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#Donbass survivors: refugees from Donbass, who are in Russia now, speak about the struggles their people had gone through for the past 8 years, being chased by the Ukrainian ultra-national forces.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Donbassrefugees #Донбасс #civilwar #ukrainecivilwar #ukrainian #Ukraine #refugeesupport #refugeecrisis #беженцы
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EMERCOM of Russia has delivered more than 2 thousand tons of aid to residents of Donbass and Ukraine since the beginning of the humanitarian operation. The composition of the cargo includes products and basic necessities. Humanitarian aid is collected and sent from different regions of the country.

МЧС России с начала гуманитарной операции доставило более 2 тысяч тонн помощи жителям Донбасса и Украины. Состав грузов включает продукты и предметы первой необходимости. Гуманитарная помощь собирается и отправляется из разных регионов страны.

Видео: МЧС России

#Россия #Донбасс #Украина #СМР
#Russia #Donbass #Ukraine #IDA
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Residents of the Kiev region received 20 tons of humanitarian aid from Russia.

In the village of Dymer, people were given basic necessities: food, medicines, hygiene kits and fuel.


Жители Киевской области получили 20 тонн гуманитарной помощи от России.

В населённом пункте Дымер людям выдавали вещи первой необходимости: продукты, медикаменты, гигиенические наборы и топливо.

Video: RT

#Россия #Украина #СМР
#Russia #Ukraine #humanitarianaid
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Athlete Jeff Monson responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger's address to the Russian people.

Video: @rt_russian


Спортсмен Джефф Монсон ответил на обращение Арнольда Шварцнеггера к российскому народу.

Видео: @rt_russian

#Донбасс #Donbass #schwarzenegger #Russia #Ukraine
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Rossotrudnichestvo has organised the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Kherson region in Ukraine. Food, first necessity goods have been transferred.

"Doctor Liza's" Fund, Charitable foundation "Dobroe delo" and Crimean residents participated in the collection of the cargo.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Ukraine #InternationalDevelopmentAssistance #humanitarianaid
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Rossotrudnichestvo continues to provide humanitarian support to people living in Ukraine. Baby food was delivered to the Kherson region yesterday. Each package is accompanied by drawings
and children’s wishes for peace everywhere. The next batch will be sent with medicaments.
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #InternationalDevelopmentAssistance #Ukraine
On April 5, the Russian Emergencies Ministry sent more than 650 tons of humanitarian aid to the Donbass and Ukraine. A convoy of 60 vehicles delivered bottled water, canned food, baby food, pasta, candy, flour, as well as daily necessities and building materials.

The Russian Defense Ministry also handed over 10 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of the settlements of Shipovatoe and Khatnee in the Kharkov region. Food and essentials were distributed primarily to families with young children and the elderly. The distribution of food packages was carried out in the center of settlements to all those in need.

#Russia #Donbass #Ukraine #SMR #MinistryOfEmergencies #MinistryOfDefense
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Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Natalya Poklonskaya brought food and medicines to the hospitals in Kherson.

“Local residents are persecuted after they receive help and food from the Russians, up to and including burning houses. Many people are deprived of basic essentials, while being banned from accepting help from the same peaceful people from Russia,” Poklonskaya notes.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia #Ukraine #Poklonskaya #humanitarianaid
The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has delivered more than 700 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of Donbass and Ukraine. The cargo included bottled water, baby food, food and essentials.

Humanitarian aid was delivered by 14 automobile convoys consisting of 79 heavy-duty vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

#Russia #Ukraine #IDA #Donbass

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On April 18, Russian Emergencies Ministry delivered more than 700 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Donbass. The cargo included: bottled water, baby food, medical supplies and building materials.

Also, humanitarian aid included ten fire trucks based on KamAZ and Ural vehicles, four integrated water treatment plants, four power plants, 28 motor pumps, 15 chainsaws, and 30 electrical units.

Video: EMERCOM of Russia

#Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #RussianHumanitarianMission #humanitarianaid
Russian humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Donbass.
Российская гуманитарная помощь Украине и Донбассу

#Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #IDA
#Россия #Украина #Донбасс #СМР
On the eve of Easter, Russian Humanitarian Mission delivered 10 tons of humanitarian boxes with food kits and personal hygiene products from Donetsk to Mariupol.

Along with the box, each resident received an Easter cake and drinking water. In total, 1,000 Easter treats and 3,000 liters of bottled water were distributed to Mariupol residents.

Local residents who are unable to get to the points of distribution of humanitarian aid received kits to take home. They included water, food, and also flashlights, dry fuel, batteries.

#РГМ #Russianhumanitarianmission #Russia #Donbass #Ukraine #RHM