🔥 High School of Economics invites you for the Study Tour Experience
Study Tour Experience is a unique project for those who want to experience what it's like to be a student at a top university and enhance their resume! This internship offers the opportunity to achieve impressive results that will be useful in building a career and pursuing professional activities, to meet leading experts from HSE, and to join the cool HSE community. Study Tour Experience offers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields of study, from economics to international relations, from business to management, and from finance and law to sociology and political science.
Participation in the project is free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses are the sole responsibility of the participants.
Apply here: https://admissions.hse.ru/en/studytour/polls/1008340605.html
#Russia #HSE #Education #Internship
Study Tour Experience is a unique project for those who want to experience what it's like to be a student at a top university and enhance their resume! This internship offers the opportunity to achieve impressive results that will be useful in building a career and pursuing professional activities, to meet leading experts from HSE, and to join the cool HSE community. Study Tour Experience offers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields of study, from economics to international relations, from business to management, and from finance and law to sociology and political science.
Participation in the project is free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses are the sole responsibility of the participants.
Apply here: https://admissions.hse.ru/en/studytour/polls/1008340605.html
#Russia #HSE #Education #Internship
Participate in the V International Online Contest in Therapy by North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
📅 25-27 March 2025
With assistance of:
Medical College No. 1, Moscow;
Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine, All-Russia Public Organization;
North-West Society of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists;
Russian Society of Cardiology, St. Petersburg Branch;
Association of General Practitioners (Family Doctors) of the Russian Federation, All-Russia Public Organization.
Who can participate?
- Senior (4-6 year) students of the following programs:
- General Medicine
- Pediatrics
Residents of 1-2 years in specialties:
- Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
- Gastroenterology
- Hematology
- Dermatology and Venerology
- Infectious Diseases
- Cardiology
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine
- Psychotherapy
- Pulmonology
- Rheumatology
- Sexology
- Emergency Medicine
- Therapy
- Transfusion Medicine
- Urology
- Physiotherapy
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Phthisiology
- Surgery
- Endocrinology
- 2-4 year students of secondary vocational schools in specialties:
- General Medicine
- Other specialties (results are not included in the winners' list).
Contest language: Russian and English.
The Contest will be held in two stages: Clinical Thinking Assessment and Practical Skills
Application in Simulation Conditions.
Clinical Thinking Assessment stage:
- Participants join the University's distance learning system via a link sent by e-mail. Held
- Each participant has 60 case questions to solve within 60 minutes.
Practical Skills Application in Simulated Conditions stage:
- This stage is also held individually through a virtual screen simulator based on the RUМЕДИУС
hardware and software platform. Link will be sent by e-mail.
- Participants should solve 3 clinical scenarios in a virtual simulation environment within 60 minutes (20 minutes per scenario).
«Multilevel Clinical Case – Patient Code» (final results of this stage are not included in the
winner’s protocol):
- Conducted individually via the university's distance learning system (link sent by email).
- Participants work on a clinical case of an emergency patient with complaints.
- 12 minutes per case.
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025
👉 Participants can register via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepxl2WxCE_N_80L4rYYdZIU5ljG20YXRei1j7dYlc6d5IZhQ/viewform
For any further assistance/technical support:
#Russia #Medical #Mechnikov #Olympiad #education #EducationinRussia #Therapy
📅 25-27 March 2025
With assistance of:
Medical College No. 1, Moscow;
Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine, All-Russia Public Organization;
North-West Society of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists;
Russian Society of Cardiology, St. Petersburg Branch;
Association of General Practitioners (Family Doctors) of the Russian Federation, All-Russia Public Organization.
Who can participate?
- Senior (4-6 year) students of the following programs:
- General Medicine
- Pediatrics
Residents of 1-2 years in specialties:
- Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
- Gastroenterology
- Hematology
- Dermatology and Venerology
- Infectious Diseases
- Cardiology
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine
- Psychotherapy
- Pulmonology
- Rheumatology
- Sexology
- Emergency Medicine
- Therapy
- Transfusion Medicine
- Urology
- Physiotherapy
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Phthisiology
- Surgery
- Endocrinology
- 2-4 year students of secondary vocational schools in specialties:
- General Medicine
- Other specialties (results are not included in the winners' list).
Contest language: Russian and English.
The Contest will be held in two stages: Clinical Thinking Assessment and Practical Skills
Application in Simulation Conditions.
