Открывая Россию. Урал
Выбрав для обучения один из вузов Урала, вы будете поражены красотой местной природы. А еще тут проходит условная граница Европы и Азии. Чем еще знамениты города Урала, узнаете из нашего обзора.
Выбирайте и поступайте в один из вузов Урала: Тюменский государственный медицинский университет, Челябинский государственный университет, Южно-Уральский государственный университет.
#studyinrussia #travel #russia #ural #ТюмМГУ #tyumsmu #ЧелГУ #CSU #ЮУГУ #SUSU
Discovering Russia. Ural
If you choose one of the universities in Ural, you will be amazed by the beauty of local nature. And what is more, a conventional border between Europe and Asia is located here. Read our overview and find out about other things the Ural cities are famous for.
Choose one of the Ural universities and apply: Tyumen State Medical University, Chelyabinsk State University, South Ural State University.
Открывая Россию. Урал
Выбрав для обучения один из вузов Урала, вы будете поражены красотой местной природы. А еще тут проходит условная граница Европы и Азии. Чем еще знамениты города Урала, узнаете из нашего обзора.
Выбирайте и поступайте в один из вузов Урала: Тюменский государственный медицинский университет, Челябинский государственный университет, Южно-Уральский государственный университет.
#studyinrussia #travel #russia #ural #ТюмМГУ #tyumsmu #ЧелГУ #CSU #ЮУГУ #SUSU
Discovering Russia. Ural
If you choose one of the universities in Ural, you will be amazed by the beauty of local nature. And what is more, a conventional border between Europe and Asia is located here. Read our overview and find out about other things the Ural cities are famous for.
Choose one of the Ural universities and apply: Tyumen State Medical University, Chelyabinsk State University, South Ural State University.
January 19, 2023
Одним из самых загадочных мест России является Аркаим в Челябинской области. Название происходит от тюркского слова «арка» — «хребет», «спина», «основа».
Город расположен в месте естественного тектонического разлома земной коры, в жерле потухшего миллионы лет назад вулкана, поэтому его назвали «место силы» и окружили многочисленными легендами и ореолом таинственности.
Существует версия, что древний город был сожжен за несколько дней, причем самими жителями, как предполагают исследователи. Однако мнения о причинах этого поступка разделяются: одна группа ученых считает, что аркаимцы уничтожили город перед сменой места жительства, что было характерно для того времени, другая — называет аркаимцев огнепоклонниками и связывает разрушение города с одним из священных ритуалов.
Археологи считают, что площадь города составляла 20 000 квадратных метров. Территория застройки была тщательно спланирована, была обеспечена водой и даже канализационной системой. Внутри каждого жилого помещения располагались печи и колодец.
Сегодня в этом культовом месте туристы могут увидеть жилища каменного века, а также посетить музеи Аркаима. В одном из них выставлены подлинные артефакты, повествующие о разных сферах жизни аркаимцев. Есть тут и музей с находками, датируемыми каменным веком. Туристы могут рассмотреть инструменты древних людей, обнаруженные на территории заповедника: ножи, рубильца, скребла. А еще вы сможете лично прикоснуться к истории: взять копию древнего топора, заглянуть в настоящий очаг, обложенный камнями, и ознакомиться с примерным рационом наших предков.
#туризм #путешествия #Россия #Челябинск #Аркаим
One of the most mysterious places in Russia is the Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region. The name comes from the Turkic word "arka" - "ridge", "back", "base".
The town is located in a place of natural tectonic fault of earth crust, in the mouth of the extinct volcano millions of years ago, so it is called "the place of power" and surrounded by numerous legends and a halo of mystery.
There is a version that the ancient town was burned in a few days by its inhabitants, as suggested by the researchers. However, opinions on the reasons for this deed are divided: one group of scientists believe that the Arkaim people destroyed the town before changing their residence, which was typical for that time, the other group calls the Arkaim people fire-worshippers and connects the destruction of the town with one of the sacred rituals.
Archaeologists believe that the town had an area of 20,000 square meters. The building area was carefully planned, provided with water and even a sewage system. There were ovens and a well inside each dwelling.
Today in this religious place tourists can see the dwellings of the Stone Age, as well as visit the museums of Arkaim. One of them displays genuine artifacts about different spheres of life of the Arkaim people. There is also a museum with finds dating back to the Stone Age. Tourists can also take a look at the tools of ancient people found on the territory of the reserve: knives, choppers and scrapers. And you will also be able to personally touch the story: take a copy of an ancient axe, look into a real hearth with stones, and get acquainted with the approximate diet of our ancestors.
