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🇷🇺🇱🇻 Официальный аккаунт Посольства России в Латвии
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Krievijas vēstniecība Latvijā
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June 6, 2022
June 6, 2022
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"We paid attention to the petition, which appeared on the web-portal of public initiatives "manabalss.lv," appealing to demolish the monument to the great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin in Riga and get rid of the "symbols of the Russian imperialism".

We would like to remind that such renowned representatives of the Latvian nation as writer Jānis Rainis and composer Jāzeps Vītols, artist Jānis Rosentāls and the creator of the Monument of Freedom sculptor Kārlis Zāle, the first President of the Republic of Latvia Jānis Čakste and many others were educated in universities of the Russian Empire in Russian. In addition, for many years the poet Juris Alunāns, the publicist Krišjānis Valdemārs, the author of the national anthem Kārlis Baumanis, the collector of folk songs Krišjānis Barons lived and worked in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Following the logic of the authors of this petition, these public figures should also be blacklisted, as well as the monuments dedicated to them should be demolished, and their role in the development of the Latvian culture and statehood should be zeroed out."

#Pushkin #Riga #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy

December 1, 2022
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The Latvian "national patriots" have once again desecrated in the center of Riga the monument to the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Apparently, inspired by the practices of international terrorist organizations (see the photo), the perpetrators put a black bag on the head of the monument and threw flowers from the pedestal into the dumpster.

The fact that the young vandals shot this impertinence on a video camera makes this outrageous trick especially cynical. Judging by the materials in the Internet, they were minors.

However, there is nothing to wonder about – the authorities of modern Latvia do educate their youth in the spirit of such ideals. In 2022, in the midst of Russophobic rage, they destroyed more than 120 objects of historical and cultural heritage. As the saying goes, monkey see, monkey do."


#Riga #Latvia #Pushkin
March 19, 2023
April 4, 2023
April 27, 2023
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"On May 30, the Latvian authorities dismantled the sculpture of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in Riga's park of Kronvald, which for 14 years served as a place of unity of our compatriots and a place of contact with the Russian cultural heritage.

This treacherous step, as is customary here, was carried out secretly under the cover of night in order to avoid unnecessary resonance.

Let's recall that the decision to get rid of this memorial object was taken by the Riga City Council in the best traditions of the "Latvian democracy", without taking into account the opinion of the city's residents and the author of the monument A.Taratynov.

This cowardly trick of the local Russophobes, undertaken out of fear of the consolidation of the Republic`s citizens on the basis of common cultural values, will not change the fact that hundreds of thousands of Latvians still treat with reverence and will always honor the great literary heritage that A.S.Pushkin, a truly world-class poet, left to his descendants.

The purposeful efforts of the Latvian authorities to eradicate objects of the Russian culture not only overshadow the image of a "modern civilized state", but serve as signs of their own weakness."

#Riga #Latvia #Pushkin #Russia #RussianEmbassy

June 2, 2023