Clinical Thinking Assessment stage:
- Participants join the University's distance learning system via a link sent by e-mail. Held
- Each participant has 60 case questions to solve within 60 minutes.
Practical Skills Application in Simulated Conditions stage:
- This stage is also held individually through a virtual screen simulator based on the RUМЕДИУС
hardware and software platform. Link will be sent by e-mail.
- Participants should solve 3 clinical scenarios in a virtual simulation environment within 60 minutes (20 minutes per scenario).
«Multilevel Clinical Case – Patient Code» (final results of this stage are not included in the
winner’s protocol):
- Conducted individually via the university's distance learning system (link sent by email).
- Participants work on a clinical case of an emergency patient with complaints.
- 12 minutes per case.
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025
👉 Participants can register via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepxl2WxCE_N_80L4rYYdZIU5ljG20YXRei1j7dYlc6d5IZhQ/viewform
For any further assistance/technical support:
#Russia #Medical #Mechnikov #Olympiad #education #EducationinRussia #Therapy
✨ Russian schoolchildren won four medals at the Mathematics Olympiad in Romania
👏 The Russian team won 2 gold and 2 silver medals at the international mathematics Olympiad XVI Romanian Master of Mathematics. The students completed the tasks remotely at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi.
🥇 Gold medals were awarded to:
Ivan Chasovskikh, School No. 14, Khimki, Moscow Region;
Ilya Zamotorin, Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, St. Petersburg.
🥈 Silver medals were awarded to:
Vasily Patrushev, School No. 9 with Advanced Study of Chinese, Vladivostok;
Artem Sadykov, Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 31, Chelyabinsk.
✔️ The team leader was Kirill Sukhov, a mathematics teacher at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, and his deputy was Pavel Kozhevnikov, an associate professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
🎉 Congratulations to the guys and their mentors!
✨ Российские школьники выиграли четыре медали на олимпиаде по математике в Румынии
👏 Российская команда завоевала 2 золотые и 2 серебряные медали на международной олимпиаде по математике XVI Romanian Master of Mathematics. Школьники выполняли задания в дистанционном формате на базе образовательного центра «Сириус» в Сочи.
🥇 Золотых медалей удостоились:
Иван Часовских, школа № 14, г. Химки, Московская область;
Илья Замоторин, Президентский физико-математический лицей № 239, г. Санкт-Петербург.
🥈 Серебряные медали получили:
Василий Патрушев, школа № 9 с углубленным изучением китайского языка, г. Владивосток;
Артем Садыков, Физико-математический лицей № 31, г. Челябинск.
✔️ Руководителем команды стал учитель математики Президентского физико-математического лицея № 239 Кирилл Сухов, его заместителем – доцент кафедры высшей математики Московского физико-технического института Павел Кожевников.
🎉 Поздравляем ребят и их наставников!
#Россия #Russia #Olympiad #maths #mathematics
👏 The Russian team won 2 gold and 2 silver medals at the international mathematics Olympiad XVI Romanian Master of Mathematics. The students completed the tasks remotely at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi.
🥇 Gold medals were awarded to:
Ivan Chasovskikh, School No. 14, Khimki, Moscow Region;
Ilya Zamotorin, Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, St. Petersburg.
🥈 Silver medals were awarded to:
Vasily Patrushev, School No. 9 with Advanced Study of Chinese, Vladivostok;
Artem Sadykov, Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 31, Chelyabinsk.
✔️ The team leader was Kirill Sukhov, a mathematics teacher at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, and his deputy was Pavel Kozhevnikov, an associate professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
🎉 Congratulations to the guys and their mentors!
✨ Российские школьники выиграли четыре медали на олимпиаде по математике в Румынии
👏 Российская команда завоевала 2 золотые и 2 серебряные медали на международной олимпиаде по математике XVI Romanian Master of Mathematics. Школьники выполняли задания в дистанционном формате на базе образовательного центра «Сириус» в Сочи.
🥇 Золотых медалей удостоились:
Иван Часовских, школа № 14, г. Химки, Московская область;
Илья Замоторин, Президентский физико-математический лицей № 239, г. Санкт-Петербург.
🥈 Серебряные медали получили:
Василий Патрушев, школа № 9 с углубленным изучением китайского языка, г. Владивосток;
Артем Садыков, Физико-математический лицей № 31, г. Челябинск.
✔️ Руководителем команды стал учитель математики Президентского физико-математического лицея № 239 Кирилл Сухов, его заместителем – доцент кафедры высшей математики Московского физико-технического института Павел Кожевников.