#tourism #travel #Russia #Chelyabinsk #Arkaim
Город расположен в месте естественного тектонического разлома земной коры, в жерле потухшего миллионы лет назад вулкана, поэтому его назвали «место силы» и окружили многочисленными легендами и ореолом таинственности.
Существует версия, что древний город был сожжен за несколько дней, причем самими жителями, как предполагают исследователи. Однако мнения о причинах этого поступка разделяются: одна группа ученых считает, что аркаимцы уничтожили город перед сменой места жительства, что было характерно для того времени, другая — называет аркаимцев огнепоклонниками и связывает разрушение города с одним из священных ритуалов.
Археологи считают, что площадь города составляла 20 000 квадратных метров. Территория застройки была тщательно спланирована, была обеспечена водой и даже канализационной системой. Внутри каждого жилого помещения располагались печи и колодец.
Сегодня в этом культовом месте туристы могут увидеть жилища каменного века, а также посетить музеи Аркаима. В одном из них выставлены подлинные артефакты, повествующие о разных сферах жизни аркаимцев. Есть тут и музей с находками, датируемыми каменным веком. Туристы могут рассмотреть инструменты древних людей, обнаруженные на территории заповедника: ножи, рубильца, скребла. А еще вы сможете лично прикоснуться к истории: взять копию древнего топора, заглянуть в настоящий очаг, обложенный камнями, и ознакомиться с примерным рационом наших предков.
#туризм #путешествия #Россия #Челябинск #Аркаим
One of the most mysterious places in Russia is the Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region. The name comes from the Turkic word "arka" - "ridge", "back", "base".
The town is located in a place of natural tectonic fault of earth crust, in the mouth of the extinct volcano millions of years ago, so it is called "the place of power" and surrounded by numerous legends and a halo of mystery.
There is a version that the ancient town was burned in a few days by its inhabitants, as suggested by the researchers. However, opinions on the reasons for this deed are divided: one group of scientists believe that the Arkaim people destroyed the town before changing their residence, which was typical for that time, the other group calls the Arkaim people fire-worshippers and connects the destruction of the town with one of the sacred rituals.
Archaeologists believe that the town had an area of 20,000 square meters. The building area was carefully planned, provided with water and even a sewage system. There were ovens and a well inside each dwelling.
Today in this religious place tourists can see the dwellings of the Stone Age, as well as visit the museums of Arkaim. One of them displays genuine artifacts about different spheres of life of the Arkaim people. There is also a museum with finds dating back to the Stone Age. Tourists can also take a look at the tools of ancient people found on the territory of the reserve: knives, choppers and scrapers. And you will also be able to personally touch the story: take a copy of an ancient axe, look into a real hearth with stones, and get acquainted with the approximate diet of our ancestors.
#tourism #travel #Russia #Chelyabinsk #Arkaim
April 3, 2023
Russia At a Glance. Novorossiysk
Novorossiysk is the largest Black Sea port in Russia, an important transportation hub, industrial center and picturesque resort. It is a part of the Krasnodar Territory. The city is located on the shore of the deep-water Tsemes Bay and surrounded by the North Caucasus mountains. The geographical location ensures a warm subtropical climate.
Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University trains marine specialists for shipping companies, shipbuilding and ship repair yards, water transport enterprises, ports, and transport terminals.
#russia #travel #novorossiysk
Novorossiysk is the largest Black Sea port in Russia, an important transportation hub, industrial center and picturesque resort. It is a part of the Krasnodar Territory. The city is located on the shore of the deep-water Tsemes Bay and surrounded by the North Caucasus mountains. The geographical location ensures a warm subtropical climate.
Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University trains marine specialists for shipping companies, shipbuilding and ship repair yards, water transport enterprises, ports, and transport terminals.
#russia #travel #novorossiysk
September 22, 2023
Russia At a Glance. Pyatigorsk
Pyatigorsk is the oldest spa and mud cure resort of federal importance in Russia located in the central part of Fore-Caucasus. Today it is a scientific, cultural and tourist center with well-developed infrastructure and a great number of sights. The city has 18 universities and branches where around 20,000 students, including foreign citizens, are studying.
