Показ документального фильма Татьяны Борщ «Донбасс.Дети» пройдёт в Русском доме. Лента посвящена событиям, которые уже 9-й год разворачиваются на территориях Донецкой и Луганской народных республик.
Дети и взрослые вспоминают в фильме, что пришлось пережить за эти годы, рассказывают, как им помогают российские военные, и строят планы на мирное будущее.
Приглашаем 21 апреля в 18:00 в Русский дом на просмотр фильма «Донбасс. Дети», снятый телекомпанией RT-doc.
#Донбасс #Луганск #фильм #РусскийДом
The screening of the documentary film by Tatyana Borsch "Donbass.Children" will be held at the Russian House. The tape is dedicated to the events that have been unfolding in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for the 9th year already.
In the film, children and adults recall what they have experienced over the years, tell how the Russian military help them, and make plans for a peaceful future.
We invite you on April 21 at 18:00 to the Russian House to watch the film “Donbass. Children”, made by the RT-doc TV company.
#Donbass #Lugansk #movie #RussianHouse
Дети и взрослые вспоминают в фильме, что пришлось пережить за эти годы, рассказывают, как им помогают российские военные, и строят планы на мирное будущее.
Приглашаем 21 апреля в 18:00 в Русский дом на просмотр фильма «Донбасс. Дети», снятый телекомпанией RT-doc.
#Донбасс #Луганск #фильм #РусскийДом
The screening of the documentary film by Tatyana Borsch "Donbass.Children" will be held at the Russian House. The tape is dedicated to the events that have been unfolding in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for the 9th year already.
In the film, children and adults recall what they have experienced over the years, tell how the Russian military help them, and make plans for a peaceful future.
We invite you on April 21 at 18:00 to the Russian House to watch the film “Donbass. Children”, made by the RT-doc TV company.
#Donbass #Lugansk #movie #RussianHouse
April 18, 2023
Оживленную дискуссию о ситуации в мире вызвал показ документального фильма «Донбасс. Дети» в Русском доме в Нью-Дели. Индийские зрители осудили действия Запада, который готов воевать против России «до последнего украинца».
В обсуждении принял участие генерал-майор сухопутных войск Индии Гаган Диип Бакши, автор ряда публикаций и книг о событиях на Востоке Европы. По его словам, «Запад пытается оттянуть окончание конфликта, что может привести к экономической катастрофе для всего мира».
Лента, снятая телекомпанией RT-doc, посвящена событиям, которые разворачиваются на территориях Донецкой и Луганской народных республик. В фильме дети и взрослые вспоминают, что им пришлось пережить за последнее десятилетие, рассказывают, как им помогают российские военные, и строят планы на мирное будущее.
#Донбасс #Луганск #фильм #РусскийДом
A lively discussion about the situation in the world was caused by the screening of the documentary film "Donbass.Children" at the Russian House in New Delhi. Indian viewers condemned the actions of the West, which is ready to fight against Russia "to the last Ukrainian."
The discussion was attended by Major General of the Indian Army Gagan Deep Bakshi, author of a number of publications and books about events in Eastern Europe. According to him, "The West is trying to delay the end of the conflict, which could lead to an economic disaster for the whole world."
The tape, filmed by the RT-doc television company, is dedicated to the events that are unfolding in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In the film, children and adults recall what they had to endure over the past decade, tell how the Russian military helps them, and make plans for a peaceful future.
#Donbass #Lugansk #movie #RussianHouse
В обсуждении принял участие генерал-майор сухопутных войск Индии Гаган Диип Бакши, автор ряда публикаций и книг о событиях на Востоке Европы. По его словам, «Запад пытается оттянуть окончание конфликта, что может привести к экономической катастрофе для всего мира».
Лента, снятая телекомпанией RT-doc, посвящена событиям, которые разворачиваются на территориях Донецкой и Луганской народных республик. В фильме дети и взрослые вспоминают, что им пришлось пережить за последнее десятилетие, рассказывают, как им помогают российские военные, и строят планы на мирное будущее.
#Донбасс #Луганск #фильм #РусскийДом
A lively discussion about the situation in the world was caused by the screening of the documentary film "Donbass.Children" at the Russian House in New Delhi. Indian viewers condemned the actions of the West, which is ready to fight against Russia "to the last Ukrainian."
The discussion was attended by Major General of the Indian Army Gagan Deep Bakshi, author of a number of publications and books about events in Eastern Europe. According to him, "The West is trying to delay the end of the conflict, which could lead to an economic disaster for the whole world."
The tape, filmed by the RT-doc television company, is dedicated to the events that are unfolding in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In the film, children and adults recall what they had to endure over the past decade, tell how the Russian military helps them, and make plans for a peaceful future.
