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Dear friends, the 37th issue of the Higher Education Discovery magazine about education in Russia for international applicants has come out.

In the light of contemporary challenges and changes in the global education space, Russian education is becoming increasingly competitive and attractive to international students. Alexander Alimov, Director of the Department for Multilateral Humanitarian Cooperation and Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, talks about the crucial role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in promoting Russian education abroad.

Without knowing the Russian language, we can hardly imagine our acquaintance with Russia and Russian culture, studying at Russian universities, and adaptation to the living conditions in Russia. To find out how popular the Russian language is today, read the article “The Russian Language in the World.”

International students can develop and consolidate Russian communication skills by reading the works by outstanding writers and poets. The article “Read in Russian for Fun and Profit” deals with how the works by Korney Chukovsky can be helpful to learners of Russian as a foreign language.
The issue also contains the reviews of top Russian universities.

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia
Dear friends, do you want to get a high-quality medical education in Russia? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov in Saint Petersburg.

The university offers the General Medicine program taught in Russian and English as well as the unique Dentistry program that prepares students for practical activities within international standards.

Here you can take part in academic exchange programs, grants and internships, and summer and winter schools on medicine.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page

#Russia #Education #HED #EducationinRussia
School of Advanced Studies (SAS) is an elite honors college that features the most talented and highly motivated students from Russia and abroad in dialogue across the social sciences, humanities, and IT. It is a key institution at the University of Tyumen (UTMN).

At SAS, we provide a unique opportunity of getting an innovative international undergraduate degree taught by professors from around the world fully in English.

Full scholarships

In 2024, SAS will award 3 scholarships that cover the full tuition fee for the four-year BA program. We will guide you on how to get a student visa and health insurance as well as make sure you will get a room in a modern, comfortable, and affordable dormitory. Additionally, you will be eligible for merit scholarships.

How to apply:

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #Tyumen
👉 Don't miss your chance to enroll in the Financial University under the Russian Government quota!


The winners are granted the right to be enrolled in the Financial University under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation or a 50% discount for the entire period of study.


Foreign citizens and stateless persons mastering educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.


1) the first stage (qualifying) will be held in the format of a "portfolio competition" (participants must attach a motivation letter) - November 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025;

2) the second stage (final): in the form of computer testing with mandatory monitoring of the test (remotely using proctoring technology) - December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2024


Register in your Personal Account on the website

#Russia #Education #Olympiad #Scholarship #Finance
Don State Technical University has opened registration for international academic competition for master’s degree applicants «MASTERSIUM»

The prizewinners and awardees – citizens of foreign countries have a right to be enrolled at DSTU within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation for Master studies. The languages are Russian, French, Spanish and English. Participation is online and free of charge.

The registration is open from 1 November to 20 December 2024 at 👉

The competition consists of 2 stages:

•Qualification stage: the testing is held online from 1 December 2024 to 31 January 2025.
•Final stage: the written examination is held online from 1 February to 1 March 2025.

The results will be published in March 2025 on the official website of the competition at
For applicants who do not speak Russian and are planning to study in a Master's programme in Russian, the quota includes 1 year of intensive study of Russian and the basics of general education disciplines at the International Faculty.

Presentation of the Olympiad:

Should you have any questions, please contact us in English, Spanish, French or Russian via WhatsApp +7 (908) 516-94-96 and [email protected]

Донской государственный технический университет проводит
Международную олимпиаду для абитуриентов магистратуры «Я-магистр»

Победители и призёры имеют возможность поступить в ДГТУ в пределах квоты Правительства РФ. Олимпиада проводится на русском, английском, французском и испанском языках. Участие в Олимпиаде бесплатное.

Регистрация открыта по с 1 ноября по 20 декабря 2024 года 👉

Олимпиада состоит из 2 этапов:

•Отборочный этап проводится онлайн в формате тестирования с 1 декабря 2024 года по 31 января 2025 года.
•Заключительный этап проводится онлайн с 1 по 28 февраля 2025 года.

Участникам предстоит решать практико-ориентированные задачи.
Результаты будут опубликованы в марте 2025 года на сайте олимпиады:

Для абитуриентов, не владеющих русским языком и планирующих обучение по программам магистратуры на русском языке, квота включает 1 год интенсивного изучения русского языка и основ общеобразовательных дисциплин на факультете «Международный».

Презентация олимпиады:

По всем возникающим вопросам можно обратиться на русском, английском, испанском и французском языках:
WhatsApp +7 (908) 516-94-96 (только сообщения)
Email: [email protected]

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #Olympiad
Dear friends, do you want to get a higher education in Russia and become a top-notch specialist? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Yaroslavl State Technical University where you can choose a program to your liking from more than 50 fields of study.

You will live on a comfortable campus, have an interesting student life, and conduct innovative research. After graduation, you will be successfully employed in your degree field.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page

#Russia #HED #Education #EducationinRussia
Dear friends, do you teach Russian as a foreign language and want to improve your knowledge and skills in language teaching methodology? You have the opportunity to do this totally free of charge. The international magazine Higher Education Discovery, supported by Rossotrudnichestvo, presents Irkutsk National Research Technical University that holds a professional development program for Russian language teachers as part of the summer school every year.

What does the INRTU Summer School offer?

• Free training and accommodation on the university campus
• Studying modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
• Immersion in the ethno-cultural and linguistic environment by visiting museums, monuments of architecture and natural attractions in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk Region, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site - Lake Baikal.

To participate in the INRTU Summer School in 2025, please apply for the Russian Government Scholarship (quota of Rossotrudnichestvo) before January 15, 2025 and choose a program “Russian as a Foreign Language in Higher Engineering School: Content Integration, Digitalization, Assessment”.