🎉 Поздравляем ребят и их наставников!
#Россия #Russia #Olympiad #maths #mathematics
⚡️ Call for applications for InteRussia fellowship in STEM is now open
The #InteRussia team is launching a call for applications for the InteRussia fellowship in Engineering that will take place at Novosibirsk State University in the following fields:
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;
- Modern Quantum and Information
- Technologies in Electronics and Photonics.
Participation in InteRussia is an opportunity to gain new knowledge at Novosibirsk State University, which is one of the best universities of Russia; attend thematic trainings led by top experts; take part in innovative professional workshops and exchange experience with counterparts from different countries.
The fellowship programme participants will work in a group that fits the chosen area of study. The event will result in drafting and presenting an independent scientific project.
📅 Fellowship will run from June 1–29, 2025.
Location: Novosibirsk, Russia.
Working language: English.
Non-Russian experts who pursue studies and work in the fields that fit the fellowship programmes are welcomed to take part in the selection process.
The organisers provide:
- travel from a city of residence to Novosibirsk and back;
- twin sharing accommodation;
- visa support;
- scholarship for the duration of the fellowship in the amount of 30,000 rubles.
The following costs are borne by the participants:
- medical insurance;
- meals.
The deadline to apply for the fellowship is March 20, 23:59 MSK. All the candidates will be informed about the results via email.
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at [email protected].
#Russia #InteRussia #STEM #Fellowship
The #InteRussia team is launching a call for applications for the InteRussia fellowship in Engineering that will take place at Novosibirsk State University in the following fields:
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;
- Modern Quantum and Information
- Technologies in Electronics and Photonics.
Participation in InteRussia is an opportunity to gain new knowledge at Novosibirsk State University, which is one of the best universities of Russia; attend thematic trainings led by top experts; take part in innovative professional workshops and exchange experience with counterparts from different countries.
The fellowship programme participants will work in a group that fits the chosen area of study. The event will result in drafting and presenting an independent scientific project.
📅 Fellowship will run from June 1–29, 2025.
Location: Novosibirsk, Russia.
Working language: English.
Non-Russian experts who pursue studies and work in the fields that fit the fellowship programmes are welcomed to take part in the selection process.
The organisers provide:
- travel from a city of residence to Novosibirsk and back;
- twin sharing accommodation;
- visa support;
- scholarship for the duration of the fellowship in the amount of 30,000 rubles.
The following costs are borne by the participants:
- medical insurance;
- meals.
The deadline to apply for the fellowship is March 20, 23:59 MSK. All the candidates will be informed about the results via email.
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at [email protected].
#Russia #InteRussia #STEM #Fellowship
Over a thousand schoolchildren and students took part in the Presidential Library Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language
The qualifying round of the Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in Russian as a Foreign Language, which was held remotely from October 14, 2024 to February 3, 2025, has ended. More than a thousand schoolchildren and students from 86 countries took part in it.
The Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in Russian as a Foreign Language is held by the Presidential Library from October 14, 2024 to April 3, 2025.
Foreign citizens - schoolchildren from 14 years old and students - participate. The competition includes two stages. The final stage will take place from April 1 to 3, 2025.
More detailed information can be found on the official website of the Olympiad https://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign/#/Welcome
Более тысячи школьников и студентов приняли участие в олимпиаде Президентской библиотеки по русскому языку как иностранному
Завершился отборочный тур олимпиады «Россия в электронном мире» по русскому языку как иностранному, который проводился в дистанционном формате с 14 октября 2024 года по 3 февраля 2025 года. Его участниками стали более тысячи школьников и студентов из 86 стран мира.
Олимпиада «Россия в электронном мире» по русскому языку как иностранному проводится Президентской библиотекой с 14 октября 2024 года по 3 апреля 2025 года.
Участвуют иностранные граждане – школьники от 14 лет и студенты. Соревнование включает два этапа. Заключительный этап состоится в период с 1 по 3 апреля 2025 года.
Более подробную информацию можно узнать на официальном сайте олимпиады https://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign/#/Welcome
#Russia #RussianLanguage #Президентскаябиблиотека
The qualifying round of the Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in Russian as a Foreign Language, which was held remotely from October 14, 2024 to February 3, 2025, has ended. More than a thousand schoolchildren and students from 86 countries took part in it.
The Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in Russian as a Foreign Language is held by the Presidential Library from October 14, 2024 to April 3, 2025.
Foreign citizens - schoolchildren from 14 years old and students - participate. The competition includes two stages. The final stage will take place from April 1 to 3, 2025.
