GORLOVKA. The number of dead and injured is growing every day
Gorlovka is a once thriving city located 50 kilometers from Donetsk. Since 2014, it has been part of the Donetsk People's Republic, and according to the results of the referendum in September 2022, it is part of Russia.
It is one of the largest industrial centers of Donbass. The leading industries are: coal, mining, engineering, chemical, food. Now, due to frequent shelling, production is almost stopped, hundreds of citizens, including children, are injured by shrapnel, the number of deaths is growing.
SHELLING: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the city since 2014. The number of civilian deaths and injuries, including children, is growing.
Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 241 people died: these are 117 men, 103 women and 21 children. 738 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including 362 men, 323 women and 53 children.
Since the beginning of the special military operation residents of Gorlovka have been shelled 9 418 times, 101 people have died, these are: 54 men, 46 women and 1 child. 360 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including: 176 men, 162 women, 22 children.
In total, from 2014 to 2023, 342 people died in Gorlovka, including 171 men, 149 women, and 22 children. 1 098 people were injured with varying degrees of severity: 538 men, 485 women, 75 children.
Civilian infrastructure is suffering: schools, kindergartens, hospitals. People are losing their homes and livelihoods.
Another attack was recorded on 23 February, 2023. Six shells with 152 mm caliber were fired from the Ukrainian side.
Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 4 820 civil infrastructure facilities, including 4 656 residential buildings, were damaged.
Since February 2022, 3 679 civilian objects have been damaged due to shelling from the Ukrainian side, including 2 747 residential buildings, 203 industrial facilities, 161 social facilities, 124 public buildings, gas pipelines, water pipelines, 211 boiler houses, urban transport: 16 buses, 3 trolleybuses.
WATER SHORTAGE: Since the end of February 2022, serious problems with water supply have begun in Gorlovka, as well as throughout the territory of the DPR. On 21 February, due to shelling by the Ukrainian side, several water supply stations were damaged, including the pumping station of the South Donbass water pipeline. And on the 24th in the area of Gorlovka, the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal was damaged, this is a key water supply facility in the region. As a result, water stopped flowing into the #DPR from the territory controlled by Ukraine.
Problems with water supply affected residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, enterprises. The supply was limited – once every few days.
In June 2022, it was possible to establish the supply of additional water to the Seversky Donets — Donbass canal, but people still feel an acute shortage of water.
THE CRISIS CONTINUES: Residents of #Gorlovka continue to suffer from water shortages and systematic shelling, and the Ukrainian side often uses prohibited weapons.
On 24 February, 2023, the AFU used cluster munitions to shell the Kalininsky district of Gorlovka. A shell burst was recorded between residential buildings, a 39-year-old woman was injured. Also, 29 power lines were cut.
Since 2010, an international convention has come into force prohibiting the use, transfer and accumulation of cluster munitions, because their victims are primarily civilians, including children. Such shells kill very often even years after their use.
RISKS: International organizations, including the UN, do not record separately the injury and death of civilians in #Donbass, as well as damage to civilian infrastructure. The published reports provide only general data on the victims, taking into account the territories controlled by Kiev.
This approach encourages the Ukrainian side to further violations of international humanitarian law against civilians in the conflict zone.
Gorlovka is a once thriving city located 50 kilometers from Donetsk. Since 2014, it has been part of the Donetsk People's Republic, and according to the results of the referendum in September 2022, it is part of Russia.
It is one of the largest industrial centers of Donbass. The leading industries are: coal, mining, engineering, chemical, food. Now, due to frequent shelling, production is almost stopped, hundreds of citizens, including children, are injured by shrapnel, the number of deaths is growing.
SHELLING: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the city since 2014. The number of civilian deaths and injuries, including children, is growing.
Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 241 people died: these are 117 men, 103 women and 21 children. 738 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including 362 men, 323 women and 53 children.
Since the beginning of the special military operation residents of Gorlovka have been shelled 9 418 times, 101 people have died, these are: 54 men, 46 women and 1 child. 360 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including: 176 men, 162 women, 22 children.
In total, from 2014 to 2023, 342 people died in Gorlovka, including 171 men, 149 women, and 22 children. 1 098 people were injured with varying degrees of severity: 538 men, 485 women, 75 children.
