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International Youth Competition of Scientific, Scientific-Practical, and Sci-Fi Works HORIZON-2100'22

Young people aged 16 to 26 from any country and of any nationality are invited until November 30, 2022, to register and submit a work for the competition:

In English -

In Russian -

The competition is held in two nominations:
- The best scientific article, research, or scientific-practical work that reflects the scientific vision of the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of 2100 and the prospects for the development of various scenarios.
- The best science-fiction work, science-fiction story, essay, reportage, article, etc. that describes imaginary, innovative, and original ideas, fantastic events, processes, and future prospects at the turn of the year 2100, giving them a scientific explanation.

Available categories for entry into the competition:

- participate in the International Youth Foresight Forum "World 2100: Global Trends and the Future through the Eyes of the Young" (February 5 to February 9, 2023), where diplomas will be awarded.
- have their works presented for the world to see at:
Certificates in PDF format will be received by all participants.

Applicants, this is a friendly reminder to be sure to submit your works for HORIZON 2100! The deadline is fast approaching Just over a week left until November 30th and we stop accepting submissions. There is still plenty of time for you to turn in your work.

HORIZON 2100 is an annual competition that is organized by the Non-governmental non-profit organization “Center for Modeling Future in Education, Science, Economics and Socio-humanitarian Sphere” for young and active thinkers from different countries, who can carry out creative research for scientific ideas, hypotheses or science fiction about the distant future at the turn of the year 2100. Over the past several years, the project has already involved more than 1200 participants and experts from 63 countries!

The working languages of the project are Russian and English.
For any questions in English, please contact by mail - [email protected]
For any questions in Russian, please contact by mail - [email protected]

#russia #Horizon2100
The Circassians inhabit Karachay-Cherkessia and live in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, Kabardino-Balkaria and Adygea.
The main element of men's national costume is the Circassian coat, which has become a symbol of Caucasian costume. It is a single-breasted caftan without a collar. The caftan is perfect for riding on horseback and for moving around in the mountains. On both sides of the caftan there are leather cartridge cases, on the belt there is a small box with grease for oiling weapons and a pouch with accessories for cleaning, dismantling and sharpening of weapons. The dressing of this garment has not changed in the centuries afterwards.

Since ancient times, the Circassians have worshipped the life-giving Sun and the Golden Tree, Fire and Water, believed in the vicious circle of time, and created a rich pantheon of heroes of the Nart epic.

Their cuisine is famous for a fresh and delicate cheese called latakai. The national dish is "ly gur" - dried meat. There is also "tursha", which is potatoes stuffed with garlic and meat. Popular pastries include lakuma puffs, halivas, "khuyi delen" pies with beet tops, and "natuk chyrzhyn", a corn flatbread.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #PeoplesofRussia
Черкесы населяют Карачаево-Черкесию, живут в Ставропольском, Краснодарском краях, Кабардино-Балкарии и Адыгее.

Основным элементом национального мужского костюма является черкеска. Черкеска идеально подходит для верховой езды и для передвижения по горам. По обеим сторонам кафтана есть кожаные гнезда для патронов, на поясе крепится жирница и сумка с принадлежностями для очистки, разборки и заточки оружия. Покрой этого предмета одежды не изменился спустя столетия.

С древности черкесы поклонялись дарующему жизнь Солнцу и Золотому Древу, Огню и Воде, верили в замкнутый круг времени, создали богатый пантеон героев нартского эпоса – богатырей, совершающих подвиги.

Кухня этого народа славится свежим и нежным сыром под названием «латакай». Национальным блюдом является «лыы гур» — сушеное мясо. Есть еще «турша» — это фаршированный чесноком и мясом картофель. Из выпечки популярны пышки лакумы, халивы, пироги со свекольной ботвой «кхъуей делен», кукурузные лепешки «натук-чыржын».

#НародыРоссии #Россия #РусскийДом #Россотрудничество
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#Kolkata music lovers had a real treat tonight at the concert of the "Terem-Quartet" ensemble, as the Russian Culture Festival in India goes on!

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianCulture #TeremQuartet #ТеремКвартет
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
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🇷🇺🪔🇮🇳 Russian Culture Festival in India continues! On its Day 4, Rabindra Sadan Auditorium in #Kolkata hosts musical group Terem-Quartet! #festivalofrussianculture
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The Russian Culture Festival in India is on, and here's what the Kolkata audience thinks.

One more bright performance is coming up tonight for Kolkata, don't miss it!
Friday, 25 November, at the Rabindra Sadan Auditorium, 7 p.m.

Entry is free and open to all!

