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The winner of the competition "Masters of the Russian Language" Nelly Shulman has completed the internship which was carried out at the base of the Russian house in Buenos Aires. During the month, Nelly took an active part in the work of the Russian language courses, got acquainted with the methods of experienced teachers and improved pedagogical skills.

"Many thanks to Rossotrudnichestvo and the Russian house in Buenos Aires for the opportunity to take an online practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. I was very happy to communicate with students and learned a lot from the teacher leading the course. It was very pleasant to me to feel the enthusiasm of the students and their love for the Russian language," she said.

The competition "Masters of the Russian Language" is a joint project of Rossotrudnichestvo and the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. The winners and finalists are interned at the Russian houses and (or) educational organizations-partners of Rossotrudnichestvo abroad.


#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #PushkinInstitute #MastersOfTheRussianLanguage #RussianHouseBuenosAires

Gorchakov Fund, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute and Rossotrudnichestvo accept applications for the InteRussia research internship program for foreign specialists in Russian Language Studies.

The internship program will take place from 3 to 31 October 2022 in Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺.

Applications for the competition are accepted until August 28, 2022. Travel and accommodation for trainees will be provided by the organizers.

Scientific areas of internship #InteRussia:

•digital linguodidactics
• active processes in contemporary Russian language
• phenomenon of literary classics
• language policy and international education
• media language in the digital age

Eligibility: foreign citizens living outside of Russia

Organizers provide:
• travel from the place of residence of the applicant to Moscow and back
• twin sharing accommodation in a hotel
• visa support
• cultural program in Moscow
• scholarship for the duration of the internship in the amount of 30,000 rubles.



Фонд Горчакова, Государственный институт русского языка им. А. С. Пушкина и Россотрудничество открывают приём заявок на программу научно-исследовательских стажировок InteRussia для зарубежных русистов

Программа стажировок пройдёт
с 3 по 31 октября 2022 года в Москве 🇷🇺 . Заявки на конкурс принимаются до 28 августа 2022 года. Проезд и проживание стажёров за счёт организаторов.

Научные направления стажировки InteRussia:

• цифровая лингводидактика
• активные процессы в современном русском языке
• феномен литературной классики
• языковая политика и международное образование
• язык медиа в цифровую эпоху

Кто может стать участником?
Иностранные граждане, проживающие не на территории России.

Организаторы обеспечивают:
• проезд от места проживания соискателя до Москвы и обратно
• двухместное размещение в гостинице
• визовую поддержку
• культурную программу по Москве
• стипендию на время прохождения стажировки в размере 30 000 рублей

Как принять участие?
До 28 августа пройти регистрацию на сайте Фонда Горчакова и заполнить заявку:

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianLanguage #PushkinInstitute #GorchakovFund #русскийязык #internship2022 #Internship #Russia
Институт Пушкина приглашает преподавателей русского языка как иностранного и русского языка как неродного посетить новый цикл мероприятий — интерактивных лекций проекта «Школа преподавателя РКИ» в 2023—2024 учебном году.


#Russia #PushkinInstitute #RussianLanguage #RussianAsForeign #Education #Language
🇷🇺 Get scholarship for the university course or a summer Russian language school

Alexander Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language announces the beginning of the 19th International Russian Language Olympiad for foreign schoolchildren!

Olympiad stages:
- Registration on the portal “Education in Russian” - until November 12, 2023

- Qualifying stage – until November 26, 2023.
- Final – until December 22, 2023.

Diplomas of the winners are sent electronically. The Organizing Committee has the right to establish additional nominations for awarding the finalists of the Olympics.
More details on the website:


🇷🇺 Государственный институт русского языка им. А.С. Пушкина объявляет о начале XIX Международной олимпиады по русскому языку для зарубежных школьников!

Подробнее на сайте:

#Russia #RussisnHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianLanguage #PushkinInstitute
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🌎 In 2023, Russian language ambassadors visited 9 countries

About 7 thousand schoolchildren and students from Abkhazia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, India, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkey listened to lectures by volunteers of the International Russian Language Ambassadors in the World program.

In game and interactive formats, students, graduate students and young specialists taught foreigners the Russian language, Russian culture and literature, and talked about Russian education. They worked in schools, universities, children's camps, representative offices of Rossotrudnichestvo and in Moscow Houses abroad. Each expedition lasted from nine days to two months.

Let us remind you that the International Volunteer Program “Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World” has been implemented by the Pushkin Institute with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science since 2015.

🌎 За 2023 год послы русского языка посетили 9 стран

Порядка 7 тыс. школьников и студентов из Абхазии, Вьетнама, Киргизии, Индии, Кубы, Казахстана, Таджикистана, Узбекистана и Турции прослушали лекции волонтеров Международной программы «Послы русского языка в мире».

В игровом и интерактивном форматах студенты, аспиранты и молодые специалисты учили иностранцев русскому языку, русской культуре и литературе, рассказывали о российском образовании. Они работали в школах, вузах, детских лагерях, представительствах Россотрудничества и в Домах Москвы за рубежом. Каждая экспедиция длилась от девяти дней до двух месяцев.

Напомним, Международная волонтерская программа «Послы русского языка в мире» реализуется Институтом Пушкина при поддержке Минобрнауки России с 2015 года.

#Russia #Россия #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #India #Uzbekistan #RussianLanguage #PushkinInstitute #Cuba #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan #Vietnam #Abkhazia #Turkey #Tajikistan
⚡️ Call for applications for InteRussia fellowship in Russian studies is now open

The InteRussia team is launching a call for applications for the InteRussia scientific and research fellowship in Russian studies.

Fellowship participants will have a chance to see the most significant and promising achievements of Russian scholars in the field of philology, take part in expert sessions at universities, think tanks and community-based organisations, as well as work under the guidance of academic advisors, who will be leading researchers of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.

Fellowship will run from May 18 to June 15, 2025.

Location: Moscow, Russia.

Working language: Russian.
The fellowship result will be a research article co-authored with a supervisor from a respective field of study and accepted for consideration by the publishing office of a highly rated scientific journal.

Terms of participation

The organisers will cover the following costs:

- travel expenses to/from Moscow;
- double accommodation;
- visa support;
- a scholarship of RUB 30,000 for the entire duration of fellowship.

The last day to apply for the fellowship is March 15, 23:59 MSK.

Participation instructions

Sign up on the English version of the Gorchakov Fund’s website. If you did not receive a registration verification email, check your spam folder.

Navigate to the “My Projects” section, click on the “Create application” button, select the “InteRussia Русистика 2025” contest and hit “Yes”.
Fill in all mandatory fields.
Click on the “Submit” button in the “Apply” section and wait for the status to change from “Preparing” to “Submitted”.

#Russia #InteRussia #PushkinInstitute #Russianlanguage