Civilian infrastructure is suffering: schools, kindergartens, hospitals. People are losing their homes and livelihoods.
Another attack was recorded on 23 February, 2023. Six shells with 152 mm caliber were fired from the Ukrainian side.
Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 4 820 civil infrastructure facilities, including 4 656 residential buildings, were damaged.
Since February 2022, 3 679 civilian objects have been damaged due to shelling from the Ukrainian side, including 2 747 residential buildings, 203 industrial facilities, 161 social facilities, 124 public buildings, gas pipelines, water pipelines, 211 boiler houses, urban transport: 16 buses, 3 trolleybuses.
WATER SHORTAGE: Since the end of February 2022, serious problems with water supply have begun in Gorlovka, as well as throughout the territory of the DPR. On 21 February, due to shelling by the Ukrainian side, several water supply stations were damaged, including the pumping station of the South Donbass water pipeline. And on the 24th in the area of Gorlovka, the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal was damaged, this is a key water supply facility in the region. As a result, water stopped flowing into the #DPR from the territory controlled by Ukraine.
Problems with water supply affected residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, enterprises. The supply was limited – once every few days.
In June 2022, it was possible to establish the supply of additional water to the Seversky Donets — Donbass canal, but people still feel an acute shortage of water.
THE CRISIS CONTINUES: Residents of #Gorlovka continue to suffer from water shortages and systematic shelling, and the Ukrainian side often uses prohibited weapons.
On 24 February, 2023, the AFU used cluster munitions to shell the Kalininsky district of Gorlovka. A shell burst was recorded between residential buildings, a 39-year-old woman was injured. Also, 29 power lines were cut.
Since 2010, an international convention has come into force prohibiting the use, transfer and accumulation of cluster munitions, because their victims are primarily civilians, including children. Such shells kill very often even years after their use.
RISKS: International organizations, including the UN, do not record separately the injury and death of civilians in #Donbass, as well as damage to civilian infrastructure. The published reports provide only general data on the victims, taking into account the territories controlled by Kiev.
This approach encourages the Ukrainian side to further violations of international humanitarian law against civilians in the conflict zone.
The Russian government has allocated funds for the organization of mobile medical teams and multifunctional hospitals in new regions of the country. The subsidy will be received by medical institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the regions. This practice has already been tested during the coronavirus pandemic and has proven to be effective.
Read more: https://government.ru/news/47928/
Правительство России выделило средства на организацию мобильных медицинских бригад и многофункциональных госпиталей в новых регионах страны. Субсидию получат медицинские учреждения, подведомственные Минздраву России и регионам. Эта практика уже была опробована во время пандемии коронавируса и доказала свою эффективность.
Подробнее: https://government.ru/news/47928/
#Russia #DPR #LPR
The Russian government has allocated funds for the organization of mobile medical teams and multifunctional hospitals in new regions of the country. The subsidy will be received by medical institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the regions. This practice has already been tested during the coronavirus pandemic and has proven to be effective.
Read more: https://government.ru/news/47928/
Правительство России выделило средства на организацию мобильных медицинских бригад и многофункциональных госпиталей в новых регионах страны. Субсидию получат медицинские учреждения, подведомственные Минздраву России и регионам. Эта практика уже была опробована во время пандемии коронавируса и доказала свою эффективность.
Подробнее: https://government.ru/news/47928/
#Russia #DPR #LPR
Правительство выделило средства на организацию выездных медицинских бригад и многофункциональных госпиталей в новых регионах страны
Распоряжение от 4 марта 2023 года №513-р
Almost 5 million school textbooks have been delivered in LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Read more: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17234757
Около 5 млн школьных учебников поставлено в ЛНР, ДНР, Запорожскую и Херсонскую области. Читать подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17234757
#Russia #DPR #LPR
Almost 5 million school textbooks have been delivered in LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Read more: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17234757
Около 5 млн школьных учебников поставлено в ЛНР, ДНР, Запорожскую и Херсонскую области. Читать подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17234757
#Russia #DPR #LPR
В новые регионы поставили почти 5 млн школьных учебников
По данным главы Минпросвещения Сергея Кравцова, повышение квалификации прошли 20 397 педагогов и руководящих работников из ЛНР, ДНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей
In Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, the «Rosseti» group restored more than 3,500 power supply facilities. For this, materials and equipment, as well as more than 100 units of special vehicles, were transferred to the regions.