More detailed information can be found on the official website of the Olympiad https://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign/#/Welcome
Более тысячи школьников и студентов приняли участие в олимпиаде Президентской библиотеки по русскому языку как иностранному
Завершился отборочный тур олимпиады «Россия в электронном мире» по русскому языку как иностранному, который проводился в дистанционном формате с 14 октября 2024 года по 3 февраля 2025 года. Его участниками стали более тысячи школьников и студентов из 86 стран мира.
Олимпиада «Россия в электронном мире» по русскому языку как иностранному проводится Президентской библиотекой с 14 октября 2024 года по 3 апреля 2025 года.
Участвуют иностранные граждане – школьники от 14 лет и студенты. Соревнование включает два этапа. Заключительный этап состоится в период с 1 по 3 апреля 2025 года.
Более подробную информацию можно узнать на официальном сайте олимпиады https://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign/#/Welcome
#Russia #RussianLanguage #Президентскаябиблиотека
⚡️ We are launching the call for applications to join the InteRussia fellowship program in theatre arts for specialists from BRICS+ countries.
The InteRussia program offers non-Russian actors a chance to get acquainted with Russian theatre practices, take part in scenic speech and acting workshops, meet recognised cultural figures, attend performances at leading Moscow theatres, and exchange experience with counterparts from different countries.
At the end of the program, the non-Russian fellows will prepare etudes featuring stage movement and excerpts from a play, which they will present at the final class.
Seniors from theatre schools, film schools, acting schools, and young professional actors from BRICS+ countries are welcome to participate.
The programme will be held from August 24 to October 4, 2025.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Working language: English.
The deadline for applications is June 1, 11:59 p.m. Moscow time (UTC +3).
Check the eligibility and apply: https://interussia.com/announce_en/tpost/9uvgkjs101-call-for-applications-for-interussia-fel
#Russia #InteRussia #performingarts #Acting #Theatre
The InteRussia program offers non-Russian actors a chance to get acquainted with Russian theatre practices, take part in scenic speech and acting workshops, meet recognised cultural figures, attend performances at leading Moscow theatres, and exchange experience with counterparts from different countries.
At the end of the program, the non-Russian fellows will prepare etudes featuring stage movement and excerpts from a play, which they will present at the final class.
Seniors from theatre schools, film schools, acting schools, and young professional actors from BRICS+ countries are welcome to participate.
The programme will be held from August 24 to October 4, 2025.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Working language: English.
The deadline for applications is June 1, 11:59 p.m. Moscow time (UTC +3).
Check the eligibility and apply: https://interussia.com/announce_en/tpost/9uvgkjs101-call-for-applications-for-interussia-fel
#Russia #InteRussia #performingarts #Acting #Theatre
BRICS Higher School
SUM International Scientific and Educational Project 👉
The main objectives:
▪ organization of academic cooperation between universities and research centers of the BRICS countries in
order to establish seamless cooperation in the development of educational programs and research;
▪ development of joint educational and research programs for solving common scientific and social problems
and sharing knowledge and experience;
▪ development and implementation of digital educational resources, online courses and platforms for face-to-
face and distance learning for students of the BRICS countries, friendly states and organizations;
▪ preparation of the personnel reserve for further cooperation in the field of economics and innovation of the
BRICS countries;
▪ training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel for the implementation of intergovernmental
▪ establishing good-neighborly relations between the youth of different countries, nationalities, faiths, and
cultural civilizations of the BRICS countries.
Master’s Degree programs
Field of study 38.04.02 «Management»
❑ "International business management (English taught program)"
❑ "Hotel and tourism business (English taught program)"
Postgraduate training program
5.2.3. «Regional and sectoral economics» (service sector economics).
#Russia #BRICS #education
SUM International Scientific and Educational Project 👉
The main objectives:
▪ organization of academic cooperation between universities and research centers of the BRICS countries in
order to establish seamless cooperation in the development of educational programs and research;
▪ development of joint educational and research programs for solving common scientific and social problems
and sharing knowledge and experience;
▪ development and implementation of digital educational resources, online courses and platforms for face-to-
face and distance learning for students of the BRICS countries, friendly states and organizations;
▪ preparation of the personnel reserve for further cooperation in the field of economics and innovation of the
BRICS countries;
▪ training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel for the implementation of intergovernmental
▪ establishing good-neighborly relations between the youth of different countries, nationalities, faiths, and
cultural civilizations of the BRICS countries.
