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#RussiaIndia75: Art exhibition starts the 75th anniversary celebration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India

On 13 April 2022, Ambassador of the Republic of India to Russia, H.E. Mr. Pavan Kapoor has solemnly inaugurated the art exhibition at the Federation Council of Russia in presence of the Russian senators.

The exhibition named "India, My Love" was prepared by a group of Russian artists.It is dedicated to the culture, traditions, beauty of the people and nature of India.

Russian artists made portraits of historical and political figures: Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the great spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi, portraits of the first Indian ambassadors to Russia Vijay Lakshmi Pandit and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

In their project, the authors reflected their best feelings for a beautiful country, impressions from traveling and working together. The exhibition is a sign of gratitude for friendship and long-term relationships.

One of the artists, Konstantin Polyakov (Gandi) visited Kolkata recently. He presented his exhibition here and gave a number of master classes at the Russian pavilion of the International Kolkata Book Fair, Rabindra Bharati University and at the Artsacre museum.

75 years ago, on 13 April 1947, Russia was the very first to establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of India, four months before the official declaration of India's Independence from the British Empire.


#РоссияИндия75: Художественная выставка открывает празднование 75-летия установления дипломатических отношений между Россией и Индией

13 апреля 2022 года Посол Республики Индии в России г-н Паван Капур торжественно открыл художественную выставку в Совете Федерации России в присутствии российских сенаторов.

Выставка «Индия, любовь моя» подготовлена ​​группой российских художников. Она посвящена культуре, традициям, красоте людей и природе Индии.

Российские художники выполнили портреты исторических и политических деятелей: премьер-министра Индии Джавахарлала Неру, премьер-министра Индии Индиры Ганди, великого духовного лидера Махатмы Ганди, портреты первых послов Индии в России Виджая Лакшми Пандита и Сарвепалли Радхакришнана.

В своем проекте авторы отразили свои лучшие чувства к прекрасной стране, впечатления от путешествий и совместной работы. Выставка – знак благодарности за дружбу и многолетние отношения.

Один из художников, Константин Поляков (Ганди), недавно посетил Калькутту. Он представил здесь свою выставку и провел ряд мастер-классов в павильоне России на Международной Калькуттской книжной ярмарке в Университете Рабиндра Бхарати и в музее Artsacre.

75 лет назад, 13 апреля 1947 года Россия первой установила дипломатические отношения с Республикой Индией, за четыре месяца до официального провозглашения независимости Индии от Британской империи.

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#RussiaIndia #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianArt #KolkataBookFair
India has joined the flash mob #StopHatingRussians

“Relations between Russia and India began over 300 years ago. This year, the two countries are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. I am proud that my country and I always support Russia. It has always had strong historical, cultural and religious traditions. Stop hating Russians. Love Russian culture, love Russians. Bring peace to people. I support Russia. With love from India,” said Rishabh Sethi, a student at Tver State University.


Индия присоединилась к флешмобу #StopHatingRussians

«Отношения России и Индии начались более 300 лет назад. В этом году две страны празднуют 75 лет со дня установления дипломатических отношений. Я горжусь тем, что моя страна и я всегда поддерживаем Россию. У нее всегда были сильные исторические, культурные и религиозные традиции. Перестаньте ненавидеть русских. Любите русскую культуру, любите русских. Несите людям мир. Я поддерживаю Россию. С любовью из Индии», - сказал Ришабх Сетхи, студент Тверского государственного университета.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #India #RussiaIndia #RussiaIndia75
Kolkata celebrates 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between India and Russia

On June 27th, 2022 Consul General of the Russian Federation in Kolkata, Mr. Alexey Idamkin and Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University, Dr. Suranjan Das, have inaugurated an exhibition of artworks, archival photographs, books, periodicals and postage stamps, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India. The exhibition was organized by the Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan and involved participation of Indian and Russian artists.

In his address speech, Consul General has stressed that the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India became a major landmark, since the two countries' ties had been transformed into the solid foundational law.

Dr. Suranjan Das spoke on the enormous support which India had received from the USSR and modern Russia in terms of the foreign policy and protection of India's interests.

Graduates of the Russian language courses at the Russian House in Kolkata presented their performances of a Rabindranath Tagore poem in the original Bengali language and a song with lyrics by R. Tagore in Russian, which gained popularity in USSR, after being featured in a movie 'Love and Lies' ("Вам и не снилось", 1981).

Honorable guests have examined the exhibition and interacted with artists and journalists.

The exhibition will remain open for public viewing on weekdays till July, 6th from 3 to 6 p.m.

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Media is too big
Saptadeepa Banerjee, assistant professor at Gurudas College, Kolkata, and a graduate of the Russian language courses at the Russian House in Kolkata, performed the song at the inauguration of the exhibition of artworks, archival photographs and postage stamps, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India.

The song's lyrics are fragments of a poem by Rabindranath Tagore from his novel 'Sesher Kobita, The Last Poem" (1928). The song gained popularity in USSR, after being featured in a movie 'Love and Lies' ("Вам и не снилось", 1981).

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