For more details click the link: https://rg-ru.turbopages.org/rg.ru/s/2023/03/14/v-novyh-regionah-vosstanovleno-bolee-3500-obektov-elektrosnabzheniia.html
В Луганской, Донецкой, Херсонской и Запорожской областях группа "Россети" восстановила более 3500 объектов электроснабжения. Для этого в регионы были переданы материалы и оборудование, а также более 100 единиц автоспецтехники.
Подробнее по ссылке: https://rg-ru.turbopages.org/rg.ru/s/2023/03/14/v-novyh-regionah-vosstanovleno-bolee-3500-obektov-elektrosnabzheniia.html
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #LPR #DPR
In Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, the «Rosseti» group restored more than 3,500 power supply facilities. For this, materials and equipment, as well as more than 100 units of special vehicles, were transferred to the regions.
For more details click the link: https://rg-ru.turbopages.org/rg.ru/s/2023/03/14/v-novyh-regionah-vosstanovleno-bolee-3500-obektov-elektrosnabzheniia.html
В Луганской, Донецкой, Херсонской и Запорожской областях группа "Россети" восстановила более 3500 объектов электроснабжения. Для этого в регионы были переданы материалы и оборудование, а также более 100 единиц автоспецтехники.
Подробнее по ссылке: https://rg-ru.turbopages.org/rg.ru/s/2023/03/14/v-novyh-regionah-vosstanovleno-bolee-3500-obektov-elektrosnabzheniia.html
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #LPR #DPR
Российская газета
В новых регионах восстановлено более 3500 объектов электроснабжения
Группа "Россети" восстановила более 3500 объектов электроснабжения в новых регионах страны, сообщил ее генеральный директор Андрей Рюмин премьер-министру Михаилу Мишустину. Эта инфраструктура обеспечивает электроснабжением такие города, как Горловка, Светлодарск…
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More than 3,000 specialists are involved in the construction of a water pipeline from the Don River. It will provide stable water supply to Donetsk.
Experts are arranging and installing pumping stations, as well as mounting cable lines that will provide electricity to the facilities. The work is being carried out around the clock.
Currently, the situation with water supply in the DPR remains difficult. In Donetsk and many other settlements, water is supplied according to a special schedule.
Video: TASS
Более 3 тыс. специалистов принимают участие в строительстве водовода из реки Дон. Он обеспечит стабильное водоснабжение Донецка.
Специалисты обустраивают и устанавливают насосные станции, монтируют кабельные линии, которые будут обеспечивать объекты электричеством. Работы ведутся в круглосуточном режиме.
Сейчас ситуация с водоснабжением в ДНР остается сложной. В Донецке и многих других населенных пунктах вода подается по специальному графику.
Видео: ТАСС
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
More than 3,000 specialists are involved in the construction of a water pipeline from the Don River. It will provide stable water supply to Donetsk.
Experts are arranging and installing pumping stations, as well as mounting cable lines that will provide electricity to the facilities. The work is being carried out around the clock.
Currently, the situation with water supply in the DPR remains difficult. In Donetsk and many other settlements, water is supplied according to a special schedule.
Video: TASS
Более 3 тыс. специалистов принимают участие в строительстве водовода из реки Дон. Он обеспечит стабильное водоснабжение Донецка.
Специалисты обустраивают и устанавливают насосные станции, монтируют кабельные линии, которые будут обеспечивать объекты электричеством. Работы ведутся в круглосуточном режиме.
Сейчас ситуация с водоснабжением в ДНР остается сложной. В Донецке и многих других населенных пунктах вода подается по специальному графику.
Видео: ТАСС
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
Sverdlovsk region donated medical equipment to the DPR
Sverdlovsk region has sent more than 100 units of modern medical equipment for the perinatal centre to the town of Makeyevka (DPR). The new equipment will enable to provide effective help to the newborns and their mothers.
The equipment includes incubators for nursing premature babies, open intensive care systems, scales and beds for newborns, artificial lung ventilation devices, microscopes and biochemical analysers for clinical and diagnostic laboratory, which will enable to carry out quick diagnostics as well as to enlarge the list of tests.
