Russian House New Delhi
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Алтай похож на штат Керала – аграрно-туристический край. Наряду с гималайской долиной Кулу Алтай занимает огромное место в биографии Николая Рериха. В 2023 году Алтайский край участвует в реализации программы «Здравствуй, Россия!» и ждет детей соотечественников из Индии.

Заместитель председателя правительства Алтайского края Виталий Снесарь нашел много общего у родного региона и разных индийских областей, включая те, которые посетила возглавляемая им делегация сибиряков. На встрече с соотечественниками в Русском доме в Нью-Дели он рассказал о семи климатических зонах житницы Сибири, об экологически чистой гречке и знаменитых сырах.

Русский дом организовал для делегации встречи с руководством Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру, Делийского университета фармацевтических наук и исследований, частного университета Эмити и Фонда трансфера инноваций и технологий при Индийском технологическом институте.

Государственный молодежный ансамбль песни и танца «Алтай» им. А.Ф. Березикова дал концерт в российском культурном центре. Индийский танец в исполнении группы стал приятным сюрпризом для зрителей.
В программе поездки алтайцев – индийские города Тривандрум, Дели и Ченнаи.

#РусскийДом #Алтай #концерт #образование

Altai is similar to the state of Kerala - an agricultural and tourist region. Altai, along with the Himalayan Kullu valley, occupies a huge place in the biography of Nicholas Roerich. In 2023, Altaiskiy krai (region) is participating in the implementation of the “Hello, Russia!” program and is waiting for the children of compatriots from India.

Vitaly Snesar, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Altaiskiy krai, found much in common between his native land and various Indian regions, including those visited by the delegation of Siberians headed by him. At a meeting with compatriots at the Russian House in New Delhi, he spoke about the seven climatic zones of the breadbasket of Siberia, about environmentally friendly buckwheat and famous cheeses.

The Russian House organized meetings for the delegation with the leadership of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Amity Private University and the Innovation and Technology Transfer Fund at the Indian Institute of Technology.

State Youth Song and Dance Ensemble "Altai" gave a concert in the Russian cultural center. The Indian dance performed by the group was a pleasant surprise for the audience.
The program of the trip of the Altaians includes the Indian cities of Trivandrum, Delhi and Chennai.

#RussianDom #Altai #concert #education
It is known that ancient people drew on rocks everything that surrounded them: animals, people, everyday objects. There are many places in Russia where you can see real rock paintings: in Bashkiria, the Altai Mountains, Karelia, Murmansk region, Khakassia, Yakutia, Tomsk. We will tell you about some of them.

Urals: Kapova Cave
More than 70 places where monuments of ancient art were found in the Urals have been discovered. They are located in the valleys of the Vishera, Neiva, Iset, Belaya, Tura and Tagil rivers.

There you can see images of moose and deer, ducks, snakes and geese. There are even drawings, within which internal organs or bones are outlined. On the rocks there are also circles, straight lines. This may be related to mythology - local peoples especially revered rocks.

They painted with special colors: natural pigment, usually ochre, was mixed with animal fat.

Mountain Altai: Kalbak-Tash
Kalbak-Tash is located near the junction of the Chuya and Katun rivers. On the right bank of the Chuya River you can see rock carvings from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.

The earliest drawings are figures of deer and elk. Later they began to depict scenes of hunting and warriors with weapons, chariots and women.

It is believed that in the middle of the II millennium B.C. drawings of domestic bulls with wagons or riders began to appear here, and in the beginning of our era - horses, deer, ibexes and wolves. In total, more than five thousand images were discovered on the rocks of Kalbak-Tash.

#Russia #history #Ural #Altai #ancientpeople