#Donbass #Lugansk #movie #RussianHouse
April 24, 2023
Российский фильм «Вызов», первый в истории фильм, снятый на Международной космической станции, выйдет в прокат в 20 странах мира.
Он рассказывает о женщине-хирурге, которая отправилась на МКС, чтобы спасти космонавта. Одну из ролей в драме сыграл летчик-космонавт Олег Новицкий.
«Фильм стал настоящим вызовом - для всех, кто имеет отношение к его созданию. Юлия Пересильд и Клим Шипенко 3,5 месяца готовились к полету и находились 12 дней в космосе на МКС. За этим легендарным событием следил весь мир», - отметила министр культуры России Ольга Любимова.
В России премьера состоялась 12 апреля — в День Космонавтики.
Подробнее: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#культура #Россия #вызов #космос #фильм
The Russian film «The Challenge», the first ever film shot on the International Space Station (ISS), will be released in 20 countries around the world.
It tells the story of a female surgeon who goes to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. One of the roles in the drama was played by cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky.
"The film was a real challenge - for everyone who was involved in its creation. Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko spent 3.5 months preparing for the flight and they were 12 days in space on the ISS. The whole world followed this legendary event," said Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of Russia.
In Russia, the premiere took place on 12 April, on Cosmonautics Day.
Read more: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#culture #Russia #challenge #space #movie
Он рассказывает о женщине-хирурге, которая отправилась на МКС, чтобы спасти космонавта. Одну из ролей в драме сыграл летчик-космонавт Олег Новицкий.
«Фильм стал настоящим вызовом - для всех, кто имеет отношение к его созданию. Юлия Пересильд и Клим Шипенко 3,5 месяца готовились к полету и находились 12 дней в космосе на МКС. За этим легендарным событием следил весь мир», - отметила министр культуры России Ольга Любимова.
В России премьера состоялась 12 апреля — в День Космонавтики.
Подробнее: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#культура #Россия #вызов #космос #фильм
The Russian film «The Challenge», the first ever film shot on the International Space Station (ISS), will be released in 20 countries around the world.
It tells the story of a female surgeon who goes to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. One of the roles in the drama was played by cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky.
"The film was a real challenge - for everyone who was involved in its creation. Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko spent 3.5 months preparing for the flight and they were 12 days in space on the ISS. The whole world followed this legendary event," said Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of Russia.
In Russia, the premiere took place on 12 April, on Cosmonautics Day.
Read more: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/rossiyskiy_film_vyzov_vykhodit_v_mirovoy_prokat_/
#culture #Russia #challenge #space #movie
April 24, 2023
Dear friends!
📚 Russian House in New Delhi invites you to the screening of the movie "Cheburashka", dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
📆 We are waiting for you at the screening of the film on September 2 at 5:00 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
📎 The movie will be shown in Russian with English subtitles.
✅ Entrance for visitors to the movie is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
Дорогие друзья!
📚 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает вас на показ фильма «Чебурашка», приуроченный ко Дню знаний.
📆 Ждем Вас на показе фильма 2 сентября в 17:00.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
📎 Показ кинофильма пройдет на русском языке с английскими субтитрами.
✅ Вход для посетителей фильма - свободный.
💎 Не упустите возможность стать частью важного события!
Ждем Вас!
#РусскийДом #фильм #Чебурашка #НьюДели
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
We are waiting for you!
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
Дорогие друзья!
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
Ждем Вас!
#РусскийДом #фильм #Чебурашка #НьюДели
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August 30, 2024
🤝 Dr. Elena Remizova, head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in India, discussed with the Minister of Culture of Moscow Alexei Fursin the prospects for promoting the capital's creative industries in the largest country in South Asia.
🏢 The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Moscow International Film Week, in which an Indian delegation led by Deputy Minister of Culture of Maharashtra Mr. Vikas Kharge took part.
📎 Over the past few years, interest in joint film production has grown in both countries, the Agency pays great attention to supporting Russian-Indian cooperation in the field of cinema.
#RussianHouse #movie #India
🏢 The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Moscow International Film Week, in which an Indian delegation led by Deputy Minister of Culture of Maharashtra Mr. Vikas Kharge took part.
📎 Over the past few years, interest in joint film production has grown in both countries, the Agency pays great attention to supporting Russian-Indian cooperation in the field of cinema.
#RussianHouse #movie #India
August 31, 2024
Media is too big
Dear friends!
📚 Tomorrow, the Russian House in New Delhi will host a screening of the film "Cheburashka", dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
📆 We are waiting for you at the screening on September 2 at 5:00 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
📎 The movie will be shown in Russian with English subtitles.
✅ Admission for visitors to the movie is free.