Свердловская область направила более 100 единиц современного медицинского оборудования для перинатального центра в город Макеевка (ДНР). Новая техника даст возможность оказывать эффективную помощь новорожденным и их матерям.
В составе оборудования: инкубаторы для выхаживания недоношенных детей, открытые реанимационные системы, весы и кровати для новорожденных, микроскопы и биохимические анализаторы для клинико-диагностической лаборатории, которые позволят быстро выполнять исследования и расширят перечень проводимых исследований, а также аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких.
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
Sverdlovsk region donated medical equipment to the DPR
Sverdlovsk region has sent more than 100 units of modern medical equipment for the perinatal centre to the town of Makeyevka (DPR). The new equipment will enable to provide effective help to the newborns and their mothers.
The equipment includes incubators for nursing premature babies, open intensive care systems, scales and beds for newborns, artificial lung ventilation devices, microscopes and biochemical analysers for clinical and diagnostic laboratory, which will enable to carry out quick diagnostics as well as to enlarge the list of tests.
Свердловская область направила более 100 единиц современного медицинского оборудования для перинатального центра в город Макеевка (ДНР). Новая техника даст возможность оказывать эффективную помощь новорожденным и их матерям.
В составе оборудования: инкубаторы для выхаживания недоношенных детей, открытые реанимационные системы, весы и кровати для новорожденных, микроскопы и биохимические анализаторы для клинико-диагностической лаборатории, которые позволят быстро выполнять исследования и расширят перечень проводимых исследований, а также аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких.
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
Almost 12 000 residents of the new constituent entities of Russia received monthly cash payments. The Social Fund transferred to residents the first monthly benefits issued in accordance with Russian law for a total amount of 18 million rubles.
Read more: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17315315?ysclid=lfhw9jqd29639296294
Почти 12 тыс. жителей новых субъектов России получили ежемесячные денежные выплаты. Социальный фонд перечислил жителям первые ежемесячные пособия, оформленные по российскому законодательству на общую сумму 18 млн рублей.
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17315315?ysclid=lfhw9jqd29639296294
#Russia #DPR #LPR
Almost 12 000 residents of the new constituent entities of Russia received monthly cash payments. The Social Fund transferred to residents the first monthly benefits issued in accordance with Russian law for a total amount of 18 million rubles.
Read more: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17315315?ysclid=lfhw9jqd29639296294
Почти 12 тыс. жителей новых субъектов России получили ежемесячные денежные выплаты. Социальный фонд перечислил жителям первые ежемесячные пособия, оформленные по российскому законодательству на общую сумму 18 млн рублей.
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17315315?ysclid=lfhw9jqd29639296294
#Russia #DPR #LPR
Почти 12 тыс. жителей новых регионов России получили ежемесячные денежные выплаты
Их общая сумма составила 18 млн рублей
More than 5,000 books will be sent to Donbass
More than 5,000 books will be sent to the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as part of the «Books to Donbass» campaign in April. Volunteers and specialists helped collect textbooks and manuals, thematic collections and other publications on philology, history, cultural studies, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and Russian language teaching methods. In addition, rare primers and dictionaries, fiction for adults and children were collected for libraries and educational institutions of Donbass.
Some books will go to the libraries of the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky. Other books will be delivered to the library system of Volnovakha district which has 34 reading rooms.
The humanitarian action will help restore book collections of Russian literature in new regions of Russia.
В апреле в рамках акции «Книги Донбассу» в ДНР и ЛНР отправят более 5 тыс. книг. Добровольцы и специалисты помогли собрать учебники и учебные пособия, тематические сборники и другие издания по филологии, истории, культурологии, философии, педагогике, психологии и методике обучения русскому языку. Кроме этого, для библиотек и образовательных учреждений Донбасса собрали редкие буквари и словари, художественную литературу для взрослых и детей.
Часть книг отправят в библиотеки Донецкого национального университета экономики и торговли имени Михаила Туган-Барановского. Другие издания доставят в библиотечную систему Волновахского района, в составе которой 34 читальни.
Гуманитарная акция поможет восстановить книжные фонды русской литературы в новых регионах России.
