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🎙 Remarks by President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the Plenary Session of the BRICS Business Forum (October 18, 2024)

💬 I am sincerely delighted to welcome everyone to the BRICS Business Forum.

I would like to note the wide representation of participants in this hall. We have leading business representatives from every country in the BRICS group.

Your companies have been successfully cooperating for a long time, implementing impressive joint projects across a variety of domains: industry and energy, transport and infrastructure, agriculture and the digital economy.

I would like to note, in particular, that this Forum is attended by business leaders from countries that became full participants on January 1, 2024. These are our colleagues and friends from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates.

👉 I would like to emphasise that as the current chair of #BRICS, Russia strives to facilitate integration of new members into all cooperation mechanisms. We saw that representatives from the new BRICS countries were warmly received in the Business Council, and they, too, became actively involved in its work.

The theme of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship in 2024 is Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security.

A meaningful action plan is being implemented to advance the partners on three major tracks:

• politics and security,
• economy and finance,
• cultural and humanitarian ties.

To date, the progress on the plan exceeds 80%.

ℹ️ Over 200 events, meetings, conferences, and industry gatherings have been held, as well as most of the expert and ministerial meetings. However, the BRICS Summit, which will open next week in the Russian city of Kazan, will be the central event.

It is symbolic that the leaders’ meeting in Kazan is preceded by this Business Forum, which underscores the importance of close economic partnership between our countries, promoting trade and investment, and deepening cooperation.

The BRICS partners’ joint efforts aimed at accelerating socioeconomic growth and ensuring sustainable development bring concrete, tangible results and in fact, contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of our countries’ citizens.


☝️ Among the BRICS leaders' top priorities is to promote business activity. <...> By helping and supporting each other, we will fulfil the main goal of ensuring positive progress, security and ultimately the well-being of the citizens of our nations.

❗️ BRICS is not oriented against anyone. It is aimed only at one common goal — sustainable development and prosperity of our countries and peoples.

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🎙 President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with journalists from BRICS countries ahead of the XVI BRICS Summit in Kazan (October 18, 2024)

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Key talking points:

• In the modern world, creating nuclear weapons is not a difficult task. I do not know whether current-day Ukraine is capable of doing this now though. It is not easy for Ukraine today, but generally there are no big difficulties in this regard, with everyone knowing how it is done. <...> I can say straight away: under no circumstances will Russia allow this to happen.

NATO is waging war against us with the hands of the Ukrainian soldiers, and Ukraine spares no lives for the interests of third countries, but Ukraine on its own does not use high-tech weapons: NATO does that.

• What sets BRICS apart from many other international organisations/fora? #BRICS was never meant to be created to oppose anyone. It is a group of countries that work together, guided by shared values, a common vision for development, and, most importantly, by the consideration of each other’s interests.

• In certain sectors, humanity’s existence is impossible without the BRICS countries, particularly in food and energy markets and so on.

• Russian-Chinese cooperation on the global stage is undoubtedly one of the key pillars of strategic stability worldwide.

• We do not interfere in [bilateral relations of other countries]. If there are any issues arising and if there is something that depends on us, we are ready to offer our services in resolving these issues, if they arise and if the participants in the corresponding process are interested in any involvement from our side.

• The United States should not have destroyed the [Middle East] Quartet. it worked, it was easier to agree on all positions. But the US monopolised the work, took all the responsibility and eventually failed.

• The main method to resolve the Palestinian issue is to create a full-fledged Palestinian state.

95% of Russia’s foreign trade with its partners is being done in national currencies. The United States did it themselves.

• The International Criminal Court has no universal power. This is an international organisation whose jurisdiction Russia does not recognise, like many other countries.
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🎙 Интервью С.В.Лаврова газете «Аргументы и факты» (21 октября 2024 года)

Ключевые тезисы:


• БРИКС отражает процессы, начавшиеся в глобальной экономике уже давно. Появляются новые центры экономического роста, с ними приходит финансовое влияние, а с финансовым и экономическим влиянием приходит и политическое.

• БРИКС — объединение без «ведущих» и «ведомых», без какого-либо бюрократического аппарата наподобие того, который наблюдаем в Брюсселе, где евросоюзовские чиновники <...> диктуют свои решения, не отвечающие чаяниям избирателей многих стран.

БРИКС — объединение не против кого бы то ни было. <...> Это сложение потенциалов стран-участниц и выработка совместных путей применения этих потенциалов таким образом, чтобы в выигрыше оказались все.

