Арт, выполненный на заказ для @amandapearls9, @smahesh.bookish и @acourtofcoffeeandmagic 🙂
Azriel и Gwyneth Berdara.
(Серия книг "A Court of Thorns and Roses" от Sarah J. Maas)
!!! Репост возможен только полностью, отдельно арт - нет. !!!
Commissioned artwork for @amandapearls9, @smahesh.bookish and @acourtofcoffeeandmagic 🙂
Azriel and Gwyneth Berdara.
("A Court of Thorns and Roses" book series by Sarah J. Maas)
!!! The post can only be reposted in full, artwork is not to be reposted separately. !!!
#ACourtOfThornsAndRoses #Azriel #Shadowsinger #GwynethBerdara #Illyrian #Fae #books #fantasy #SarahJMaas #couple #fanart #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Azriel и Gwyneth Berdara.
(Серия книг "A Court of Thorns and Roses" от Sarah J. Maas)
!!! Репост возможен только полностью, отдельно арт - нет. !!!
Commissioned artwork for @amandapearls9, @smahesh.bookish and @acourtofcoffeeandmagic 🙂
Azriel and Gwyneth Berdara.
("A Court of Thorns and Roses" book series by Sarah J. Maas)
!!! The post can only be reposted in full, artwork is not to be reposted separately. !!!
#ACourtOfThornsAndRoses #Azriel #Shadowsinger #GwynethBerdara #Illyrian #Fae #books #fantasy #SarahJMaas #couple #fanart #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Мои иллюстрации в июльском выпуске The Bookish Box: суперобложка (внутренняя сторона с персонажами) и форзацы 🙂
Для книги "A Broken Blade" Melissa Blair.
My illustrations in The Bookish Box's July release: dust jacket (inner side featuring characters) and book ends 🙂
For Melissa Blair's "A Broken Blade".
#commission #ABrokenBlade #MelissaBlair #TheBookishBox #books #YA #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Для книги "A Broken Blade" Melissa Blair.
My illustrations in The Bookish Box's July release: dust jacket (inner side featuring characters) and book ends 🙂
For Melissa Blair's "A Broken Blade".
#commission #ABrokenBlade #MelissaBlair #TheBookishBox #books #YA #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Довелось как-то поработать над таким артом для Jack Whitney 😊
Samarius & Deianira
"Ballad of Nightmares" (Jack Whitney)
Had the pleasure to work on this art piece for Jack Whitney 😊
#commission #BalladOfNightmares #SamariusCai #DeianiraBronfell #couple #lovers #JackWhitney #books #fantasy #romance #Tarot #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Samarius & Deianira
"Ballad of Nightmares" (Jack Whitney)
Had the pleasure to work on this art piece for Jack Whitney 😊
#commission #BalladOfNightmares #SamariusCai #DeianiraBronfell #couple #lovers #JackWhitney #books #fantasy #romance #Tarot #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Evelyn & Gideon
Портреты для Kayla McGrath 🙂
Главные герои её фэнтези-книги "This Broken Memory".
Had the pleasure to paint these portraits for Kayla McGrath 🙂
Main characters from her fantasy book "This Broken Memory".
#commission #ThisBrokenMemory #KaylaMcGrath #Evelyn #Gideon #girl #guy #fantasy #books #characters #portrait #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Портреты для Kayla McGrath 🙂
Главные герои её фэнтези-книги "This Broken Memory".
Had the pleasure to paint these portraits for Kayla McGrath 🙂
Main characters from her fantasy book "This Broken Memory".
#commission #ThisBrokenMemory #KaylaMcGrath #Evelyn #Gideon #girl #guy #fantasy #books #characters #portrait #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Арт для Maiya Ibrahim 😊
Imani ("Spice Road")
(Выложу в нормальном виде вслед за автором 😅)
Art for Maiya Ibrahim 😊
Imani ("Spice Road")
(Will post in a normal format after the author 😅)
#commission #SpiceRoad #Imani #MaiyaIbrahim #books #fantasy #character #art #illusration #PhantomRin
Imani ("Spice Road")
(Выложу в нормальном виде вслед за автором 😅)
Art for Maiya Ibrahim 😊
Imani ("Spice Road")
(Will post in a normal format after the author 😅)
#commission #SpiceRoad #Imani #MaiyaIbrahim #books #fantasy #character #art #illusration #PhantomRin
2-й арт для Maiya Ibrahim 😉
Qayn ("Spice Road")
(Опять же, нормальный вид будет позже.)
