Russian House New Delhi
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Indian students got acquainted with the family traditions and values of Russia during the screening of the film "Ordinary Wedding" by Russian director Irina Khodyush. The screening took place on Wednesday as part of the educational project "Cinema lessons of the Russian Language," organized by the Russian House in New Delhi together with the Center for Russian Studies of the University named after Jawaharlal Nehru, TASS correspondent reports.
According to the head of the Center for Russian Studies at the University Jawaharlal Nehru Arunim Bandyopadhyay, Russia's desire to strengthen the institution of the family and preserve traditional spiritual and moral values causes great respect for Indians and can serve as an occasion for dialogue between the two countries. "We closely monitor everything that is happening in Russia and understand the relevance and scale of state measures to support the institution of the family , "he said.
#CinemalessonsoftheRussianlanguage #russianlanguage #JNU #RussianHouseinNewDelhi
To mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Indo-Russian Diplomatic Relations the Centre of Russian Studies of the Jawaharlal Neru University (JNU) in collaboration with the Irkutsk State University organize and hold 28-30 November 2022 an International Conference “Philology in the Modern World: Perspectives from Russia and India”.
The Conference provides a platform to scholars to explore the relations between India and Russia through the interactions in the field of Language, Literature, Culture and Translation Studies, thereby promoting mutual understanding, augmenting academic and cultural exchanges and enriching the knowledge base.
The Inauguration Conference was held on November 28, 2022 at the JNU.

#RussiaIndia #russianlanguage #JNU #RussianHouseinNewDelhi #IrkutskStateUniversity #75yearsanniversary
A teleconference was held at the Russian House in New Delhi between students of Indian universities and Sergey Kunyaev, Director General of the Russian literary magazine “Nash Sovremennik”. Pupils of the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the University of Delhi, studying Russian, and their teachers gathered at the screen in the cultural center.
Kunyaev told the young Indians about the history of the magazine, the nature of the materials published, and about the famous authors who were published in this edition.
“Nash Sovremennik” has never divided the history of the fatherland into parts - it has always been one,” he stressed.
Sergei Kunyaev is the author of many books, among which is “Sergei Yesenin” from the Life of Remarkable People series.
#RussianHouseNewDelhi #DelhiUniversity #JNU #RussianLanguage #NashSovremennik
🏢 Сотрудники Русского дома в Нью-Дели посетили Центр политологии Школы общественных наук университета Джавахарлала Неру.
🤝 Встретились с руководителем Центра, профессором В.Биджукумаром, а также познакомились со всем профессорско-преподавательским составом.
Рады были узнать, что Центр является одним из ведущих подразделений страны, занимающихся исследованиями и обучением в области политической теории и мысли, политической системы и внутренней политики Индии.
📄 Были обсуждены возможности сотрудничества Центра с российскими академическими организациями и университетами, заинтересованными в индийском направлении.
👥 Наши сотрудники представили также информацию о работе Русских домов в Индии, в частности, в Нью-Дели. Пригласили принять участие в наших мероприятиях.

#РусскийдомНьюДели #научноесотрудничество #JNU
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🏢 The officers of the Russian House in New Delhi visited the Center of Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
🤝 They met with the Chairperson of the Center, Professor V.Bijukumar, and also got acquainted with the entire faculty.
It was nice to learn that the Center is one of the country's leading departments engaged in research and training in the field of political theory and thought, the political system and home policy of India.
📄 The possibilities of cooperation between the Center and Russian academic organizations and universities interested in the Indian direction of study were discussed.
👥 Our officers also provided information about the activities of Russian houses in India, in particular, in New Delhi and invited to take part in our events.

#RussianHouseNewDelhi #academiccooperation #JNU
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