• Главное отличие БРИКС как и других структур, которые создаются без участия западных стран государствами Мирового большинства, Глобального Востока, в том, что они создаются не для того, чтобы с кем-то бороться, воевать, а для того, чтобы использовать объективные, конкурентные преимущества от географического расположения, совместной истории, близости, общности, связанности хозяйственных структур.


• Соединённые Штаты не хотят отдавать бразды правления, которые они имели после Второй мировой войны через Бреттон-Вудские институты, через роль, отведённую в международной валютной системе доллару, даже после того, как была отменена система свободного обмена доллара на золото.

• Главная цель американского правящего класса — не допустить того, чтобы кто-то подорвал их доминирование. Эта цель иллюзорная. Исторический процесс объективно идёт в другом направлении, и с этим придётся считаться.

• Мы готовы работать с любой администрацией, которую в конечном итоге выберет американский народ, но только в том случае, если такой разговор будет взаимоуважительным и равноправным и будет строиться на том, чтобы слушать и слышать друг друга.


• Самый большой позор для лидеров Евросоюза, которые многократно из Брюсселя заявляли, что должны поддерживать Украину до конца, потому что она воюет за их европейские ценности.

• Получается, что европейские лидеры по-прежнему готовы отстаивать так называемые ценности нацизма. Поэтому задача денацификации отнюдь не лозунг, это насущная задача.


• Организация Объединённых Наций – это не какой-то «благородный богатырь», который должен, видя несправедливость, сразу «кидаться и тушить пожар». ООН принадлежит странам-членам. У них есть свои правила, в т.ч. у Совета Безопасности, где существует право вето. Его американцы за последний год «благополучно» применили пять раз в ответ на предложение ряда стран, в том числе России, принять резолюцию с требованием немедленно прекратить огонь. Просто применяли вето и точка. Сейчас США делают всё, чтобы не раздражать Израиль.

• Такие страны, как Индия, Бразилия, представители Африки одновременно с ними давно должны быть на постоянной основе в Совете Безопасности. Это необходимо для того, чтобы была обеспечена репрезентативность, представленность Мирового большинства.

#Финляндия #Швеция #НАТО

• Рьяность, с которой финны и шведы выступают в НАТО за победу над Россией, объясняется не только их историческими инстинктами, но и желанием показать «старшим товарищам» по Североатлантическому альянсу, что они принесли «добавленную стоимость», «приподнять» значение своих правительств.

• Убеждён, что здравые силы в Европе, которые извлекли уроки истории, видят это тоже, в том числе и в Финляндии, и в Швеции.


• Подчеркну ещё раз, что так называемые правоконсерваторы лояльны своим странам и народам. Мы будем [работать] со всеми, кто будет обращаться к нам с предложением разговаривать, искать точки соприкосновения, думать о том, как мы можем совместно сделать жизнь для наших граждан лучше.


Мы предлагаем вести разговор о формировании евразийской общеконтинентальной архитектуры [безопасности], специально подчёркивая, что двери будут открыты для всех, в том числе для стран западной части евразийского континента.

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🎙 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (October 21, 2024)

Key Points:


• BRICS epitomises the shifts that have long been underway in the global economy. New centres of economic growth are emerging, and alongside them comes financial influence, which in turn brings political influence.

• BRICS is a consortium where no single nation leads or is led, devoid of the bureaucratic machinery akin to that observed in Brussels, where EU officials impose decisions that contravene the will and interests of several member states, failing to align with the aspirations of voters across many countries.

BRICS does not stand in opposition to any entity, nor does it orchestrate operations or initiate projects. BRICS is committed to enhancing the combined potential of its nations and devising collaborative strategies for harnessing these potentials for mutual benefit.

• What makes BRICS and other World Majority or Global East associations that do not include Western countries stand out, is that they are not created for the purpose of struggling or fighting with anyone. They are established to collectively benefit from their competitive advantages such as geographical location, shared history, cultural and humanitarian proximity <...>.


• The US is unwilling to relinquish the reins of power that they have held since World War II through the Bretton Woods institutions and through the role assigned to the US dollar in the international monetary system, even after free exchange of US dollars for gold had been cancelled.

• The key goal of the US ruling class is to make sure no one can undermine their dominance. This goal is illusory. The historical process is objectively heading in a different direction, and this has to be reckoned with.

• We are ready to interact with any administration voted in by the American people, but only if such a dialogue is mutually respectful, and both parties listen and hear what the other party has to say.


• On multiple occasions, European leaders from Brussels have repeatedly made it clear that they must support Ukraine for as long as it takes, because Ukraine is fighting for the European values.