💎 In the meantime, we present to you the trailer for the Russian family comedy movie "Cheburashka" directed by Dmitry Dyachenko.
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
Дорогие друзья!
📚 Уже завтра в Русском доме в Нью-Дели состоится показ фильма «Чебурашка», приуроченный ко Дню знаний.
📆 Ждем Вас на показе фильма 2 сентября в 17:00.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
📎 Показ кинофильма пройдет на русском языке с английскими субтитрами.
✅ Вход для посетителей фильма - свободный.
💎 А пока представляем вашему вниманию трейлер российского семейного комедийного фильма режиссера Дмитрия Дьяченко «Чебурашка».
#РусскийДом #фильм #Чебурашка #НьюДели
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
Дорогие друзья!
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
#РусскийДом #фильм #Чебурашка #НьюДели
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September 1, 2024
🏢 On September 2nd, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted a screening of the Russian family comedy movie "Cheburashka" in honor of Knowledge Day.
🎥 The movie "Cheburashka" is a bright and colorful return of a character beloved by many generations to the big screen. Bright and colorful landscapes, as well as memorable melodies create a unique atmosphere and leave a pleasant impression after watching.
🗣 According to viewers, the film is filled with humor, kindness and warmth, which makes it an ideal choice for viewing with the whole family. The film gave us unforgettable emotions and impressions, and also reminded us of the importance of friendship, kindness and mutual assistance.
🎇 Moviegoers especially noted the visual effects and musical accompaniment of the film.
🧑🎓 The movie was attended by students from Indian schools: Mount Abu Public School, Sec 5 Rohini, Delhi-85, Sancta Maria International School , Faridabad, Gurukul the School Gaziabad, Amity Global School Gurgaon, Amity International School.
👥 Also among the filmgoers were cultural figures from India, diplomats, students from Indian universities and compatriots.
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
🎥 The movie "Cheburashka" is a bright and colorful return of a character beloved by many generations to the big screen. Bright and colorful landscapes, as well as memorable melodies create a unique atmosphere and leave a pleasant impression after watching.
🗣 According to viewers, the film is filled with humor, kindness and warmth, which makes it an ideal choice for viewing with the whole family. The film gave us unforgettable emotions and impressions, and also reminded us of the importance of friendship, kindness and mutual assistance.
🎇 Moviegoers especially noted the visual effects and musical accompaniment of the film.
🧑🎓 The movie was attended by students from Indian schools: Mount Abu Public School, Sec 5 Rohini, Delhi-85, Sancta Maria International School , Faridabad, Gurukul the School Gaziabad, Amity Global School Gurgaon, Amity International School.
👥 Also among the filmgoers were cultural figures from India, diplomats, students from Indian universities and compatriots.
#RussianHouse #movie #Cheburashka #NewDelhi
September 2, 2024
On September 21, the closing ceremony of the exhibition "Russia, Indian View" took place at the Russian House in New Delhi.Within the framework of the event, the presentation of the book "Strange Meetings - Adventures of a Curious Life" by Parikshat Sakhni was held, which presents the author's memories of student life in Russia. The guests were also shown the short film "Hope" directed by Raman Dwivedi. The film tells about the internal transformation of a person under the influence of the works of A.S. Pushkin.
The exhibition, which lasted more than a month, featured paintings and sculptures, photographs, interior and household items related to the USSR and Russia. All exhibits were presented by the Association of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities. The project was curated by Aakshat Sinha and Savita Gupta."The Indian view is a perspective that is based on different experiences and experiences. India and Russia are connected by many years of friendship. With such a long history of relationships, interpersonal ties - this is the perception of each other - have become, in fact, family ties, "said artist Akshat Sinha.
In addition, within the framework of the project, a theatrical master class in acting "Russian Influence on Indian Theater" was organized under the guidence of director Varun Anand.Over the past month, more than 500 people visited the Russian House, including cultural and art workers, diplomats, teachers and students of Indian universities, compatriots.
#RussianHouse #book #movie #India
The exhibition, which lasted more than a month, featured paintings and sculptures, photographs, interior and household items related to the USSR and Russia. All exhibits were presented by the Association of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities. The project was curated by Aakshat Sinha and Savita Gupta."The Indian view is a perspective that is based on different experiences and experiences. India and Russia are connected by many years of friendship. With such a long history of relationships, interpersonal ties - this is the perception of each other - have become, in fact, family ties, "said artist Akshat Sinha.
In addition, within the framework of the project, a theatrical master class in acting "Russian Influence on Indian Theater" was organized under the guidence of director Varun Anand.Over the past month, more than 500 people visited the Russian House, including cultural and art workers, diplomats, teachers and students of Indian universities, compatriots.
#RussianHouse #book #movie #India
September 23, 2024