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #HED #baikallake #LakeBaikal
The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) is the only state higher educational institution in the Eurasian region that offers multi-level training for specialists in the field of intellectual property.

The Academy provides free education in Russia under the quota program the Government of the Russian Federation.
Benefits of Studying under the Government Quota:
• Tuition-free education,
• Monthly scholarship,
• Visa support and educational visa for the entire period of study,
• Accommodation in the RSAIP student residence,
• Full-time study program.
Specialties Offered at RSAIP:
• Economics,
• Management,
• Law,
• Information Systems and Technologies,
• Innovatics.
Additional Programs for Foreign Students:
• Russian as a Foreign Language Basic Level (Duration: 1 or 1.5 years),
• Russian as a Foreign Language with an Economic Focus (Duration: 1 year).
About 3,000 students, trainees, postgraduates, and doctoral candidates from over 30 countries are currently studying at the Academy.

The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property is waiting for you!
Links to information materials:

ФГБОУ ВО «Российская государственная академия интеллектуальной собственности (РГАИС) – единственное государственное высшее учебное заведение на евразийском пространстве, осуществляющее многоуровневую подготовку специалистов в области интеллектуальной собственности.

В Академии доступно бесплатное обучение по квоте Правительства Российской Федерации.
Преимущества получения образования по квоте Правительства Российской Федерации:
- обучение без оплаты,
- выплата стипендии,
- получение визовой поддержки и учебной визы на весь период обучения,
- проживание в общежитии РГАИС,
- обучение в очной форме.
Специальности, по которым ведется набор в РГАИС:
- Экономика,
- Менеджмент,
- Юриспруденция,
- Информационные системы и технологии,
- Инноватика.

В РГАИС реализуются дополнительные общеобразовательные программы для иностранных граждан:
– «Русский язык как иностранный» – базовый уровень подготовки (срок освоения 1 или 1,5 года);
– «Русский язык как иностранный» экономической направленности (срок освоения 1 год).
В Академии обучаются около 3000 студентов, слушателей, аспирантов, докторантов, в том числе из более чем 30 стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья.
«Российская государственная академия интелектуальной собственности» ждет Вас!
Ссылки на информационные материалы:

#Russia #Education #Scholarship
🏆 Russian schoolchildren performed successfully at the 21st International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). The competition was held in Romania. Our guys won 3 gold and 2 silver medals!

🥇Gold medals were awarded to:
• Ilya Binkin (Samara Regional Center for Gifted Children, Samara)
• Robert Bitlev (Lyceum No. 533, Educational Complex "Malaya Okhta", St. Petersburg)
• Gleb Artamonov (School No. 1568 named after Pablo Neruda, Moscow)

🥈Silver medals were awarded to:
• Timofey Mironyuk (Physical and Technical Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa, Dolgoprudny),
• Vyacheslav Kurtenok (Lyceum "Second School" named after V.F. Ovchinnikov, Moscow).

The participants of the competition demonstrated their knowledge in three subjects: physics, chemistry and biology.

🎉 Congratulations to our talented schoolchildren on their well-deserved awards at the International Olympiad.

🏆 Российские школьники успешно выступили на 21-й Международной естественно-научной олимпиаде юниоров (IJSO). Состязание прошло в Румынии.
Наши ребята завоевали 3 золотые и 2 серебряные медали!

🥇 Золотые медали получили
• Илья Бинкин (Самарский региональный центр для одаренных детей, Самара)
• Роберт Битлев (лицей №533 Образовательный комплекс «Малая Охта», Санкт-Петербург)
• Глеб Артамонов (школа №1568 имени Пабло Неруды, Москва)

🥈 Серебряных медалей удостоены:
• Тимофей Миронюк (Физтех-лицей имени П.Л.Капицы, Долгопрудный),
• Вячеслав Куртенок (лицей «Вторая школа» имени В.Ф.Овчинникова, Москва).

Участники соревнований продемонстрировали свои знания в трех предметах: физике, химии и биологии.

🎉 Поздравляем наших талантливых школьников с заслуженными наградами на Международной олимпиаде.
Желаем ребятам дальнейших успехов и реализации своих талантов!

#Россия #Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #Olympiad #IJSO #Science #Romania
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Moscow Veterinary Academy named after K. I. Skryabin is a large agricultural university in Russia, a veterinary training and methodological center, the base platform for the WorldSkills championship in the field of Veterinary Medicine. Founded in 1919.

Available for students:
• educational and laboratory buildings;
• clinics;
• vivariums;
• treatment and diagnostic veterinary center;
• sports complex.

Students from 51 countries of the world, including India 🇮🇳, study at the Academy. The university actively cooperates with foreign partners, including: the World Organization for Animal Health, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the European Association of Veterinary Education Organizations.

More details at the link (

Московская ветеринарная академия имени К. И. Скрябина — крупный аграрный вуз России, учебно-методический центр зооветеринарной направленности, базовая площадка чемпионата WorldSkills по профилю «Ветеринария». Основан в 1919 году.
Для студентов доступны:
• учебно-лабораторные корпусы;
• клиники;
• виварии;
• лечебно-диагностический ветеринарный центр;
• спортивный комплекс.

В Академии учатся студенты из 51 страны мира. Вуз активно сотрудничает с зарубежными партнерами, среди которых: Всемирная организация здравоохранения животных, Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН, Европейская Ассоциация организаций ветеринарного образования.
Подробнее по ссылке (

#Россия #Образование #ВузыРоссии #МГАВМиБ #Russia #EducationinRussia #universitiesofRussia #Education #Vet #veterinaria