• It turns out that European leaders are still willing to uphold Nazi values, which is why denazification is not just a motto, but an objective of utmost importance.


• The United Nations is not a valiant knight expected to “charge in and extinguish the fire” upon witnessing injustice. The UN is an assembly of its member states, each with established rules, including the Security Council's veto rights. The United States has effectively exercised this right five times over the past year, blocking a resolution proposed by several countries, including Russia, demanding an immediate ceasefire. <...> Presently, the United States is taking every measure to avoid antagonising Israel.

• Nations such as India, Brazil, and African representatives should have long held permanent seats on the Security Council. This is essential to ensure representation of the World Majority.

#Finland #Sweden #NATO

• The zeal that the Finns and Swedes are showing in NATO, advocating for defeating Russia, is not only rooted in their historical instincts. They are also eager to show their Big Brothers in the North Atlantic Alliance that they have brought added value <...>.

• I am confident that reasonable people in Europe, who have learned the lessons taught by history, see this too, including in Finland and Sweden.


• To reiterate, the so-called right-wing conservatives are loyal to their countries and their people. We will engage with anyone who approaches us with a proposal to talk, to seek common ground, and to think about how we can jointly make the lives of our citizens better.


• We suggest discussing the Eurasian continent-wide security architecture, emphasising the fact that its doors will be open to everyone, including countries from the West of the Eurasian continent.

Read in full (Telegraph)
В Ново-Огарёве проходит неформальная встреча Владимира Путина с Президентом Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов Мухаммедом Бен Заидом Аль Нахайяном

Официальная программа визита главы ОАЭ начнётся 21 октября. Мухаммед Бен Заид Аль Нахайян также примет участие в мероприятиях саммита БРИКС в Казани.

Подробнее – на сайте Кремля.
22–24 октября Владимир Путин примет участие в XVI саммите БРИКС в Казани, который проводится в рамках российского председательства под девизом «Укрепление многосторонности для справедливого глобального развития и безопасности»

🔹На заседаниях в узком и расширенном составах лидеры стран БРИКС обменяются мнениями по актуальным вопросам глобальной и региональной повестки, обсудят обозначенные российским председательством три магистральных направления сотрудничества – в сферах политики и безопасности, экономики и финансов, культурно-гуманитарных контактов.

🔹Особое внимание будет уделено проблематике возможного расширения БРИКС через планируемое учреждение новой для объединения категории государств-партнёров.

🔹Будут также заслушаны доклады председателей Нового банка развития, Делового совета, Механизма межбанковского сотрудничества, Женского делового альянса.

🔹Итоги дискуссии будут суммированы в Казанской декларации саммита.

🔹В последний день саммита состоится заседание в формате «аутрич/БРИКС плюс» с участием представителей из почти сорока стран. В их числе – лидеры стран СНГ, делегации многих государств Азии, Африки, Ближнего Востока и Латинской Америки, а также главы исполнительных органов ряда международных организаций.

🔹Планируется обсудить актуальные международные проблемы с акцентом на обострившуюся ситуацию на Ближнем Востоке и взаимодействие стран БРИКС и Глобального Юга в интересах устойчивого развития.

🔹Президент России проведёт двусторонние встречи практически со всеми лидерами, участвующими в саммите.
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В Кремле начались российско-эмиратские переговоры

Подробнее – на сайте Кремля.
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مشاهد لموكب الرئيس المصري عبدالفتاح #السيسي في مدينة قازان الروسية، التي وصلها للمشاركة بفعاليات قمة "بريكس" لأول مرة بصفة عضو رسمي بعد انضمام مصر إلى المجموعة هذا العام.

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🇪🇬🇷🇺 Президент Египта Абдельфаттах Ас-Сиси прибыл в Казань для участия в саммите #БРИКС. Каир с 1 января 2024 года стал полноформатным членом этого объединения.


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🇪🇬🇷🇺 وصل فخامة الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي إلى قازان للمشاركة في قمة #البريكس. وأصبحت مصر عضوا كامل العضوية في هذه الجمعية في 1 يناير 2024.

📸 تاس

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin & President of China Xi Jinping hold talks on the sidelines of the XVI BRICS Summit

📍 Kazan, October 22, 2024

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with President of the New Development Bank Dilma Rousseff on the sidelines of the XVI BRICS Summit (October 22, 2024):

💬 Vladimir Putin: Dear Ms Rousseff, colleagues,

We are delighted to welcome you.

