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Do you dream of earning a high-quality university degree in Russia? Do you want to live in a beautiful city on the Volga River? You can combine it if you join Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev.

You have a chance to become one of 550 lucky people who will study at the university for free. For that purpose, you must get the Russian Government quota.

You can adapt to life in Russia with the help of the Center of International Students’ Education. It holds plenty of events such as city tours, visits to theaters and museums, roundtable discussions, Language Days, meetings with interesting people, festivals, and many others.

The university offers a wide range of study programs and has a lot of advantages. Read our article to find out about them.

Мечтаете получить качественное высшее образование в России? Хотите жить в красивом городе на реке Волге? Вы можете совместить это, став студентом Нижегородского государственного технического университета им. Р. Е. Алексеева.
У вас есть шанс попасть в число 550 счастливцев, которые смогут учиться в этом университете бесплатно. Для этого нужно получить квоту Правительства Российской Федерации.

Адаптироваться в России вам поможет Центр обучения иностранных студентов. Он проводит множество мероприятий: экскурсии по городу, походы в театры и музеи, круглые столы, дни языка, встречи с интересными людьми, фестивали и многое другое.

Университет предлагает разнообразные программы подготовки и имеет множество преимуществ. О них вы можете прочитать в нашем материале

#Russia #HED #Education #EducationinRussia #NizhnyNovgorod
Do you want to earn a medical degree meeting global educational standards, participate in international medical projects, and continue your education in any country? Choose Kemerovo State Medical University. It underwent international accreditation and offers study programs taught in Russian and English.
Kemerovo is a cozy green city in Siberia where you will feel comfortable. At KemSMU, you can always ask your tutors and advisors for help. You will be accommodated in the dormitory located near the main building. Near the campus are boulevards and parks for walking and doing sports, supermarkets and cafés, public transport stations.

Here you can get acquainted with the national culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the world and participate in student creativity festivals.

Read the article to find out more.

Хотите получить высшее медицинское образование, соответствующее мировым образовательным стандартам, поучаствовать в международных медицинских проектах и продолжить обучение в любой стране? Выбирайте Кемеровский государственный медицинский университет. Он прошел международную аккредитацию и предлагает программы на русском и английском языках.
Кемерово – это уютный зеленый город в Сибири, где вы будете чувствовать себя комфортно. В КемГМУ вы всегда можете обратиться к тьюторам и кураторам за помощью по любому вопросу. Вас поселят в общежитии рядом с главным корпусом. Рядом с кампусом расположены бульвары и парки для прогулок и занятий спортом, супермаркеты и кафе, остановки городского транспорта.

Здесь вы сможете познакомиться с национальной культурой и традициями народов России и мира, поучаствовать в фестивалях студенческого творчества.

Подробнее о вузе читайте в материале

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
Do you dream of getting a modern profession sought after by innovative enterprises? Do you want to acquire world-class knowledge and practical experience? Jump at the opportunity by applying to South Ural State University.

The university offers prestigious Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, including the program in Mechatronics and Robotics (Computer-Aided Control Technologies in Robotics) taught in Russian and English and the English-taught program in Biotechnology (Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology). Students attend classes conducted by well-known international researchers and participate in international academic mobility programs and joint scientific projects.

For more information, read the article.

Мечтаете овладеть современной профессией, востребованной инновационными предприятиями? Хотите получить знания и практический опыт мирового уровня?

Южно-Уральский государственный университет даст вам такую возможность.

Вуз предлагает престижные программы бакалавриата и магистратуры, в том числе программу “Мехатроника и робототехника (Компьютерные технологии управления в робототехнике)”, которая преподается на русском и английском языках, и англоязычную программу “Биотехнология (Индустриальная и экологическая биотехнология)”. Студенты посещают занятия известных зарубежных ученых, участвуют в международных программах академической мобильности и в совместных научных проектах.

