Media is too big
Прямо сейчас мы в Хайфе🌞 Нас тепло принимают в гостеприимном доме для пожилых людей. На концерте звучат песни военных лет. И это именно та аудитория, что чувствует каждый звук и каждое слово🙏 Неделя до 9 мая🎖️🎖️
Right now we are in Haifa🌞 We are warmly received in a hospitable home for aged people. Songs from the war years are played at the concert. And this is exactly the audience that feels every sound and every word🙏 Week until May 9🎖️🎖️
#9th May
Right now we are in Haifa🌞 We are warmly received in a hospitable home for aged people. Songs from the war years are played at the concert. And this is exactly the audience that feels every sound and every word🙏 Week until May 9🎖️🎖️
#9th May