Master’s Degree programs
Field of study 38.04.02 «Management»
❑ "International business management (English taught program)"
❑ "Hotel and tourism business (English taught program)"
Postgraduate training program
5.2.3. «Regional and sectoral economics» (service sector economics).
#Russia #BRICS #education
The Federal platform "My Education" offers a wide range of online courses by the top universities of Russia.
The "Online Course Registry" subsystem collects and displays up-to-date information about online courses hosted on various online learning platforms, their main properties and parameters (name and description of the online course, link to the learning platform.
Федеральная платформа «Мое образование» предлагает ряд онлайн-курсов от ведущих вузов России.
Подсистема «Реестр онлайн-курсов» собирает и отображает актуальную информацию об онлайн-курсах, размещенных на различных платформах онлайн-обучения, их основные свойства и параметры (название и описание онлайн-курса, ссылку на платформу обучения,
#Russia #Соотечественники #МоеОбразование #Образование #Education #EducationinRussia
The "Online Course Registry" subsystem collects and displays up-to-date information about online courses hosted on various online learning platforms, their main properties and parameters (name and description of the online course, link to the learning platform.
Федеральная платформа «Мое образование» предлагает ряд онлайн-курсов от ведущих вузов России.
Подсистема «Реестр онлайн-курсов» собирает и отображает актуальную информацию об онлайн-курсах, размещенных на различных платформах онлайн-обучения, их основные свойства и параметры (название и описание онлайн-курса, ссылку на платформу обучения,
#Russia #Соотечественники #МоеОбразование #Образование #Education #EducationinRussia
An exhibition of photographs dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day opened at the Russian House in Kolkata
On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, celebrated annually on February 23rd, a photo exhibition dedicated to the Russian army and navy was launched at the Russian House in Kolkata.
Among the first visitors to the photo exhibition were the students of rhe Institute of Russian Language. The exhibition displays about the history of the Russian army and navy, their glorious combat path, especially during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and about the modern life of the Russian military.
The exhibition is open to visitors on February 20- 23.
В Русском доме в Калькутте открылась выставка фотографий, посвященная Дню защитника Отечества
В преддверии Дня защитника Отечества, который ежегодно отмечается 23 февраля, в Русском доме в Калькутте открылась фотовыставка, посвященная русской армии и флоту.
Среди первых посетителей фотовыставки стали студенты Института русского языка. Выставка рассказывает об истории русской армии и флота, их славном боевом пути, особенно в годы Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 годов, а также о современной жизни российских военных.
Выставка открыта для посещения с 20 до 23 февраля.
#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #ДеньЗащитникаОтечества
On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, celebrated annually on February 23rd, a photo exhibition dedicated to the Russian army and navy was launched at the Russian House in Kolkata.
Among the first visitors to the photo exhibition were the students of rhe Institute of Russian Language. The exhibition displays about the history of the Russian army and navy, their glorious combat path, especially during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and about the modern life of the Russian military.
The exhibition is open to visitors on February 20- 23.
В Русском доме в Калькутте открылась выставка фотографий, посвященная Дню защитника Отечества
В преддверии Дня защитника Отечества, который ежегодно отмечается 23 февраля, в Русском доме в Калькутте открылась фотовыставка, посвященная русской армии и флоту.
Среди первых посетителей фотовыставки стали студенты Института русского языка. Выставка рассказывает об истории русской армии и флота, их славном боевом пути, особенно в годы Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 годов, а также о современной жизни российских военных.
Выставка открыта для посещения с 20 до 23 февраля.
#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #ДеньЗащитникаОтечества
Педагоги-русисты приглашаются к участию в XXV Международном Пушкинском конкурсе
Объявлена тема конкурса 2025 года: «Победа. Что это значит для вас и ваших учеников?»
Ознакомиться с Положением можно на сайте. https://cdnstatic.rg.ru/uploads/attachments/2025/01/31/polozhenie-o-konkurse-2025_2a3.pdf
#Russia #Pushkin #RussianLanguage #Пушкинскийконкурс #РоссийскаяГазета #Русскийязык
Объявлена тема конкурса 2025 года: «Победа. Что это значит для вас и ваших учеников?»
Ознакомиться с Положением можно на сайте. https://cdnstatic.rg.ru/uploads/attachments/2025/01/31/polozhenie-o-konkurse-2025_2a3.pdf
#Russia #Pushkin #RussianLanguage #Пушкинскийконкурс #РоссийскаяГазета #Русскийязык