Подробнее об этих программах читайте в материале

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
For four years already, we have been publishing the Higher Education Discovery (HED) magazine supported by Rossotrudnichestvo

HED is a multilingual international magazine about education in Russia for international applicants. It covers in detail the promotion of Russian education abroad through the Agency’s representative offices – Russian centers of science and culture (Russian Houses) in other countries. They provide information and organizational support for Russian universities recruiting international students and consult applicants wishing to study in Russia. The Russian Houses also hold informative and entertaining activities that inspire foreigners to see Russia with their own eyes and apply to Russian universities.

Currently, the HED magazine presents the Russian Houses of 24 states: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Mexico, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Peru, the Republic of the Congo, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Chile, Sri Lanka, and Ethiopia. The heads of these representative offices of Rossotrudnichestvo abroad will tell you:

• why international applicants choose Russian universities
• what fields of study are most popular among foreigners
• how to get a state-funded place at a Russian university within the Russian Government quota
• how to learn Russian before going to Russia
• what career prospects graduates of Russian universities have read the HED magazine and get acquainted with the Russian Houses abroad.

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia #Scholarship
Five reasons to learn Russian 🇷🇺

• It is the world’s sixth language by popularity among language students
• It is the eighth most spoken language by the number of native speakers
• A total of around 270 million people speak Russian worldwide
• It is considered a world language and has the status of an official language at international organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, the IOC, the IMF, and others
• It is the second most popular internet language

What do you need to learn Russian successfully?

• A competent teacher who has the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at their fingertips, is aware of the psychological and socio-cultural characteristics of international students, and can choose the right textbooks and study guides
• The natural or online language environment. It helps students learn Russian grammar and vocabulary and overcome the language barrier much faster. Also, they have no real challenges while listening and speaking.

The most difficult things for international students are cases, verbs, declension of nouns and adjectives, correct pronunciation and intonation. However, they find it very interesting to study Russian and Russian culture in general.

So, despite all the difficulties, students master the language, and some of them start speaking fluently and reading the best classic Russian books.

Read more about the aspects of learning Russian at

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia #Russianlanguage
You want to get a higher education in Russia, but you have doubts or are still undecided? To make the right choice, read the Higher Education Discovery magazine and its HED_people column dedicated to the eminent people of the past and present who study or studied in Russia or are related to our country one way or the other.

In the HED magazine, you will find a lot of motivational stories that can serve as your guide and support when choosing a university or an educational program:

• success stories of international graduates of Russian universities who work for the good of their countries, gratefully remembering the time spent at their Russian alma mater

• stories of international students who consider Russia their second home

• biographies of outstanding figures and researchers in various fields (politics, space, chemistry, medicine, pedagogy)

Here is only a small part of what the guests of our column say about Russia:
“To see and understand the Russian soul, you should live here and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of frankness and warmth. You can really get to know Russia so and in no other way.” - Issa Togo (Mali)

“In our changing and developing world, Russia remains one of the most powerful and technologically advanced countries. .” - Emmanuel Chijioke (Nigeria)

“I would advise everyone who is going to Russia or is already here to visit as many various cities as possible. The diversity of this country is really striking.” - Ahmed Said Amer (Egypt)

Read the HED magazine, get acquainted with our heroes and get inspired by them:

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
Do you want to get a high-quality and elite education at one of the best Russian and world universities? Do you dream of seeing the cultural capital of Russia called the Venice of the North? Apply to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. It is in the Top 3 Russian universities by the number of international students and the Top 3 most international universities in Russia in the Times Higher Education Ranking.

What does SPbPU offer its international students?