#Россия #Донбасс
#Russia #DPR #LPR
More than 5,000 books will be sent to Donbass
More than 5,000 books will be sent to the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as part of the «Books to Donbass» campaign in April. Volunteers and specialists helped collect textbooks and manuals, thematic collections and other publications on philology, history, cultural studies, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and Russian language teaching methods. In addition, rare primers and dictionaries, fiction for adults and children were collected for libraries and educational institutions of Donbass.
Some books will go to the libraries of the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky. Other books will be delivered to the library system of Volnovakha district which has 34 reading rooms.
The humanitarian action will help restore book collections of Russian literature in new regions of Russia.
В апреле в рамках акции «Книги Донбассу» в ДНР и ЛНР отправят более 5 тыс. книг. Добровольцы и специалисты помогли собрать учебники и учебные пособия, тематические сборники и другие издания по филологии, истории, культурологии, философии, педагогике, психологии и методике обучения русскому языку. Кроме этого, для библиотек и образовательных учреждений Донбасса собрали редкие буквари и словари, художественную литературу для взрослых и детей.
Часть книг отправят в библиотеки Донецкого национального университета экономики и торговли имени Михаила Туган-Барановского. Другие издания доставят в библиотечную систему Волновахского района, в составе которой 34 читальни.
Гуманитарная акция поможет восстановить книжные фонды русской литературы в новых регионах России.
#Россия #Донбасс
#Russia #DPR #LPR
In Mariupol, the number of multifunctional centers (MFC) will be increased to speed up the process of issuing Russian passports. It is planned to open five such centers this year.
Now, the town has four Migration Service offices and one MFC where people can obtain passports.
В Мариуполе увеличат количество многофункциональных центров (МФЦ), чтобы ускорить процесс выдачи российских паспортов. В этом году планируется открыть пять таких центров.
Сейчас в городе работает четыре подразделения миграционной службы и один МФЦ, где люди могут получить паспорта.
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
In Mariupol, the number of multifunctional centers (MFC) will be increased to speed up the process of issuing Russian passports. It is planned to open five such centers this year.
Now, the town has four Migration Service offices and one MFC where people can obtain passports.
В Мариуполе увеличат количество многофункциональных центров (МФЦ), чтобы ускорить процесс выдачи российских паспортов. В этом году планируется открыть пять таких центров.
Сейчас в городе работает четыре подразделения миграционной службы и один МФЦ, где люди могут получить паспорта.
#Россия #ДНР #Russia #DPR
More than 360 schools and kindergartens will be renovated and built in Donbass in 2023.
Russian specialists are restoring schools, kindergartens, institutions of additional education and universities in the DPR and LPR. For today 430 facilities have been restored.
In Mariupol, 10 pre-schools are ready. A new residential complex together with six multi-storey buildings include a school for 1,100 students and a kindergarten for 150 children.
By September 1, 2023, eight academic buildings of Priazovsky State Technical University as well as a sports palace and a canteen building are to be rebuilt. The territory around the educational institution will be redesigned. The total area of renovated facilities is over 63,000 sq m.
In the LPR, the half-century-old Zimogoryevskaya gymnasium, named after internationalist soldiers, is being restored and an overhaul of the Oleg Koshevoy lyceum is in progress.
Более 360 школ и детских садов восстановят и построят на Донбассе в 2023 году.
В ДНР и ЛНР российские специалисты ведут работы по восстановлению школ, детских садов, учреждений дополнительного образования и вузов. На сегодняшний день восстановлено 430 объектов.
В Мариуполе готовы 10 дошкольных учреждений. В новом жилом комплексе одновременно с шестью многоэтажками предусмотрена школа на 1 100 учеников и детский сад на 150 детей.
К 1 сентября 2023 года планируется восстановить восемь учебных корпусов Приазовского государственного технического университета, а также дворец спорта и здание столовой. Будет благоустроена территория вокруг учебного заведения. Общая площадь ремонтируемых объектов — более 63 тыс. кв. м.
В ЛНР восстанавливается полувековое здание Зимогорьевской гимназии имени воинов-интернационалистов и проводится капитальный ремонт лицея имени Олега Кошевого.
#Россия #ДНР #ЛНР
#Russia #DPR #LPR
More than 360 schools and kindergartens will be renovated and built in Donbass in 2023.