2nd art piece for Maiya Ibrahim 🙂
Qayn ("Spice Road")
(Again, will post in normal format later.)
#commission #SpiceRoad #Qayn #MaiyaIbrahim #books #fantasy #characters #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Qayn ("Spice Road")
(Опять же, нормальный вид будет позже.)
2nd art piece for Maiya Ibrahim 🙂
Qayn ("Spice Road")
(Again, will post in normal format later.)
#commission #SpiceRoad #Qayn #MaiyaIbrahim #books #fantasy #characters #art #illustration #PhantomRin
Мои иллюстрации для июльского (2022 г.) бокса The Bookish Box 🙂
Суперобложка и два форзаца для их издания книги "A Broken Blade" (Melissa Blair).
My illustrations for The Bookish Box's July 2022 box 🙂
Dust jacket and two endpapers for their edition of "A Broken Blade" (Melissa Blair).
#ABrokenBlade #MelissaBlair #TheBookishBox #fantasy #books #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Суперобложка и два форзаца для их издания книги "A Broken Blade" (Melissa Blair).
My illustrations for The Bookish Box's July 2022 box 🙂
Dust jacket and two endpapers for their edition of "A Broken Blade" (Melissa Blair).
#ABrokenBlade #MelissaBlair #TheBookishBox #fantasy #books #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Maiya Ibrahim открыла предзаказ книги "Spice Road",
и в этот набор войдут принты моих артов с главными героями (Imani, Qayn Taha) 🙂
Maiya Ibrahim announced a preorder campaign for her "Spice Road" book,
and this "pack" will include prints of my character artwork (Imani, Qayn, Taha) 🙂
#SpiceRoad #Imani #Qayn #Taha #MaiyaIbrahim #fantasy #books #characters #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
и в этот набор войдут принты моих артов с главными героями (Imani, Qayn Taha) 🙂
Maiya Ibrahim announced a preorder campaign for her "Spice Road" book,
and this "pack" will include prints of my character artwork (Imani, Qayn, Taha) 🙂
#SpiceRoad #Imani #Qayn #Taha #MaiyaIbrahim #fantasy #books #characters #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Портреты для Stephanie K. Jules 😊
Lin & Wes - главные герои её книги "Whispering of Souls".
Portraits for Stephanie K. Jules 😊
Lin & Wes - main characters of her book "Whispering of Souls".
#WhisperingOfSouls #LinGraves #WesWaynecroft #StephanieKJules #books #fantasy #girl #guy #art #illustration #characters #portrait #commission #PhantomRin
Lin & Wes - главные герои её книги "Whispering of Souls".
Portraits for Stephanie K. Jules 😊
Lin & Wes - main characters of her book "Whispering of Souls".
#WhisperingOfSouls #LinGraves #WesWaynecroft #StephanieKJules #books #fantasy #girl #guy #art #illustration #characters #portrait #commission #PhantomRin
Фото от Maiya Ibrahim.
Один из моих артов по книге "Spice Road" 😊
Photo from Maiya Ibrahim.
One of my art pieces for her "Spice Road" book 😊
#SpiceRoad #MaiyaIbrahim #Qayn #books #fantasy #characters #art #illustration #characters #commission #PhantomRin
Один из моих артов по книге "Spice Road" 😊
Photo from Maiya Ibrahim.
One of my art pieces for her "Spice Road" book 😊
#SpiceRoad #MaiyaIbrahim #Qayn #books #fantasy #characters #art #illustration #characters #commission #PhantomRin
Портреты для Rebecca F. Kenney 🙂
Atlan & Finley из её книги "The Vampires Will Save You".
Had the pleasure to paint these portraits for Rebecca F. Kenney 🙂
Atlan & Finley from her "The Vampires Will Save You" book.
#TheVampiresWillSaveYou #Atlan #Finley #RebeccaFKenney #books #fantasy #apocalypse #vampire #characters #portrait #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin
Atlan & Finley из её книги "The Vampires Will Save You".
Had the pleasure to paint these portraits for Rebecca F. Kenney 🙂
Atlan & Finley from her "The Vampires Will Save You" book.
#TheVampiresWillSaveYou #Atlan #Finley #RebeccaFKenney #books #fantasy #apocalypse #vampire #characters #portrait #art #illustration #commission #PhantomRin