• The unique campus that comprises 170+ educational and research buildings, a modern sports center, comfortable dormitories, a university polyclinic, a polytechnic park, a concert hall, a museum, and four metro stations.
• University foundation programs in three study areas: Engineering, Economics, and Humanities – depending on students' future specialization, with the opportunity to master Russian and systematize and bridge the gaps in their knowledge of major subjects.
• Educational programs taught in Russian and English, double degree programs delivered jointly with foreign partner universities as well as employment, R&D and business internships at 200 major partner companies.
• Tutor Forces and Enjoy Polytech buddy programs that will help foreigners adapt to the new social and academic environment of the university. The buddies will meet you at the airport, help you with documents and dormitory check-in, and tell you about the city and university. There are the Tutor Forces language clubs working in cooperation with the PolyUnion Interclub with the involvement of international students as native speakers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Zhanna Trunkova, Lead Manager at the SPbPU International Education Department on the HED magazine website at

#Russia #Education #HED #EducationinRussia
The 33th issue of Higher Education Discovery magazine about education in Russia for international applicants has come out. It covers 23 universities in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other regions of Russia. From this issue, you will find out:

• how Rossotrudnichestvo promotes Russian education and popularizes the Russian language through their representative offices worldwide – the Russian Houses (these activities make Russia one of the world’s Top 5 countries attractive for international students)
• how international applicants can obtain an invitation to study at a Russian university and a student visa, get migration registration, undergo the procedures of medical certification and fingerprinting, and get a temporary residence permit for education (RVPO)
• what study and adaptation programs are offered by the universities participating in the issue, and many other things

The announcement of HED №33 was posted on the Rossotrudnichestvo’s official Telegram channel

#Russia #HED #Education
Dear friends, do you know that Russia has considerably simplified the migration procedures for international students in recent years? The main thing is to be aware of the regulations and comply with them.

The HED magazine has prepared for you an article about the rules of entry and stay in Russia “Migration Regulations: from Invitation to Entry.“

In this article, we provide relevant information for people who want to live and study in Russia. You will find out about how you can obtain a student visa after you enroll at the chosen university, who you should contact if you want to live in a hostel or rental apartment, what mandatory procedures you will have to undergo after you arrive in Russia, and why you need an RVPO – a temporary residence permit for education.

We are sure that this article will be of use to you.

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia #Migration #Relocation #ВРоссию
Dear friends, do you want to feel at home, studying at a university? Apply to Vladivostok State University, one of the best universities in the Russian Far East.

You will live in a unique campus where all educational buildings, dormitories, the advanced health clinic, the sports center, stores, canteens, and other buildings are connected by the general system of crossings. In bad weather or cold winter, there is no need to go outside because you have everything at hand.

The university has prepared an interesting article that will help you find out how you can learn the Russian language and get acquainted with Russian culture, what study programs are most popular, what you can see on the fantastic territory around the university, and how the university takes care of its students’ health.
Vladivostok State University is waiting for you!
If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russis #Education #HED #educationinRussia
🏥 Do you want to become a highly qualified physician, pharmacist, clinical psychologist, social worker, or medical researcher? Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University is waiting for you.

There are as many as six reasons to apply to this university. What reasons? Read the article to find out.

You will also find out what educational programs and preparatory courses are offered by the university, what financial support it provides for students, where international students live, and what the weather is like in Moscow.

If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #education #HED #Pirogov #УниверситетПирогова #SaintPetersburg
Dear friends, are you interested in biomedicine and biomedical technologies? Do you dream of becoming next-generation specialists ready to create innovations? Do you want to conduct research from the very beginning of your university studies? Apply to I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
As a Sechenov University student, you will be able to choose an individual learning path, get a unique education at the nexus of medicine and engineering, undertake study placement at an international partner university, and participate in numerous scientific, creative and sports events.

If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us [email protected].

#Russia #Education #HED #educationinRussia
Dear friends! Would you like to earn an English-taught degree in Veterinary Medicine? You can do it with Vyatka State Agrotechnological University, one of the best agrarian universities in the Volga region.

The English-taught Veterinary Medicine program
Duration: 5 years (Specialist’s program)
• In-depth Russian language course
• Industrial work placement at the enterprises in the Kirov Region
• Year-long internship at the state-of-the-art animal clinic of the university
• The dormitory within walking distance (approximately 100 meters from the university)

Tuition fee per year – 200,000 RUB
Average dormitory fee – 1,500 RUB

VSATU is waiting for you!
If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #HED #veterinarian #foreignstudent
Dear friends! Are you interested in agriculture-related professions? Do you want to become a highly qualified specialist and work at major agro-industrial enterprises, research institutes and laboratories? Apply to Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, one of the agricultural education leaders in Russia.

