🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ситуация на Украине и в Донбассе к этому часу: 🔹 МО РФ обвинило спецслужбы Украины во вскрытии могил на кладбищах в Харьковской области и готовящейся попытке выставить погибших от естественных причин граждан за «жертв российских пыток и расстрелов».…
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Conflict in Ukraine to date:
🔹 RuMOD accused Kyiv of staging a provocation with bodies from graves, unearthed in Kharkiv Oblast; Kyiv plans to present people who died of natural causes as "victims of Russian torture and executions";
🔹 Reuters: Germany economy minister anticipates Germany "possibly" could give Kyiv Leopard tanks "in the future";
🔹 Kyiv PM Shmyhal: Ukraine turned into a largest mine field in the world;
🔹 Russian Patriarch Kirill: Power in Ukraine will change before long;
🔹 SBU warned that "counter sabotage operation" will proceed in one district in Kharkiv on January 9 and 10;
🔹 50 prisoners of war returned to Russia.
#RuSO #RuMOD #graves #fake #mines #Shmyhal #prisoners #sabotage #Kirill #Church #Leopard #Germany
🔹 RuMOD accused Kyiv of staging a provocation with bodies from graves, unearthed in Kharkiv Oblast; Kyiv plans to present people who died of natural causes as "victims of Russian torture and executions";
🔹 Reuters: Germany economy minister anticipates Germany "possibly" could give Kyiv Leopard tanks "in the future";
🔹 Kyiv PM Shmyhal: Ukraine turned into a largest mine field in the world;
🔹 Russian Patriarch Kirill: Power in Ukraine will change before long;
🔹 SBU warned that "counter sabotage operation" will proceed in one district in Kharkiv on January 9 and 10;
🔹 50 prisoners of war returned to Russia.
#RuSO #RuMOD #graves #fake #mines #Shmyhal #prisoners #sabotage #Kirill #Church #Leopard #Germany
January 8, 2023