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🇹🇭 Jay from Thailand received a scholarship to study in Russia and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in International Relations at the Higher School of Economics.

🎓 In his opinion, Russia is one of the best countries for higher education. Here, he not only studies his specialty, but also immerses himself in Russian culture, which allows him to expand his horizons.

➡️ We remind you that you can apply for studying in Russia on the website

#Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #UniversitiesofRussia #Russia #HSE #Scholarships #Education
Shubho Bijoya! May good always prevail in our life! Happy Dussehra!

#India #Dussehra #DurgaPuja2024
🇷🇺City on the banks of the Volga river - Tolyatti

🌊 Embankment

This is a modern space with picturesque views of the Zhigulyov sea and mountains. The embankment has bicycle paths, scooter zones, sports grounds, children's complexes and recreation areas with comfortable sun loungers.

✈️ Park complex of the technology history named after K.G. Sakharov

Not far from the plant there is a whole park, in which the items of achievements of the Soviet industry of the XX century are presented. Here you can see both submarines and all-terrain vehicles. For example, the submarine B-307 was delivered to the park directly from the workplace.

🛖 Bogatyrskaya Sloboda Theme Park

This is an architectural complex with towers, terems, wooden huts and other samples of Old Russian architecture. Here you can see samples of ancient Russian weapons, clothes and household utensils. The park is located on the bank of the Volga River, so picturesque views are guaranteed!

🇷🇺 Город на берегу Волги - Тольятти

🌊 Набережная

Это современное пространство с живописным видом на Жигулёвское море и горы. На набережной оборудованы велосипедные дорожки, самокатные зоны, спортивные площадки, детские комплексы и зоны отдыха с удобными шезлонгами.

✈️ Парковый комплекс технологической истории имени К.Г. Сахарова

Недалеко от завода расположен целый парк, в котором представлены достижения советской промышленности 20 века. Здесь можно увидеть и подводные лодки, и вездеходы. Например, подводную лодку Б-307 доставили в парк прямо с рабочего места.

🛖 Тематический парк «Богатырская Слобода»

Это архитектурный комплекс с башнями, теремами, деревянными избами и другими образцами древнерусской архитектуры. Здесь можно увидеть образцы древнерусского оружия, одежды и домашней утвари. Парк расположен на берегу реки Волги, поэтому живописные виды гарантированы!

#Россия #ОткройРоссию #тольятти #Russia #AmazingRussia #Tolyatti #Volga #DiscoverRussia #togliatti
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🍁A fabulous place to relax in the Nizhny Novgorod region is Lake Toskanka

You need to come here for the whole day: have a picnic, admire nature and waterfowl. You can ride a boat, be sure to visit the Holy Trinity Ostrovoezersky Monastery (founded at the end of the 16th century), see the production of hand-made knives or "Peterhof" of Vorsma.

🍁 Сказочное место для отдыха в Нижегородской области — озеро Тосканка

Сюда нужно приезжать на целый день: устраивать пикник, любоваться природой и водоплавающими птицами. Можно покататься на лодке или сапе, обязательно посетить Свято-Троицкий Островоезерский монастырь (основанный в конце XVI века), увидеть производство ножей ручной работы или Ворсменский «Петергоф».

🌄 По России

#DiscoverRussia #Russia #NizhnuNovgorod #fallseason #Lake #Monastery
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This book about the Revolution and Civil War in Russia was banned in Soviet Union. But at the same time Boris Pasternak got the Nobel Prize for it.

The incredible novel shows how turbulent the 20th century in Russia was. And, more importantly, how one man’s personal life gets destroyed because of all those events.

🔔 Russia Beyond
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🇷🇺 The Russian Presidential Library announces a qualifying round of Olympiad in the subject "Russian as a Foreign Language"

The Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" for foreign schoolchildren and students in Russian as a foreign language is held remotely. Its first qualifying round started today.

Registration and assignments will be available on the Olympiad website until February 3, 2025.

Schoolchildren over 14 years old and students who are foreign citizens can take part in the Olympiad.


#Russia #RussianLanguage #Olympiad #Россиявээлектронноммире #Президентскаябиблиотека
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🫶 These emotions cannot be repeated.