Our previous meeting took place in June of this year in St Petersburg, on the sidelines of the International Economic Forum, where we deliberated on matters pertaining to the future operations of the Bank.

We hold in high regard the accomplishments you have achieved in recent years. It is, indeed, a strong, evolving and promising financial institution. Since 2018, the Bank has funded about one hundred projects, amounting to a total of $33 billion.

The increase in the share of settlements denominated in national currencies helps reduce debt servicing costs, strengthen the financial independence of #BRICS states, and minimise geopolitical risks, that is, free economic development from political influence, as much as possible in today’s world.

As the BRICS chair this year, we anticipate your active engagement in the leaders' meeting at the BRICS summit in Kazan. As you are aware, your meeting with the leaders and your presentation on the Bank's operations are also scheduled.

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📸 The BRICS Summit photobank
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin & President of China Xi Jinping hold talks on the sidelines of the XVI BRICS Summit

📍 Kazan, October 22, 2024

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🎙 Excerpt from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" on BRICS (October 21, 2024)

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Question: A significant number of countries, approximately 30 or perhaps more, have voiced their intention to join this group. Notably, Türkiye, a NATO member, which was rather surprising to me. Conversely, it has been reported that Kazakhstan, through the statement of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's Press Secretary, has expressed no intention of joining BRICS in the foreseeable future. Why is there such activity and interest in this group of nations? Why is everyone invited to join it? What are the future prospects for BRICS? Is it not in competition with other international entities?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: #BRICS epitomises the shifts that have long been underway in the global economy. New centres of economic growth are emerging, and alongside them comes financial influence, which in turn brings political influence.


BRICS has prioritised the needs of its nations, and interest in the grouping continues to grow. It is a consortium where no single nation leads or is led, devoid of the bureaucratic machinery akin to that observed in Brussels, where EU officials impose decisions that contravene the will and interests of several member states <...>

❗️ Rather than addressing the challenges faced by EU members, the Brussels bureaucracy is preoccupied with the transfer of arms to Ukraine, raising funds for this purpose, and undertaking other actions detrimental to the economy, social sphere, and industry of EU member states.

☝️ BRICS, conversely, does not compel any nation to make sacrifices.

Within BRICS, there is no imposition of such artificial objectives, nor is there an intention to contain any nation.

BRICS is committed to enhancing the combined potential of its nations and devising collaborative strategies for harnessing these potentials for mutual benefit. Consequently, rather than relying on artificial constructs, BRICS formulates plans and projects based on real-world needs. <...>

This is precisely what renders BRICS appealing to the Global Majority nations.

About 30 countries seek to establish ties with the group today. Some of them have applied to join as full participants, and others to participate in the BRICS Plus/Outreach format. We are ready to invite them, and have invited them before to various events as guests of the chair.

Following the decision of last year’s summit, we are working at the level of experts and ministers to prepare a proposal on a new BRICS partner country category. Partner countries will enjoy broad rights and privileges, almost equal to the permanent members of BRICS, with just a few exceptions.

One of the countries that announced their interest in becoming a participant in BRICS – and did it publicly – was Türkiye. The country is indeed a member of the North Atlantic Alliance. <...> For decades, Türkiye has not been allowed to join the European Union, with respective talks hindered in every possible way. It is unlikely that the EU will ever change its negative stance, which is another argument in favour of Türkiye’s increasing rapprochement with BRICS.


🤝 What makes BRICS and other Global Majority or Global East associations that do not include Western countries stand out, is that they are not created for the purpose of struggling or fighting with anyone. They are established to collectively benefit from their competitive advantages such as geographical location, shared history, cultural and humanitarian proximity, and coherence of economic systems, as is the case of the former Soviet republics. This is an objectively occurring process.

The West has been proving time and again that it is not just willing, but never hesitates to use illegal sanctions against any country it sees as a threat to its economic domination, violating the global market economy principles it supposedly champions. All countries see this.

🛬 Лидеры и главы делегаций стран-участниц Саммита #БРИКС2024 продолжают прибывать в Казань!

На кадрах – церемонии встречи 🇪🇬 Президента Египта Абделя Фаттаха ас-Сиси,🇲🇷 Президента Мавритании Мухаммеда ульд аш-Шейх аль-Газуани, 🇱🇦 Президента Лаоса Тхонглуна Сисулита, 🇮🇷Президента Ирана Масуда Пезешкиана, Генерального секретаря #ШОС Чжан Мина, 🇷🇸 заместителя Председателя правительства Сербии Александра Вулина.

📸 Фотобанк Саммита БРИКС