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В Индии вышел учебник «Введение в деловую коммуникацию», автор – профессор Центра русских исследований Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру (JNU) Мита Нараян. Книга представляет из себя сборник разножанровых текстов на русском и английском языках из множества секторов делового общения – банковская система, цены и валюта, страхование, биржевая и налоговая система и т.д.
«Введение в деловую коммуникацию» будет способствовать изучению финансово-экономических систем России и Индии, взаимодействию двух стран в данной сфере и призвано помочь будущему специалисту компетентно овладеть навыками предпринимательства.
«Эта книга – одновременно научный труд и практическое пособие, очень полезна и легко читается. Она написана и издана в момент активизации деловых связей между Россией и Индией», – отметил на презентации директор Русского дома в Нью-Дели Олег Осипов.
По видеосвязи к аудитории в JNU присоединились профессора из Московского, Санкт-Петербургского и Томского государсвтенных университетов.
За большие заслуги в распространении русского языка, литературы и культуры Мита Нараян удостоена медали А.С. Пушкина.

#русскийязык #учебник #бизнес #университет

In India, the textbook "An Introduction to the Business World" was published, the author is a professor at the Center for Russian Studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Meeta Narain. The book is a collection of texts in Russian and English from various sectors of business communication - the banking system, prices and currency, insurance, the exchange and tax system, etc.
"An Introduction to the Business World" promotes the study of the financial and economic systems of Russia and India, the interaction of the two countries in this area and is designed to help the future specialist to competently master the skills of business communication.
“This book is both a scientific work and a practical guide. It was written and published at the moment of intensification of business relations between Russia and India,” said Oleg Osipov, director of the Russia House in New Delhi, at the presentation.
Professors from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tomsk State Universities joined the audience at JNU via video link.
For great merits in the dissemination of the Russian language, literature and culture, Meeta Narain was awarded the A.S. Pushkin medal.

#Russian language #textbook #business #university
A business forum was held in the Russian House in New Delhi with the participation of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs of the Samara region and their Indian partners. The economic, educational, and tourism potential of the Russian region on the Volga was presented.
The delegation was headed by the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region, Alexey Popov.
After New Delhi, Samarans will visit Mumbai on a business mission.

#Samara #India #business #forum
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
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📖 On the occasion of the upcoming Russia Day 🇷🇺 we are happy to present you a new space-themed edition of the Russia Digest magazine dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma's spaceflight and the 77th anniversary of the Russian-Indian diplomatic relations!

Key topics:


📰 Find its hard copies as a supplement to today's edition of The Economic Times newspaper in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata!

🔗 Here is a digital version

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