You will live in the beautiful town of Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo) not far from Saint Petersburg, which was poetized by the great Russian poet. Here you can take a walk in the well-wooded parks, admire the magnificent palaces, and take part in palace balls and festivals.

If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #Education #EducationinRussia
🍃 Dear friends! Do you want to live and study in a hospitable region with good environmental conditions, high living standards, low prices, and high-quality health care?

👉 Apply to Vyatka State University in the Kirov Region. It trains successful specialists in all fields, from history and law to civil engineering and information technology.

The university has prepared an interesting article that will help you find out about the advantages of Vyatka State University, learning Russian as a foreign language and the most popular educational programs.

If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
The 35th issue of Higher Education Discovery magazine about education in Russia for international applicants has come out

The issue is intended for young people from South Asia who want to study in Russia. It covers 11 universities in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other regions of Russia. From this issue, you will find out:
• what humanitarian, youth and academic projects are jointly implemented by Russia and South Asian countries
• how the Russian Houses promote Russian education and popularize the Russian language in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal
• why group work is the best way to learn Russian
• what educational programs are offered by the universities participating in the issue, and many other things

Вышел в свет 35-й выпуск журнала о российском образовании для иностранных абитуриентов Higher Education Discovery

Выпуск предназначен для молодых людей из Южной Азии, желающих учиться в России. В нем приняли участие 11 университетов Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга и других регионов России. Из этого выпуска вы узнаете:
• какие гуманитарные, молодежные и научно-образовательные проекты Россия реализует совместно со странами Южной Азии
• как Русские дома продвигают российское образование и популяризируют русский язык в Бангладеш, Индии и Непале
• почему русский язык лучше учить в группах
• какие учебные программы предлагают университеты-участники выпуска и многое другое.

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
🎓 Dear friends! Do you want to study at one of the best universities in Russia with a choice of an individual educational trajectory, live on a comfortable campus with the latest infrastructure and lead an active student life? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, where you will find any specialty to your liking - from economics and management to design and philology.

🏦 HSE in St. Petersburg cares about your career, holding a whole series of career guidance events and helping you build a future career trajectory and establish contacts with employers.

🌐 The Higher Education Discovery magazine website has a special service “Chat with University Specialists”, which helps foreign applicants get the necessary information about studying in Russia first-hand. If you have any questions about admission and education, you can always ask them to the university contact person on the journal page

#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo
#Education #EducationinRussia #RussianUniversities #HED
Dear friends, do you want to earn a prestigious degree from a Russian university and become a sought-after specialist in any field? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Banzarov Buryat State University that offers a lot of majors from General Medicine to Oriental and African Studies.

The university is located in the sunny capital of the Republic of Buryatia – Ulan-Ude, two hours' drive from the beautiful Lake Baikal. As soon as you arrive in Ulan-Ude, the university staff members will meet you at the airport or railway station and help you to check in at the dormitory and contact the Admission Office, bank, and migration service.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #Education #EducationinRussia #Buruatia #UlanUde #University
Do you want to get a grant covering up to 60% of your tuition fees at a Russian university?

The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University that offers such grants for international students.

When you become a NEFU student, you will live in a world-class comfortable campus in the northeast of Russia, in a region of astonishing contrasts where snowy mountain peaks neighbor upon green forests. Also, if you are interested in arctic and paleontological research, this is another reason why you should apply to NEFU.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #HED
Dear friends, do you want to get a profession of the future at a Russian university? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov where you can choose any major out of 350+ popular majors.

When you become a NArFU student, you will live and study on a unique campus where you will have everything for professional, creative and sports development. After graduation, you will be able to work for top Russian and international companies involved in megaprojects in oil and gas extraction, mining engineering, civil engineering, power engineering, information technologies, chemical engineering and biotechnologies, and other areas.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #education