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🚢 🌍 On August 17, retracing the first Soviet expedition to the North Pole, the international team of "Icebreaker of Knowledge - 2024" aboard the nuclear-powered icebreaker "50 Let Pobedy" (50 Years of Victory) has reached the North Pole!

🗺 For the first time in the project's history, representatives from the World Youth Festival from 15 countries are taking part in the journey: Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Hungary, India, China, South Africa, Cameroon, Iraq, Bangladesh, and Tunisia.

👨‍🏫 During the expedition, participants will:
- Familiarize themselves with the icebreaker's operations
- Study the unique Arctic nature
- Take part in the northernmost lecture series by Rosatom and the Russian Society "Znanie"
- Send postcards from the northernmost post office on Franz Josef Land
- Become stars of the first documentary series about the life of an international team of schoolchildren in the hard Arctic conditions.

🚢 🌍17 августа, повторяя первую советскую экспедицию на северный полюс, международная команда «Ледокол Знаний - 2024» на атомном ледоколе «50 лет Победы» достигла Северного полюса!

🗺Впервые в истории проекта в путешествии принимают участие представители Всемирного фестиваля молодёжи из 15 стран: России, Армении, Узбекистана, Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Белоруссии, Монголии, Венгрии, Индии, Китая, ЮАР, Камеруна, Ирака, Бангладеш и Туниса.

👨‍🏫За время экспедиции участники:
- Познакомятся с работой ледокола
- Изучат уникальную природу Арктики
- Примут участие в самом северном лектории от Росатома и Общества «Знание»
- Отправят открытки из самого северного почтового отделения на Земле Франца-Иосифа
- Станут звездами первого документального сериала о жизни международной команды школьников в арктических условиях.

#ЛедоколЗнаний #WYF2024 #РоссийскоеОбществоЗнание #Росатом
#Russia #IcebreakerOfKnowledge #InternationalExpedition #Arctic #NorthPole
#RussianSocietyZnanie #Rosatom #India #Mongolia #China #Kazakhstan #Cameroon #Hungary #Bangladesh #Iraq #Tunisia
We know who will remember this weekend for the rest of their lives 👀

Those lucky people who visited the North Pole as part of the fifth scientific and educational expedition organized by Rosatom – «Icebreaker of Knowledge»!

It is very symbolic that it happened exactly 47 years after the legendary icebreaker «Arktika» became the first ship in the world to reach the top of the planet in a surface voyage.

«The first time I saw snow was at the World Youth Festival in Russia this spring. And here, on the icebreaker, I saw Arctic ice for the first time – it's so huge! To be honest, I couldn't hold back the tears. I still can't believe this is happening to me: I, a Cameroonian, found myself at the North Pole on a nuclear-powered icebreaker! And I even bathed in the Arctic Ocean,» said Cameroonian expert Jules Marcel Keutchanga Foncha.

Мы знаем, кто запомнит эти выходные на всю жизнь 👀

Счастливчики, побывавшие на Северном полюсе в рамках пятой научно-познавательной экспедиции «Росатома» — «Ледокол знаний»!

Очень символично, что это произошло ровно через 47 лет после того, как легендарный ледокол «Арктика» стал первым в мире судном, достигшим вершины планеты в надводном плавании.

«Впервые я увидел снег на Всемирном фестивале молодежи в России этой весной. А здесь, на ледоколе, я впервые увидел арктический лед — он такой огромный! Честно говоря, я не смог сдержать слез. До сих пор не могу поверить, что это происходит со мной: я, камерунец, оказался на Северном полюсе на атомном ледоколе! И даже искупался в Северном Ледовитом океане», — рассказал камерунский эксперт Жюль Марсель Кьючанга Фонча.


#Russia #India #Cameroon #Mongolia #Kazakhstan #Rosatom #ЛедоколЗнаний #IcebreakerOfKnowledge #Icebreaker #Arctic #NorthPole #China
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🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 From September 2 to October 12, Ratheesh Nair, the Honorary Consul of Russia and head of the Russian House in Trivandrum (India), will embark on a journey retracing the "Journey Beyond Three Seas" route of Afanasy Nikitin. This project, commemorating the 555th anniversary of Nikitin's arrival in India, aims to present the image of modern Russia to residents of other countries while fostering connections between Indian business organizations and Russian regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

🟣The journey will span 🇷🇺Russia, 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, 🇮🇷Iran, 🇴🇲Oman, and 🇮🇳India, following the exact route of the Russian traveler. It will feature online meetings between Russian regional governments and their Indian counterparts, showcasing the tourist, industrial, and trade potential of various Russian regions including Astrakhan, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, as well as the Republics of Tatarstan and Dagestan. Key discussions will focus on expanding trade, cultural, and educational ties through regional cooperation, and promoting Russia's trade opportunities abroad.

🟣 Throughout the journey, meetings with university rectors are planned, with a special emphasis on enhancing cooperation between Russian and foreign universities in student exchange programs and joint training initiatives. This ambitious project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

🟣 By retracing Nikitin's historic route, this modern-day expedition not only honors a significant chapter in Russian exploration but also serves as a platform for cultural exchange and economic cooperation. It exemplifies Russia's commitment to fostering international understanding and collaboration, bridging the past with the present in a meaningful journey of discovery and partnership.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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Chemists from 11 countries gathered at Moscow State University

The opening of the II International Ecological School took place at the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University.

Participants included representatives from China, Tunisia, Turkey, Nigeria, the Republic of Belarus, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Russia, and India. The mission of the Ecological School is to share advanced solutions among specialists from all over the world in the field of ecology.

This year, students will attend lectures and practical classes by leading experts. They will study climate change issues, learn a lot about environmental control, exchange experiences in implementing ecological projects and popularize them for the good of the ecological security of our countries.
For more information:

На химическом факультете МГУ состоялось открытие II Международной экологической школы. Её участниками стали представители Китая, Туниса, Турции, Нигерии, Республики Беларусь, Монголии, Азербайджана, Узбекистана, Египта, России, Индии. Ключевая задача экологической школы – обмен передовыми решениями в области экологии между учёными со всего мира.

В этом году студентов ждут лекционные и практические занятия от ведущих специалистов. Слушатели изучат вопросы климатических изменений, узнают много важного о контроле окружающей среды, обменяются опытом по реализации экологических проектов и смогут популяризировать их во благо экобезопасности наших стран.
Подробнее по ссылке:

#Russia #MSU #МГУ #Rosatom #Chemistry
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 Ratish Nair, Honorary Consul of Russia in Trivandrum (Kerala), continued his journey along Afanasy Nikitin's route, commemorating the 555th anniversary of the famous “Journey Beyond Three Seas".

⛪️ On September 3, Ratish Nair arrived in Kalyazin, where he visited the monastery mentioned in Afanasy Nikitin's book.

🟣 Next, Ratish Nair headed to Uglich, where he met with the city's mayor, Anatoliy Kuritsyn. The parties agreed to organize "Uglich Days" in Trivandrum in 2025.

🟣 On September 4, the Honorary Consul met with Vice-Governor Andrey Kolyadin in Yaroslavl, during which the parties agreed on Yaroslavl's participation in the Indian tourism fair.l, cooperation between planetariums in Yaroslavl and Kerala and joint projects between Russian and Indian schools.

🟣 The Honorary Consul also met with Yaroslavl Mayor Artem Molchanov: it was decided to hold an online call with the mayor of Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh) next week to establish cooperation.

🟣 In addition, Ratish Nair held meetings with the rectors of three local universities, and a Russian-Indian business online session.

🗺 The Head of the Russian House in Trivandrum will visit four more countries after Russia. His route, like 555 years ago, will lie from Tver to Astrakhan along the Volga river, then by car to Derbent, from there to 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, then to 🇮🇷 Iran, from there by plane to 🇴🇲 Oman, and then to 🇮🇳 India.

This project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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Rosatom and the Bolivian state company YLB have signed a contract for the construction of an industrial complex for the production of lithium carbonate at the Uyuni salt marsh in the department of Potosi.
The development of the resource potential of the solar is planned using the Russian technology of direct sorption extraction of lithium, which is not only safe but also environmentally friendly.
The future production complex will not affect the nearest ecosystems in any way, since the use of aggressive reagents is not provided for in the technological process.

Росатом и боливийская государственная компания YLB подписали контракт на строительство промышленного комплекса по производству карбоната лития на солончаке Уюни в департаменте Потоси.
Освоение ресурсного потенциала солнечной энергетики планируется с использованием российской технологии прямого сорбционного извлечения лития, которая не только безопасна, но и экологична.
Будущий производственный комплекс никак не повлияет на ближайшие экосистемы, поскольку технологическим процессом не предусмотрено использование агрессивных реагентов.

#Russia #Rosatom