance was in one of the regional languages ​ ​ of the country - small. But the story of unrequited love based on the story "White Nights" was understandable without translation. Instead of cold Petersburg, the action unfolds on the shores of the warm sea…

#theater #art #RussiahouseTrivandrum
Indian schoolchildren did not find the correct translation for it in Hindi or English, and after the performance, no longer in their own words, they freely pronounced the name of the Russian amusement artist: “Petrushka!”
The Novosibirsk Regional Puppet Theater presented the play “About Petrushka” at the Russian House in New Delhi for five secondary schools of the capital district. The performance was held in impeccable English, noted teachers from Indian schools.
“We have never met such an audience anywhere,” admitted theater director Yuri Gorlatykh. “You should have seen those eyes, burning with southern fire, on the young spectators!”
Novosibirsk residents represented Russia at the International Puppet Theater Festival in New Delhi. According to Yuri Gorlatykh, the organizers suggested that they introduce the tradition of the Russian glove puppet to India. Creative teams from China, France, Turkey, Sri Lanka, the USA, Brazil, and Korea also arrived.
#RussianHouse #Novosibirsk #theater #Petrushka
On November 1, a meeting was held at the Russian House in New Delhi with the theater director, head of the acting workshop of the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts Sergey Cherkassky, who arrived in India with the support of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo, and the teacher of the GITIS Institute of Theater Arts Natalia Shurganova. At the invitation of the Indian institute "National School of Drama", for a month and a half they will work closely with Indian students, who will present two graduation performances in November and December at the main theater venue in New Delhi.

#RussianHouse #theater #cooperation #India
Russian Centre for Science and Culture, in association with Jai Rangmanch, invites you to a theatrical evening featuring "Ijaazat", a Hindi play based on a story by renowned Russian writer Vasily Shukshin, adapted by Ved Kumar Sharma and directed by Ramesh Khanna.

Also presenting "Baat Purane Zamaane Ki Hai aur Hamesha", based on the book "Daastaan-e-Dil" by Zarina Kanukova.

Venue: Russian Centre for Science and Culture
Address: 24, Firoz Shah Road, New Delhi
Date: November 18, 2024
Time: 5:30 p.m.

Note: RSVP is required. Please confirm your attendance by filling out the registration form here

Please note that there is no parking available at the venue.

#RussianHouse #play #theater #India

Российский центр науки и культуры совместно с Jai Rangmanch приглашает вас на театрализованный вечер с постановкой индийской пьесы "Ijaazat", по мотивам рассказа известного русского писателя Василия Шукшина, адаптированная Ведом Кумаром Шармой и поставленная Рамешем Кханной.

Также будет представлена ​​"Baat Purane Zamaane Ki Hai aur Hamesha" по мотивам книги "Daastaan-e-Dil" Зарины Кануковой.

Место проведения: Российский центр науки и культуры
Адрес: 24, Firoz Shah Road, New Delhi
Дата: 18 ноября 2024 г.
Время: 17:30

Примечание: требуется RSVP. Пожалуйста, подтвердите свое участие, заполнив регистрационную форму здесь:

Обратите внимание, что на месте проведения мероприятия нет парковки.

#Русскийдом #пьеса #театр #Индия
On November 2, a master class on acting by Natalia Shurganova, a teacher at the GITIS Institute of Theatre Arts, was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The practical lesson was aimed at understanding your body, relationships, movement, as well as developing strength, speed, balance and coordination.
The guests of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with and try out a unique technique of cognitive finger gymnastics.
The theatre teacher noted that in classical choreography there is a set of exercises that work to ensure that a person can develop his body. In the acting profession, there is the same territory of developing the body as a professional instrument.

#RussianHouse #art #theater #India
On December 3, the premiere of the play "The Threepenny Opera" based on the play of the same name by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, staged by Russian director, GITIS teacher Natalia Shurganova, who arrived in India, took place.
The play was presented to the Indian public on the stage of the National School of Drama.
Preparations for the play lasted for a month and a half. The theater teacher noted that all three acts of the play were solved in different acting ways, the first two were accompanied by dances, songs, children's play, and the finale of the play was completely different, very serious.
The play, which lasted more than three hours with two intermissions, ended with thunderous applause.

#RussianHouse #art #theater #India
A master class on acting by Natalia Shurganova, a teacher at the GITIS Institute of Theatre Arts, was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The classes were held on stage plasticity, plastic improvisation and movement, training on developing both hemispheres of the brain at once using finger gymnastics. The master class was also aimed at developing the plasticity of movements, body awareness, coordination of movements, balance, a sense of rhythm and releasing the body from muscle clamps.
Natalia Shurganova notes that body position, facial expression, arm and leg movements play a huge role in creating an image on stage, so learning to find a plastic solution to a performance is a difficult but very interesting task; for this, the artist must be flexible, flexible and agile.
The participants of the event were representatives of the cultural community of India, students of Indian universities and compatriots.

#RussianHouse #theater #art #India