Pyatigorsk State University trains linguists, philologists, and specialists who have a good command of foreign languages and cross-cultural communication skills in various areas such as economics, management, law, journalism, tourism, psychology, architecture, design.
#russia #travel #pyatigorsk
Pyatigorsk is the oldest spa and mud cure resort of federal importance in Russia located in the central part of Fore-Caucasus. Today it is a scientific, cultural and tourist center with well-developed infrastructure and a great number of sights. The city has 18 universities and branches where around 20,000 students, including foreign citizens, are studying.
Pyatigorsk State University trains linguists, philologists, and specialists who have a good command of foreign languages and cross-cultural communication skills in various areas such as economics, management, law, journalism, tourism, psychology, architecture, design.
#russia #travel #pyatigorsk
September 28, 2023
Do you want to see rock paintings more ancient than the pyramids and get in touch with the untouched nature of the Russian north? Come to the town of Pudozh in Karelia!
We tell you what you can visit in the city and the surrounding area:
Vodlozersky Park
Vodlozersky Park is located near Pudozh, the area is about 468 thousand hectares. There are many archaeological monuments on its territory, including the sites of ancient people from the Mesolithic period and petroglyphs (rock paintings).
Svyato-Ilinsky pogost
According to legend, the pogost was built on the site of a pagan temple and has been known since 1592. The example of wooden architecture of the 16th century is located on the island of Maly Kolgostrov on the territory of Vodlozero Park and is open for tourists.
"Besov Nos"
This is a cape on the coast of Lake Onega, known for its many petroglyphs. Their age is not less than five thousand years. The size of drawings can reach 2.5 meters. The most unusual is a demon with a humanoid figure, square head, very thin neck and small curved limbs. A mystery is the Orthodox cross on his left arm. It is believed to be a later image painted by monks.
#Russia #Karelia #travel #north #Pudozh
We tell you what you can visit in the city and the surrounding area:
Vodlozersky Park
Vodlozersky Park is located near Pudozh, the area is about 468 thousand hectares. There are many archaeological monuments on its territory, including the sites of ancient people from the Mesolithic period and petroglyphs (rock paintings).
Svyato-Ilinsky pogost
According to legend, the pogost was built on the site of a pagan temple and has been known since 1592. The example of wooden architecture of the 16th century is located on the island of Maly Kolgostrov on the territory of Vodlozero Park and is open for tourists.
"Besov Nos"
This is a cape on the coast of Lake Onega, known for its many petroglyphs. Their age is not less than five thousand years. The size of drawings can reach 2.5 meters. The most unusual is a demon with a humanoid figure, square head, very thin neck and small curved limbs. A mystery is the Orthodox cross on his left arm. It is believed to be a later image painted by monks.
#Russia #Karelia #travel #north #Pudozh
October 9, 2023
Where can you get in touch with the ancient world in Russia? We tell you about three ancient Russian cities.
Chersonesus is located on the modern territory of Sevastopol. The city was founded in the V century BC and existed longer than other ancient polis and settlements - until the XIV century. During this entire period it was the center of trade and cultural development. It is believed that it was here in 988 that Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity.
The large ancient city of Phanagoria was located on the Taman Peninsula (modern-day village of Sennaya in the Krasnodar Region).
It was a major economic center. Excavations of the city began in the XVIII century and continue until now. The ruins of the sanctuary of Aphrodite, a dozen mounds with objects made of precious metals and other artifacts were discovered here.
In the III century BC on the north-eastern shore of the Sea of Azov in the delta of the Don, Greeks from the Bosporus Kingdom founded the city of Tanais. Nowadays, the Rostov Region is located on its territory.
Quickly becoming a major trading center, this city supplied nomads with wine and olive oil from Greek islands (primarily from Rhodes) and other polis.
#Russia #travel #Sevastopol #Phanagoria #Tanais
Chersonesus is located on the modern territory of Sevastopol. The city was founded in the V century BC and existed longer than other ancient polis and settlements - until the XIV century. During this entire period it was the center of trade and cultural development. It is believed that it was here in 988 that Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity.
The large ancient city of Phanagoria was located on the Taman Peninsula (modern-day village of Sennaya in the Krasnodar Region).
It was a major economic center. Excavations of the city began in the XVIII century and continue until now. The ruins of the sanctuary of Aphrodite, a dozen mounds with objects made of precious metals and other artifacts were discovered here.