#Russia #RussianCulture #RussianCultureFestival #RussiaIndia #Kolkata
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Russian ballet on ice was included in the cultural program of the World Cup in #Qatar. The troupe of the Russian State Ballet on Ice of St. Petersburg performs the "Swan Lake". The performance takes place at the indoor skating rink of the fan zone in #Doha, which was created with the participation of specialists from Russia.

The ballet will perform until the last day of the World Championships - December 18, and from December 1 to 10 will give way to the musical "Sleeping Beauty" by Tatiana Navka.

Video: TASS.


Русский балет на льду вошел в культурную программу чемпионата мира по футболу в Катаре. Труппа Государственного балета на льду Санкт-Петербурга выступает с «Лебединым озером». Спектакль проходит на крытом катке фан-зоны в Дохе, который был создан при участии специалистов из России.

Балет будет выступать до последнего дня чемпионата мира — 18 декабря, а с 1 по 10 декабря уступит площадку мюзиклу Татьяны Навки «Спящая красавица».

Видео: ТАСС.

#Russia #Qatar #Culture #RussianCulture
#MGIMO University plans to open a Russian school in Turkey in 2023, Anatoly Torkunov, its rector, says. The project will be carried out under the state academic leadership program ‘Priority 2030’. Earlier, the university has already opened two Russian schools in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Further details:


В 2023 году #МГИМО планирует открыть русскую школу в Турции, заявил ректор Анатолий Торкунов. Проект будет реализован в рамках государственной программы поддержки российских университетов «Приоритет-2030». Ранее университет уже открыл две русские школы в Узбекистане и Киргизии.

#Russia #EducationinRussia #RussianSchool
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We can't get enough of "The Little Prince" piece, performed by "Terem-Quartet" yesterday at the Russian Culture Festival in India!

A gentle mix of melodies of a Russian composer Michael Tariverdiev.

#Russia #RussiaIndia #RussianCultureFestival #Kolkata #tariverdiev #Таривердиев #ТеремКвартет #TeremQuartet #stpetersburg
Russian Culture Festival in India 🇷🇺 🇮🇳

On 25 November, at 7 p.m., the Russian State ensemble of the Cossack song "Krinitsa" will perform for you at the Rabindra Sadan Auditorium, Kolkata.

You are welcome to attend it, free entry.

#Russia #RussianCultureFestival #RussiaIndia #Kolkata #Krinitsa #Криница
Russia is included in top ten countries in terms of digitalization of the public services, international experts say. Vladimir Putin claimed this in his speech during “AI (artificial intelligence) Journey” international conference held on Thursday.

Further details:


По оценке международных экспертов, Россия входит в десятку мировых лидеров по цифровизации госуслуг. Об этом в четверг заявил Владимир Путин на международной конференции «Путешествие в мир искусственного интеллекта».

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State ensemble of Cossack song "Krinitsa" at the Russian Culture Festival in India

#Russia #RussiaIndia
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Kolkata has definitely learned a few Russian dance steps tonight with artists of the State Ensemble of Cossack Song "Krinitsa" from Russia's Krasnodar region!

Days of the Russian Culture Festival in India are over for now, but not for Mumbai and New Delhi yet. We thank all of you who attended of the Russian Culture Festival in India and expect to see you again soon.

#Russia #RussiaIndia #Kolkata #Krinitsa #Cossack #CossackDance
St. Petersburg State University ( starts accepting documents of foreign citizens for admission to state-funded seats.

In accordance with the Rules for holding an open competition among foreign citizens, stateless persons and compatriots living abroad to study at St. Petersburg State University at the expense of the federal budget allocations in the field within the quota determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/18/2020 No. 2150, in 2023, on November 14, 2022, St Petersburg University began accepting documents from foreign citizens to participate in the competition. Applications will be accepted until February 24, 2023.

The list of required documents can be found at the link: The entrance examination is carried out online in the form of a portfolio competition.

The results will be published on the website: no later than March 17, 2023.


Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет ( начинает прием документов иностранных граждан для поступления на бюджетные места.

В соответствии с Правилами проведения открытого конкурса среди иностранных граждан, лиц без гражданства и соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, на обучение в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете за счет бюджетных ассигнований федерального бюджета на местах в рамках квоты, определенной Постановлением Правительства Российской Федерации от 18.12.2020 № 2150, в 2023 году СПбГУ 14 ноября 2022 года начал прием документов иностранных граждан для участия в конкурсе. Прием документов продлится до 24 февраля 2023 года.

С перечнем необходимых документов можно ознакомиться по ссылке ( Вступительное испытание проводится с использованием дистанционных технологий в форме конкурса документов (портфолио).

Результаты будут опубликованы на сайте ( не позднее 17 марта 2023 года.

#Россия #Образование #СПбГУ
#Russia #Education #SPbSU #educationinrussia #соотечественники