Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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Russia ranks second in the world in terms of renewable water resources. People cannot exist without fresh water; 40% of the world's population suffers from its deficiency. Most often the term «water resources» is used in a narrower sense, meaning fresh water, which is used for food and hygiene, heating, housekeeping and industry.

Russia is rich in water resources, especially in renewable ones. What do renewable water resources mean? It is the water that can be restored in the process of the water cycle in nature, and it can also be used in the economy without harming the ecosystem. Its main source is rivers. The Lena is the longest river in Russia, the basin of which is located entirely on the territory of the country. It is the main transport artery of Yakutia. The Ob and the Yenisey are one of the most full-flowing rivers in the world. They have become the base for the largest hydroelectric power plants that supply energy to the whole of Siberia.

Rivers are the city's water supply, the fertility of fields, fishing, logistics.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #waterresources #Russia
Forwarded from Русский дом
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25 марта в Русском доме в Калькутте состоялась премьера спектакля «Однажды осенью» по мотивам одноимённого рассказа русского писателя Максима Горького.

Калькуттский театр «Натаквала» поставил спектакль на языке бенгали. В нем задействованы профессиональные актёры - Сриджита Саха в роли Наташи и Рохан Бхаттачарья - главный герой.

Рассказ относится к ранним автобиографическим произведениям Горького. В нём писатель вспоминает себя в трудной ситуации в незнакомом городе и с теплотой пишет о девушке, пришедшей ему на помощь.

#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #Индия #РусскийДомКалькутта
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Residents of the Kiev region received 20 tons of humanitarian aid from Russia.

In the village of Dymer, people were given basic necessities: food, medicines, hygiene kits and fuel.


Жители Киевской области получили 20 тонн гуманитарной помощи от России.

В населённом пункте Дымер людям выдавали вещи первой необходимости: продукты, медикаменты, гигиенические наборы и топливо.

Video: RT

#Россия #Украина #СМР
#Russia #Ukraine #humanitarianaid
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Since our Youtube channel was blocked for posting videos on Russian culture and the life of expats in Russia, we have migrated our video archive to Rumble.

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Maxim Gorky and Calcutta: a retrospection on the day of 154th birth anniversary of the writer

Alexey Maximovich Peshkov, popularly known as Maxim Gorky, was a Russian writer and political activist. Five times nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was born on March 28, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Empire.

The most read work of the Russian literature, translated in many languages of India is Maxim Gorky's novel "Mother" (1906). It inspires many generations of people, dreaming about better and rightful life.

From the beginning of the 20th century Kolkata was well introduced to Maxim Gorky and his activities. Great interest about the writer-activist was shown by the freedom-loving people of Bengal. One can witness information about the arrest of Maxim Gorky, published in the newspapers like 'The Bengalee', 'The Englishman", etc. Very soon Gorky became a close relative to the oppressed people of colonial India.

At the height of the anti-British movement in 1905, the first biography of Maxim Gorky was published in the January edition of the journal 'Bharat Mahila'. The furst translation of Gorky's story was published in 'Jahnavi' journal in 1913. Since then Gorky inspired freedom fighters in India.

In 1920-22 Gorky's 'Chelkash' was introduced in the syllabus of the British department of the Intermediate course of the University of Calcutta. One can also find Gorky's 'Mother' in the hands of Labanya, the main female character of Rabindranath Tagore's novel 'Shesher Kabita' ('Last Poem'), written in 1928. Much earlier in 1917in his story 'Poila Number 1' Tagore introduced Gorky to the literary circle of India through the discussion on contemporary short stories.

Russian House in Kolkata bears the name of this great Russian writer as Gorky Sadan. Overthrowing the colonial hangover from the street where the Russian House stands, known earlier as Victoria Terrace, on 16 March 1987, the street was renamed as Gorky Terrace on the eve of the 120th birth anniversary of the writer.