In the III century BC on the north-eastern shore of the Sea of Azov in the delta of the Don, Greeks from the Bosporus Kingdom founded the city of Tanais. Nowadays, the Rostov Region is located on its territory.
Quickly becoming a major trading center, this city supplied nomads with wine and olive oil from Greek islands (primarily from Rhodes) and other polis.
#Russia #travel #Sevastopol #Phanagoria #Tanais
October 17, 2023
Livadia Palace is a historical monument on the Black Sea coast in Crimea. It is the last construction of the Russian Empire, created for the Romanov family.
Several Livadia palaces were built by order of the royal family. Only one has survived to this day. The first stone was laid in 1910, the construction and decoration took 17 months.
The palace was built in the style of Italian Renaissance villas with open galleries, openwork balconies and carved decoration. The material for it was white Inkermansky stone - a type of limestone, which is mined in the Crimea.
After the revolution, a museum of the royal family's life worked in the palace for several years, and then a tuberculosis sanatorium for peasants was organized. After the war and until Stalin's death in 1953, the palace served as a summer house for the highest state officials of the USSR. And only after the collapse of the Union, in 1993, the palace was turned into a museum.
The Livadia Palace in Yalta became especially famous after the famous Crimean Conference of the heads of three allied states: the USSR, the USA and Great Britain was held there in 1945. A monument to the leaders of the "Big Three" - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill - was erected here.
#Russia #Crimea #history #travel #museum
Several Livadia palaces were built by order of the royal family. Only one has survived to this day. The first stone was laid in 1910, the construction and decoration took 17 months.
The palace was built in the style of Italian Renaissance villas with open galleries, openwork balconies and carved decoration. The material for it was white Inkermansky stone - a type of limestone, which is mined in the Crimea.
After the revolution, a museum of the royal family's life worked in the palace for several years, and then a tuberculosis sanatorium for peasants was organized. After the war and until Stalin's death in 1953, the palace served as a summer house for the highest state officials of the USSR. And only after the collapse of the Union, in 1993, the palace was turned into a museum.
The Livadia Palace in Yalta became especially famous after the famous Crimean Conference of the heads of three allied states: the USSR, the USA and Great Britain was held there in 1945. A monument to the leaders of the "Big Three" - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill - was erected here.
#Russia #Crimea #history #travel #museum
November 13, 2023
Key features and advantages of the Russian e-visas:
Application may be uploaded from anywhere at https://evisa.kdmid.ru/ or through the mobile app, no visit to a consular office or a visa centre.
No extra documents (tourist vouchers, confirmations, invitations, etc.) are required – a filled in application form, uploaded photo and the passport page with the machine-readable zone are enough.
Flexible use: e-visa allows 16-days trip during the 60-days period starting on the date of issue. Please note that departure should be no later than on the 60th day from the date of issue.
Wide spectre of travel purposes: private or business visit, tourism, participation in scientific, cultural, sociopolitical, economic, sports events, as well as establishing such connections and contacts.
Kindly be aware of the risks of applying for e-visas through third party agents or facilitators who may collect personal data without being part the official visa issuing process. Not submitting the application yourself can make it impossible to receive notifications and decisions on the application as they are sent to the email address of the applicant and available in their account. The applicant bears a personal responsibility for the information specified in the form. Submission of false information can lead to critical mistakes and denial of entry into the Russian Federation.
#visa #Russia #travel #MFA
Application may be uploaded from anywhere at https://evisa.kdmid.ru/ or through the mobile app, no visit to a consular office or a visa centre.
No extra documents (tourist vouchers, confirmations, invitations, etc.) are required – a filled in application form, uploaded photo and the passport page with the machine-readable zone are enough.
Flexible use: e-visa allows 16-days trip during the 60-days period starting on the date of issue. Please note that departure should be no later than on the 60th day from the date of issue.
Wide spectre of travel purposes: private or business visit, tourism, participation in scientific, cultural, sociopolitical, economic, sports events, as well as establishing such connections and contacts.
Kindly be aware of the risks of applying for e-visas through third party agents or facilitators who may collect personal data without being part the official visa issuing process. Not submitting the application yourself can make it impossible to receive notifications and decisions on the application as they are sent to the email address of the applicant and available in their account. The applicant bears a personal responsibility for the information specified in the form. Submission of false information can lead to critical mistakes and denial of entry into the Russian Federation.
#visa #Russia #travel #MFA
November 28, 2023