Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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A week-long celebration of 154th birth anniversary of a Russian writer Maxim Gorky started off in Kolkata

On 21 March, 2022 Russian House in Kolkata organized a discussion, dedicated to Maxim Gorky as a writer and his contributions to the social ideals of the 20th centur. Members of Indian Society for Cultural Cooperation and Friendship, West Bengal, Progressive Writers' Association Indian People's Cultural Association took part in the gathering.

An exhibition of Gorky's books showcases his popularity in the world, as many of his works have been published in different languages. A special attraction is an exhibition of photographs of Moscow's residence of Maxim Gorky in his later years.

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Students of Russian language courses paid tribute to Maxim Gorky in Kolkata

On 22nd of March 2022, students of the Institute of Russian language, Russian House in Kolkata, celebrated the 154th Birth Anniversary of Maxim Gorky. A literary evening was organised with multi-media and paper presentations and narrations. Students recited Gorky's poems in Russian and in English.

Certificates were given out to students on successful completion of their courses.

The programme included :

Presentation on life and works of Maxim Gorky - by Somoshri Palladhi

Narratives of sacrifice - portrayal of motherhood in Maxim Gorky's "Morher" and Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" - by Jagari Mukherjee

Maxim Gorky and Rabindranath Tagore - by Saswati Manna

Recitation of the poem "Песня о Буревестнике" (The Song of the Stormy Petrel) in Russian, followed by the English translation - by Natasha Ghose

Recitation of a Bengali poem on Maxim Gorky, composed by the student himself - by Biplab Roy

Narration of Russian House in Kolkata named after Maxim Gorky, popularly known as Gorky Sadan ("Gorky House") - by Gautam Ghosh

Narration of a short story on Maxim Gorky, depicting his compassionate and humane trait " Новая Роль" (The New Role) - by Tanusree Chatterjee.

All the participants received brochures "Russian places in and around Kolkata", published by the Russian House in 2019.

Flowers have been laid to the bust of Maxim Gorky, proudly owned by Russian House in Kolkata. According to the archives, the bronze bust can be accredited to a famous Soviet sculptor Mikhail Baburin. Another monument of Maxim Gorky is a copy of the famous statue, work of Vera Mukhina. On 16 March 1987, the street of Kolkata where the Russian House stands, has been renamed from Victoria Terrace to Gorky Terrace.

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A play based on Maxim Gorky's short story "Once Upon a Fall" was staged in Kolkata

As part of the week-long celebration of the 154th birth anniversary of a Russian writer, poet, playwright, publicist and public figure Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), a premiere of a play based on Gorky's short story was held at the Russian House in Kolkata. The play in Bengali language was presented by the city's Natakwala Theater Group on March 25th, 2022.

The director of the play, Shyamal Kumar Chakraborty, in his address to the audience pointed at the longevity of his interaction with the Russian House in Kolkata and expressed his respect for the work of Maxim Gorky.

The story "Once Upon a Fall" refers to Gorky's early autobiographical works. The writer recalls himself in a difficult situation in an new city and warmly writes about an unfamiliar girl who came to his aid. The production involved professional actors - Srijita Saha as Natasha and Rohan Bhattacharya as the main character.

The premiere of the performance is also timed to coincide with World Theatre Day, celebrated annually on March 27.

Спектакль по рассказу Максима Горького "Однажды осенью" поставлен в Калькутте

В рамках недельного празднования 154-летия со дня рождения русского писателя, поэта, драматурга, публициста и общественного деятеля Максима Горького (1868-1936) в Русском доме в Калькутте состоялась премьера спектакля по "Однажды осенью" по мотивам одноимённого рассказа автора. Постановка была представлена калькуттским театром "Натаквала" на бенгальском языке.

Директор и постановщик пьесы, Шаямал Кумар Чакраборти, в обращении к зрителям отметил давние теплые связи с Русским домом в Калькутте и высказал почтение творчеству Максима Горького.

Рассказ "Однажды осенью" относится к ранним автобиографическим произведениям Горького. В нём писатель вспоминает себя в трудной ситуации в незнакомом городе и с теплотой пишет о незнакомой девушке, пришедшей ему на помощь. В постановке были задействованы профессиональные актёры - Сриджита Саха в роли Наташи и Рохан Бхаттачарья в роли главного героя.

Премьера спектакля также приурочена ко Всемирному дню театра, отмечаемому ежегодно 27 марта.

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A premiere of a play based on Maxim Gorky's short story "Once Upon a Fall" staged in Kolkata

Natakwala Kolkata theatre group dedicated their performance to 154th birth anniversary of a Russian writer Maxim Gorky (March 28th) and the World Theater Day (March 27th).

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Literary circle of Kolkata paid tribute to Maxim Gorky

On March 30, members of the literary circle of Kolkata paid tribute to a famous Russian writer, playwright and social influencer Maxim Gorky on his 154th birth anniversary. Progress Literary Club had its session at the "Gorky House" - the Russian House in Kolkata.

Famous Bengali film writer and novelist, General secretary of the club, Shahzad Fordaus spoke on the occasion, noting the differences between writings of Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky. Prof. Rahul Dasgupta and Prof. Mustaq Ahmed read out their papers on life and works of Gorky.

Members of the club, writers and poets, presented their works and publications.

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Literary evening in honor of Maxim Gorky held in Kolkata

On March 24, Kolkata literary association "Writer's World" held a meeting in celebration of 154th birth anniversary of Maxim Gorky. Writers and poets of West Bengal shared their works and thoughts on Gorky's contribution to the world literature and social movement of the 20th century.

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"I think someday it might be possible that Soviet and Indian cosmonauts together will explore the unknown realms of space."
- first man in space Yuri Gagarin, New Delhi, 1961.