🔗 On October 12-13, the traditional Moscow Marathon was held on October 12-13. This year, the event was held for two days for the first time. The race was included in the BRICS Marathon League along with the St. Petersburg and Kazan ones.

🔴The leader of the 42.2 km Moscow Marathon was Moroccan runner Youness Benard. He ran the route in 2 hours 11 minutes 34 seconds. This is the best time in the history of the competition, which has been held in the capital since 2013.

❗️Moroccan El Mahjoub Dazza came in second. He lost to his compatriot by only 4 seconds. Russian Dmitry Nedelin was in the top three - +6 seconds to the leader's time.

🔴The Moscow Marathon passed through the central streets of the city. In total, about 40 thousand runners from Russia and neighboring and distant countries registered for the races, which is a competition record.

🔗В Москве 12-13 октября состоялся традиционный Московский марафон. В этом году мероприятие впервые проходило в течение двух дней. Забег вошел в Лигу марафонов БРИКС вместе с петербургским и казанским.

🔴На дистанции 42,2 км Московского марафона лидером оказался бегун из Марокко Юнесс Бенард. Он пробежал маршрут за 2 часа 11 минут 34 секунды. Это лучшее время за всю историю соревнований, которые проходят в столице с 2013 года.

❗️На втором месте оказался марокканец Эль Махджуб Дазза. Он уступил своему соотечественнику всего 4 секунду. В тройке лидеров оказался россиянин Дмитрий Неделин - +6 секунд к времени лидера.

🔴Московский марафон прошел по центральным улицам города. Всего на забеги зарегистрировалось порядка 40 тысяч бегунов из России и стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья, что является рекордом соревнований.

📸 Московский марафон

#Russia #Moscow #MoscowMarathon #Marathon #москва #брикс #марафон #BRICS #Morocco
Forwarded from Gateway to Russia
The first trial train of the Moscow Metro subway system was launched exactly 90 years ago today!

It happened six months before the full-fledged opening of the first line.
On October 14, 1934, at 8 a.m., the first subway train left the ‘Dynamo’ factory and passed along the ‘Circle’ line to the main Moscow Metro depot.
The next day, it would make its first ride from the ‘Komsomolskaya’ station to ‘Sokolniki’.

It consisted of only two cars, a motor car and a trailing one.
“On the way, the cars <…> aroused great interest and a large crowd gathered at the depot in anticipation of the train,” recalled engineer M. N. Shpolyansky, the trial run driver of the first train.

📷 Sputnik

🔔 Russia Beyond
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Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
"Scheherazade — ICE Show" in India

🔈 We are pleased to announce the Indian premiere of "Scheherazade — ICE Show" produced by Olympic champion Tatiana Navka.

📆 October 18-20, 2024
🗺 EKA Arena, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

🔘"Scheherazade" showcases the artistry of Olympic and World champions, blending figure skating with oriental choreography and cutting-edge technology.

👥 Featuring Olympic champions and world-renowned skaters like Tatiana Navka, Victoria Sinitsina, and Nikita Katsalapov, "Scheherazade" promises to be a breathtaking fusion of Eastern and Western artistry.

🤗 We cordially invite you to experience this unique theatrical event!

📌 For tickets & information — visit BookMyShow

👀 A preview of the show is available at the link.

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⚛️ Rosatom announces a Global Atomic Quiz

It is an international project launched to celebrate the upcoming World Science Day, November 10.

To have a bit of nerdy fun on this special occasion, Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation challenges you to learn some extraordinary facts about nuclear science – after all, it is all around us – in our homes, in technologies we use, in nature, and even in outer space, playing a significant role in the life of our Universe.


Can we harness the power of a star right here on Earth? How can we peek inside ancient pyramids and volcanoes without breaking a sweat? And why is nuclear plant heat particularly valuable in the tropics? Expect the most unexpected questions, groundbreaking answers and stellar prizes!

Top-100 participants with the highest scores will become the contest winners! They will be awarded a prize created specifically for the project. Follow the updates – the winners ranking will be available on the website by November 22.

#Russia #Rosatom #Science #ScienceDay #Atomic #Quiz #nuclearenergy