Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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Dear friends, the international magazine HED presents a new special issue for applicants from South Asia!

The information from the heads of the Russian Houses in India and Sri Lanka will help prospective students of Russian universities learn more about the activities of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative offices in these countries and about admission to Russian universities within quotas.

What specialists do the important sectors of South Asian countries’ national economies need? What fields of study are popular among students from India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh? Why should you come to study in Russia? The new issue will answer these questions.


Друзья, международный журнал HED представляет новый спецвыпуск, ориентированный на абитуриентов из Южной Азии!

Информация от руководителей Русских домов в Индии и Шри-Ланке поможет будущим студентам российских вузов поближе познакомиться с деятельностью представительств Россотрудничества в этих странах, раскроет подробности поступления по квотам в вузы России.

В каких специалистах нуждаются важные отрасли национальных экономик южноазиатских стран? Какие направления подготовки популярны у студентов Индии, Шри-Ланки и Бангладеш? Почему стоит ехать учиться в Россию? Обо всем этом – в новом выпуске.

#образование #Россия #РусскийДом #квота
#education #quota #Russia #RussianHouse
HSE International Olympiad 2024

HSE International Olympiad (HSE INTO) ( is the biggest international project of HSE University. This year, it will take place for the tenth time. More than 5000 participants join the Competition every year, and the number is growing annually.

Competition participants will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships and grants, which will allow them to obtain tuition fee grants. HSE INTO 2024 outcomes will be valid for admission at HSE University for the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 academic years. Competition winners who apply to HSE University in 2024 will be entitled to a full Russian Government scholarship (within a quota) to study in one of the University's Bachelor’s programmes, if they comply with the application requirements.

Foreign (non-Russian) citizens and stateless persons are invited to take part in the competition, including high school students in the 10th or 11th grades (or in the 11th or 12th grades for those pursuing a 12-year school programme), as well as school graduates under 25 years. Foreign citizens residing and studying at high schools in Russia are also invited to take part in the competition.
Participation in HSE INTO 2024 is free of charge.

All prospective participants in the HSE International Olympiad – 2043 must apply online: from September 1 to November 5, 2023.

Competitions will be held from November 14 to November 25, 2023. The results are to be announced before December 31, 2023 on the HSE INTO website.

HSE INTO – 2024 participants may choose between on-campus (offline) and off-campus (online) modes of participation. List of offline venues will be published in November 2023, on the website.

HSE INTO covers the following subject fields: Design, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications (English), Mathematics, IT, International Relations, Social Sciences (Person. Society. State).

Detailed information about registration and the rules for participation are available on the HSE International Olympiad's website:

#Russia #internationalolympiad #HSE #education #highereducation #grant #quota #Olympiad #undergraduate.#EducationinRussia
Forwarded from Russian House New Delhi
Дорогие друзья! Мы рады сообщить, что регистрация заявок на получение стипендии в рамках квоты Правительства Российской Федерации в 2025 году продолжается и продлится до 15 января 2025 года.
Заявки заполняются и подаются через сайт Эта платформа полностью цифровая. Вы заполняете заявку и загружаете все отсканированные документы (паспорт и документ об образовании) онлайн.
За более подробной информацией обращайтесь по электронной почте: [email protected]
#Русскийдом #квота #Индия

Dear friends!
We are pleased to announce that the registration of applications for a scholarship within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2025 is ongoing and will last until January 15, 2025.
Applications are filled out and submitted through the website
This platform is completely digital. You fill out the application and upload all scanned documents (passport and education document) online.
For more detailed information, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]
#RussianHouse #quota #India