Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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Official channel of Rossotrudnichestvo Federal Agency representative office in Kolkata 🇮🇳


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The Museum of Russian Railways in St. Petersburg is one of the largest railway museums in the world. Its collection includes rare and legendary steam locomotives, electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, wagons and other equipment.

There are not only historical exhibits, but also working models of transport. The museum is very modern - augmented and virtual reality technologies, interactive and multimedia installations are actively used. The "locomotive driver's cab" simulator is especially popular. In the summertime young visitors can take a ride on an open-air train through the exposition.

It is interesting that part of the museum is housed in the historical building of the locomotive depot of the former Peterhof railroad.
#Russia #Railway
‼️Attention, India 🇮🇳
🚄 Railway workers from Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Iran, Cuba, Serbia, the CIS and South Africa are expected at the International Section of the Annual Youth Forum by the Russian Railway

📆 It will be held from September 15 to 22 in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Foreign specialists will be able to come under the "New Generation" program.

Among the main objectives:

🔹creation of a single information platform for young railway workers from around the world;
🔹development of intercultural dialogue based on trust and an atmosphere of openness;
🔹international exchange of experience;
🔹development of professional connections.

The section program includes:

🔹communication, educational and team-building events;
🔹meetings with the heads of the Russian Railways holding, speakers from among the representatives of government bodies, experts from leading public and non-profit organizations.

❗️To participate, you must:

- be between 25 and 35 years old;
- have foreign citizenship (not have Russian citizenship);
- have not previously participated in the New Generation program;
- write to the Russian House in your country for further information (

📝 Applications are accepted until July 20.

➡️ Since 2007, the Youth Meeting of Russian Railways has been held annually. It is the key youth event of the year in the holding. As part of international cooperation, an international section is held, in which youth delegations of railway administrations and railway equipment manufacturing companies from foreign countries participate.

Organizers: Rossotrudnichestvo together with Russian Railways.

#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #NewGeneration #RussianRailways #Railway #indianrailways #India #Cuba #Iran #Egypt #Vietnam #Serbia #SouthAfrica #Argentina #Brazil
🚆 Russian railways are conducting a test launch of a new tourist route
🗺 The trip will be circular: Novosibirsk - Biysk - Tashtagol - Novosibirsk, the trains are equipped with all amenities, and the route runs in such a way that tourists can enjoy the main attractions of two Siberian resorts - Altai and Sheregesh.
➡️ Learn more:

🚆 Российские железные дороги проводят тестовый запуск нового туристического маршрута.
🗺 Поездка будет круговой: Новосибирск - Бийск - Таштагол - Новосибирск, поезда оснащены всеми удобствами, а маршрут проходит таким образом, что туристы смогут насладиться главными достопримечательностями двух сибирских курортов - Алтая и Шерегеша.
➡️ Узнать больше можно по ссылке:

#Russia #Siberia #DiscoverRussia #Novosibirsk #Railway #russianrailways #Altai
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🚂 How about an autumn trip to Ruskeala Mountain Park in Karelia on a retro steam train?

An impressive black steam locomotive with a solid red star on the boiler, which smokes and steams so much that sometimes you can't see anything around. This is the locomotive of the "Ruskeala Express" - a train that runs between the Sortavala and Ruskeala stations.

📸 The only branded steam train in Russia takes tourists daily to the amazingly beautiful Ruskeala Marble Mountain Park.

🚂 Осеннее путешествие в горный парк Рускеала в Карелию на ретропоезде на паровой тяге. Вот так выглядит это с высоты птичьего поле‌та!

Внушительный черный паровоз с солидной красной звездой на котле, который дымит и парит так, что порой ничего вокруг не видно. Это локомотив "Рускеальского экспресса" — поезда, что курсирует между станциями Сортавала и Рускеала.
🌄 Путешествия по России

#Russia #Karelia #SteamEngine #RepublicofKarelia #Steamtrain #Railway #RetroTrain #Карелия #Ruskeala #MarbldCanyon