And it did happen! 38 years ago, on 3 April, 1984, the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft was launched, taking the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma to space.

Commander, Yury Malyshev and crew members Gennady Strekalov and Rakesh Sharma had their mission from 3 to 11 April, 1984.

Cosmonaut Yury Malyshev, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (16 June 1980 and 11 April 1984) and Ashoka Chakra awardee (1984) visited Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan. Yury Gagarin visited Calcutta as well, in November, 1961.


«Я думаю, что когда-нибудь советские и индийские космонавты вместе будут исследовать неизведанные области космоса».
- первый в истории человечества космонавт Юрий Гагарин, Нью-Дели, 1961 год.

И это случилось! 38 лет назад, 3 апреля 1984 года, был запущен космический корабль «Союз Т-11», доставивший в космос первого индийского космонавта Ракеша Шарму.

Командир Юрий Малышев и члены экипажа Геннадий Стрекалов и Ракеш Шарма выполняли задание с 3 по 11 апреля 1984 года.

Космонавт Юрий Малышев, дважды Герой Советского Союза (16 июня 1980 г. и 11 апреля 1984 г.), лауреат премии "Ашока Чакра" (1984 г.), посетил Русский Дом в Калькутте, Горький Садан. Юрий Гагарин также посетил Калькутту в ноябре 1961 года.

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90th birth anniversary of a Soviet film director and a scriptwriter Andrei Tarkovsky celebrated in Kolkata

On 8 April 2022, Russian House in Kolkata jointly with Indian association of Russian compatriots held a memorial evening of Andrei Tarkovsky (04 April 1932 - 29 December, 1986), whose 90th birth anniversary fell on 4 April this year.

Andrei Agafonov, Senior Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Kolkata, and Ekaterina Lazareva, Attaché of the Consulate, addressed the Russian diaspora of the city.

An exhibition of photographs depicting personal life, scenes of the shoots, film posters and early paintings of Tarkovsky has been presented to the guests. Irina Malysheva, member of the Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots in India, spoke on the key elements of Tarkovsky's biography, which formed his personality and got reflected in his works. Since Tarkovsky is known in the world not only for his cinematography, but also for his theoretical works - "Sculpting in Time" (1986), "Time Within Time: The Diaries 1970-1986" (1989), lectures on cinema, a short documentary interview was shown to make the Tarkovsky world more understandable to the viewers.

An autobiographical film "Mirror" (1975) by Andrei Tarkovsky was screened at the evening. The unconventional structure of the film incorporated poems composed and read by the director's father, Arseny Tarkovsky, and performance by his mother, Marina Vishnyakova. The episodes of the film have been arranged as a mosaic, it combines scenes of childhood memories, dreams and newsreel footage. The film's loos flow of visuals has been compared with the stream of consciousness technique in modernist literature.

Празднование 90-летия со дня рождения советского кинорежиссера и сценариста Андрея Тарковского состоялось в Калькутте

8 апреля 2022 года Русский дом в Калькутте совместно с Индийской ассоциацией российских соотечественников провел вечер памяти Андрея Тарковского (04 апреля 1932 - 29 декабря 1986), 90-летие со дня рождения которого пришлось на 4 апреля этого года.

К русской диаспоре города обратились консул-советник Генерального консульства Российской Федерации в Калькутте Андрей Григорьевич Агафонов и атташе Генконсульства Екатерина Лазарева.

Гостям была представлена ​​выставка фотографий из личной жизни, сцен съемок, киноафиш и ранних картин Тарковского. Ирина Малышева, член Координационного совета российских соотечественников в Индии, рассказала о ключевых элементах биографии Тарковского, которые сформировали его личность и нашли отражение в его произведениях. Поскольку Тарковский известен в мире не только своими кинематографическими работами, но и теорией кино - книгами "Запечатлённое время" (1986), "Время во времени: Дневники 1970-1986" (1989), "Уроки режиссуры" (1993), краткое документальное интервью было продемонстрировано для лучшего понимания мира Тарковского.

Автобиографический фильм «Зеркало» (1975) Андрея Тарковского был продемонстрирован зрителям. Нестандартная структура фильма включает в себя стихи, написанные и прочитанные отцом режиссера, Арсением Тарковским, и игру матери режиссера, Марины Вишняковой, в роли самой себя. Эпизоды фильма выстроены как мозаика, сочетающая сцены детских воспоминаний, снов и кадры кинохроники. Поток зрительных образов в фильме сравнивают с техникой потока сознания в модернистской литературе.

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Exhibition of photographs on Yury Gagarin's mission opened in Kolkata

On 12 April 2022, in commemoration of the 61st anniversary of the first space flight with a pilot cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Russian House in Kolkata have opened an exhibition of photographs and books. Dr. M. Nara Singh, Former Minister of Science, Technology and Culture of Manipur, has inaugurated the exhibition.

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🇷🇺 Russian House in Kolkata turns 48

On 22 April 2022, an exhibition of archival photographs and posters "Down the memory lane" has been inaugurated at the Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan. Since its official opening back in 1974, it has been a platform for the cultural dialogue between Russia and India, providing facilities for education, research, creativity and networking.

The exhibition will remain open to visitors on weekdays till 29 April, 2022.
🇷🇺 Русский дом в Калькутте отмечает 48 лет со дня своего основания

22 апреля 2022 года в Русском доме в Калькутте имени Максима Горького открылась выставка архивных фотографий и плакатов, связанных с деятельностью центра. Со дня своего откратия он стал площадкой для культурного диалога между Россией и Индией, предоставляя возможности для образования, исследований, творчества и общения.

Выставка будет открыта для посетителей по будням до 29 апреля 2022 года.

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