Russian specialists are restoring schools, kindergartens, institutions of additional education and universities in the DPR and LPR. For today 430 facilities have been restored.
In Mariupol, 10 pre-schools are ready. A new residential complex together with six multi-storey buildings include a school for 1,100 students and a kindergarten for 150 children.
By September 1, 2023, eight academic buildings of Priazovsky State Technical University as well as a sports palace and a canteen building are to be rebuilt. The territory around the educational institution will be redesigned. The total area of renovated facilities is over 63,000 sq m.
In the LPR, the half-century-old Zimogoryevskaya gymnasium, named after internationalist soldiers, is being restored and an overhaul of the Oleg Koshevoy lyceum is in progress.
Более 360 школ и детских садов восстановят и построят на Донбассе в 2023 году.
В ДНР и ЛНР российские специалисты ведут работы по восстановлению школ, детских садов, учреждений дополнительного образования и вузов. На сегодняшний день восстановлено 430 объектов.
В Мариуполе готовы 10 дошкольных учреждений. В новом жилом комплексе одновременно с шестью многоэтажками предусмотрена школа на 1 100 учеников и детский сад на 150 детей.
К 1 сентября 2023 года планируется восстановить восемь учебных корпусов Приазовского государственного технического университета, а также дворец спорта и здание столовой. Будет благоустроена территория вокруг учебного заведения. Общая площадь ремонтируемых объектов — более 63 тыс. кв. м.
В ЛНР восстанавливается полувековое здание Зимогорьевской гимназии имени воинов-интернационалистов и проводится капитальный ремонт лицея имени Олега Кошевого.
#Россия #ДНР #ЛНР
#Russia #DPR #LPR
"Between the Earth and the sky - the war". The other side of life in military Donetsk
Photojournalist, publicist Denis Grigoryuk @denyaleto lives and works in Donetsk, the city of once a thousand roses, and for the last 9 years - the city thousands of shellings.
One evening Denis went to a concert. The young group performed at the club with covers of Victor Tsoi's songs. "Between the Earth and the sky - the war"... what can better reflect Donetsk today?
Read: https://telegra.ph/Between-earth-and-heaven---war-The-reverse-side-of-life-in-military-Donetsk-03-29
«Между землей и небом - война». Обратная сторона жизни в военном Донецке
Фотокорреспондент, публицист Денис Григорюк @denyaleto живет и работает в Донецке — городе некогда тысячи роз, а последние 9 лет — тысячи обстрелов.
В один из вечеров Денис пошел на концерт. Молодая группа выступала в клубе с каверами на песни Цоя. «Между землей и небом война»… что может лучше отражать Донецк сегодня?
Читать: https://telegra.ph/Mezhdu-zemlej-i-nebom---vojna-Obratnaya-storona-zhizni-v-voennom-Donecke-03-29
#Russia #Donetsk #DPR
"Between the Earth and the sky - the war". The other side of life in military Donetsk
Photojournalist, publicist Denis Grigoryuk @denyaleto lives and works in Donetsk, the city of once a thousand roses, and for the last 9 years - the city thousands of shellings.
One evening Denis went to a concert. The young group performed at the club with covers of Victor Tsoi's songs. "Between the Earth and the sky - the war"... what can better reflect Donetsk today?
Read: https://telegra.ph/Between-earth-and-heaven---war-The-reverse-side-of-life-in-military-Donetsk-03-29
«Между землей и небом - война». Обратная сторона жизни в военном Донецке
Фотокорреспондент, публицист Денис Григорюк @denyaleto живет и работает в Донецке — городе некогда тысячи роз, а последние 9 лет — тысячи обстрелов.
В один из вечеров Денис пошел на концерт. Молодая группа выступала в клубе с каверами на песни Цоя. «Между землей и небом война»… что может лучше отражать Донецк сегодня?
Читать: https://telegra.ph/Mezhdu-zemlej-i-nebom---vojna-Obratnaya-storona-zhizni-v-voennom-Donecke-03-29
#Russia #Donetsk #DPR
"Between earth and heaven - war". The reverse side of life in military Donetsk
There is no need to talk about nightlife in a town that has been at war for almost 9 years. Shelling, curfews and other attributes of wartime — something that Ukrainian towns are just getting used to — is already an integral part of life for Donetsk. Even…