Article source: Russian Places In and Around Kolkata. Russian House in Kolkata, 2019.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseKolkata #MaximGorky #Gorky #МаксимГорький #Горький #Freedommovement #RussiaIndia #Tagore #freedomfighter #FreedomFighterofIndia
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More and more people around the world are speaking out against Russophobia. #StopHatingRussians - say the people of Armenia.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russophobia #Armenia
Padma Shri has been presented by President of India Ram Nath Kovind to Dr Tatiana Shaumyan, Head of the Centre for Indian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, for Literature and Education. She specializes in India’s Foreign Policy and International Relations in Asian countries.

Padma Shri is the fourth-highest civilian award of the Republic of India.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #padmashri2022 #PadmaShriAward #RussiaIndia

On March 27, a peaceful action against Russophobia was held in Brussels. Its initiators were Belgian activists, in particular Jean-François Devroux. He emphasized the anti-military, peaceful nature and cultural and humanitarian orientation of the action.

Not only our compatriots and Russian-speaking Belgians attended the rally, but also representatives of the Belgian public.

The action was held in one of the most important places in Brussels - on the Robert Schuman Roundabout in the centre of the European Quarter. where the main institutions of the European Union are concentrated. Around 50 people gathered in front of the European Commission building.

“It was the first action in Brussels, but it was not the last one. We must continue to speak about it”, commented the organisers.


27 марта в Брюсселе прошла мирная акция против русофобии. Её инициатором выступили бельгийские активисты, в частности подготовил свое выступление Жан-Франсуа Девру. Он принципиально подчеркивал антивоенный, мирный характер и культурно-гуманитарную направленность акции.

На митинг пришли не только наши соотечественники и русскоговорящие бельгийцы, но и представители бельгийской общественности.

Акция прошла в одном из значимых мест Брюсселя - на площади Робера Шумана в центре Европейского квартала, где сосредоточены основные институты Европейского Союза. Перед зданием Еврокомиссии собралось порядка 50 человек.

«Это была первая акция в Брюсселе, но она не последняя. Мы должны продолжать говорить об этом», - прокомментировали организаторы.

#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #РусскийДомБрюссель #русофобия
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseBrussels #russophobia

Jean-François Devroux, organizer of the rally against Russophobia in Brussels:

«The action organized this Sunday in Brussels is intended not only to denounce acts of anti-Russian sentiment in Europe, but above all to declare that the rights of the Russian-speaking people living among us are trampled upon and the articles of the European constitution are not respected.

I would like each of us to ask ourselves: should we completely "erase" such a rich and ancient Russian-speaking culture, should we imagine that from now on we will no longer listen to Tchaikovsky's music or read Tolstoy's books?

I don’t dare to believe it!»

Жан-Франсуа Девру, организатор митинга против русофобии в Брюсселе:

«Акция, организованная в это воскресенье в Брюсселе, призвана не только осудить акты русофобии в Европе, но, прежде всего, заявить, что права русскоязычных, живущих среди нас, попираются, а статьи европейской конституции - не соблюдаются. Я хотел бы, чтобы каждый из нас задал себе вопрос: должны ли мы полностью "стереть" такую богатую и древнюю русскоязычную культуру, должны ли мы представить себе, что с этого дня мы больше не будем слушать музыку Чайковского или читать книги Толстого? Я не осмеливаюсь в это поверить!»

#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #РусскийДомБрюссель #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russophobia
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Athlete Jeff Monson responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger's address to the Russian people.

Video: @rt_russian


Спортсмен Джефф Монсон ответил на обращение Арнольда Шварцнеггера к российскому народу.

Видео: @rt_russian

#Донбасс #Donbass #schwarzenegger #Russia #Ukraine
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Aesthetics of Russian Orthodox churches.
Check out this cool collection of footage from all over Russia filmed with love by photographer Svetlana!
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov: Was honoured to welcome Prof Tatiana Shaumyan, prominent Russian Indologist, Head of the Centre for Indian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, on the occasion of her decoration with the Padma Shri Award by President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind on March 28