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🐻 #МЫВМЕСТЕ. На Донбасс доставили 20 тонн гуманитарной помощи от российских волонтеров: https://xn--b1agazb5ah1e.xn--p1ai/volunteers/tpost/lph18vupe1-na-donbass-privezli-20-tonn-gumanitarnog
🐻 Доступные возможности. Школьники из ДНР и ЛНР впервые примут участие в конкурсе «Большая перемена»:
🐻 Мастера живописи. Работы художников из Татарстана представят на выставке современного искусства в Сенегале:
🐻 Безопасность превыше всего. Российские ученые создали роботизированный комплекс для спасения космонавтов в открытом космосе:
🐻 Экологическая повестка. В Москве пройдет международный форум:

🐻 #WeAreTogether. 20 tons of humanitarian aid delivered to Donbass from Russian volunteers: https://xn--b1agazb5ah1e.xn--p1ai/volunteers/tpost/lph18vupe1-na-donbass-privezli-20-tonn-gumanitarnog
🐻 Available options. Schoolchildren from the DPR and LPR will take part in the «Big Break» competition for the first time:
🐻 Painting masters. Works by artists from Tatarstan will be presented at an exhibition of contemporary art in Senegal:
🐻 Safety is paramount. Russian scientists created a robotic complex to rescue astronauts in outer space:
🐻 Environmental agenda. An international forum will hold in Moscow:
#россотрудничество #русскийдомввифлееме #новости
🐻 #МЫВМЕСТЕ. Российские волонтеры запустили работу пекарни в Харьковской области: https://xn--b1agazb5ah1e.xn--p1ai/volunteers/tpost/35mu4th6p1-900-batonov-ezhednevno-dlya-zhitelei-vol

🐻 Международное сотрудничество. Ученые из России и Китая работают над новым типом компьютерной памяти:

🐻 Восточное партнерство. В России откроют центр российско-арабской культуры:

🐻 Знание — сила. В Ростове-на-Дону пройдет первый образовательный форум вузов России и Донбасса:

🐻 Будущее науки. Открыта регистрация на седьмой Форум молодых ученых стран БРИКС:

🐻 #WEARETOGETHER. Russian volunteers have launched a bakery in the Kharkiv region: https://xn--b1agazb5ah1e.xn--p1ai/volunteers/tpost/35mu4th6p1-900-batonov-ezhednevno-dlya-zhitelei-vol

🐻 International cooperation. Scientists from Russia and China are working on a new type of computer memory:

🐻 Eastern partnership. Russian-Arab culture center to be opened in Russia:

🐻 Knowledge is power. The first educational forum of Russian and Donbass universities will be held in Rostov-on-Don:

🐻 Future of science. Registration for the seventh BRICS Young Scientists Forum has been opened:
#россотрудничество #russianhouseinbethlehem #русскийдомввифлееме #русскийдом
Application campaign of the International Track of the International Prize #WEARETOGETHER has started
The Track is aimed at rewarding citizens and organizations of the world for their great contribution to solving important humanitarian problems.
The themes of the Track change every year, but they always address modern global challenges. In 2021, the main theme of the International Track of the Prize was the contribution towards fighting against the spread of COVID-19. The track of 2022 is dedicated to the theme: "Social changes through volunteering".
Within the framework of the International Track applications will be accepted from participants of 2 categories: "Legal entities" (non-profit, public and business organizations) and "Individuals" (volunteers and unregistered associations of initiative citizens).
This year's laureates will be selected from 6 regions of the world: CIS, Europe, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East and North Africa, North and South America, Sub-Saharan Africa.
The prize can be received in 3 nominations:
• "Ecology and Sustainable Development" – initiatives in the field of environmental protection, education, and consumption, "green" economy and technologies;
• "Medicine and Healthy Lifestyle" – initiatives in the field of mental and physical health, donation, health development, promotion of physical education and sports as well as the values of healthy lifestyle;
• "Equal Opportunities and Social Justice" are initiatives aimed at improving well–being of vulnerable categories of citizens, providing social assistance to people, revealing talents and educating individuals, developing education and volunteering.
In each nomination up to 3 laureates can be selected. Also among the individual laureates, a laureate will be selected in the special nomination "Good Deed of the Year" for special achievements in the field of solving important humanitarian problems.
The winners will receive valuable prize, the opportunity to become a participant of the International Forum of Civil Participation #WEARETOGETHER and also to promote their initiatives at the global level and receive expert support throughout the year.
Applications will be accepted until August, 15th 2022 through
#россотрудничество #русскийдомввифлееме #русскийдом
#WeAreTogether. Russian volunteers conducted a humanitarian mission in LPR: https://xn--b1agazb5ah1e.xn--p1ai/news/tpost/284826v871-volonteri-ekologi-pobivali-v-lnr-s-gummi
Author's cinema. The International Film Festival "Mirror" is being held in Russia:
Education for young people. 700 students from different countries studied at the Summer University:
Unique development. A vein scanner was invented in Tyumen. It will help doctors to take blood:
Cultural cooperation. Experts from Russia and Syria will conduct a joint expedition in Palmyra:
112 participants of the International Award #WeAreTogether reached the final with their social projects. The best initiatives were chosen by the experts of the Presidential Grants Foundation.
Most of the finalist projects are from Moscow and the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, Tatarstan and Vologda Region.
The winners will be announced at the International Forum of Civil Participation #WeAreTogether. It will be held from December 5 to 7 in Moscow.
Волонтеры со всего мира приглашаются к участию в Международной премии #МЫВМЕСТЕ. В рамках конкурса будет оцениваться вклад иностранных граждан и организаций в решение важных гуманитарных проблем.

В этом году главная тема международного трека премии — «Социальные изменения через волонтерство». Конкурс будет проводиться в трех номинациях: «Экология и устойчивое развитие», «Здравоохранение и экстренное реагирование», «Равные возможности и социальная справедливость».

Церемония награждения победителей премии пройдет с 5 по 7 декабря в рамках Международного форума гражданского участия #МЫВМЕСТЕ.

Подать заявку можно до 20 июля на сайте

Volunteers from all over the world are invited to participate in the International Award #WeAreTogether. The competition will evaluate the contribution of foreign citizens and organizations to solving important humanitarian problems.

This year, the main theme of the international track of the award is "Social change through volunteering". The competition will be held in three categories: "Ecology and sustainable development", "Healthcare and emergency response", "Equal opportunities and social justice".

The award ceremony for the winners of the award will be held from December 5 to 7 within the framework of the International Forum of Civil Participation #WeAreTogether.

You can apply until July 20 on the website
#мывместе #россия #волонтеры
Forwarded from Rosmolodezh.+World
🌍Rosmolodezh.+World: more than just the international youth policy.

In our channel you will find not only up-to-date news about Rosmolodezh's international activities and opportunities for youth from countries around the world in Russia, but also:
📃announcements of international youth events and forums;
🏆world news on youth achievements;
🏛️interesting facts about art, culture and history of Russia and other countries;
🔥useful lifehacks;
👥interviews with foreign students;
💎and much more.

Rosmolodezh.+World is up-to-date information about its own projects:
— International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global";
— International Prize #WEARETOGETHER;
— Russian-Egyptian Youth Forum;
— International Youth Camp of BRICS countries.

Stay with us and tell your friends about Rosmolodezh.+World. It's interesting with us, join our community of friends all over the world🤗
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Принял участие в акции фестиваля «Спасибо не знает расстояний»

Мы редко говорим спасибо тем людям, которых мы любим и которые для нас важны. Кажется, ну, они-то и так знают, чувствуют, зачем слова тратить.

Но на самом деле, это очень важно. И круговорот благодарности на Земле работает, меняет жизнь, «дарит благо».

Низкий поклон моим наставникам (в алфавитном порядке 😉) - Белоусову, Воробьеву, Шойгу, - которые реально помогли мне стать человеком и быть таким для других. Продолжаю у них учиться 🧐

Присоединяйтесь к акции. Это просто - видео и хештег 🤣
