Наши ликующие поздравления с победой в номинации «Лучшая операторская работа» Саломе Кинцурашвили, выпускнице Московской школы нового кино. Саломе представила свой фильм «Беглец» на 26 Международном студенческом кинофестивале в Тель-Авиве (TISFF), собравшем более 150 фильмов в разных номинациях! Хотим разделить с вами гордость за победу нашей киношколы (@newcinemaschool_com) и прикрепляем фотографии приза, которые передадим в Москву🤍
#TISFF #Московскаяшколановогокино
Our jubilant congratulations to Salome Kintsurashvili, a graduate of the Moscow School of New Cinema, on winning the Best Cinematography nomination. Salome presented her film "Runaway" at the 26th Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (TISFF), which gathered more than 150 films in different nominations! We would like to share with you the pride of our film school's victory and attach photos of the prize, which we will send to Moscow🤍
#TISFF #MoscowSchoolofNewCinema
#TISFF #Московскаяшколановогокино
Our jubilant congratulations to Salome Kintsurashvili, a graduate of the Moscow School of New Cinema, on winning the Best Cinematography nomination. Salome presented her film "Runaway" at the 26th Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (TISFF), which gathered more than 150 films in different nominations! We would like to share with you the pride of our film school's victory and attach photos of the prize, which we will send to Moscow🤍
#TISFF #MoscowSchoolofNewCinema