Open Data Armenia
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For everyone ready to help with data collection for Open Data Armenia, we have started publishing tasks for volunteers. The first six tasks are already available via the link. If you have some free time, you are a programmer or an analyst; you can help the community. If you need programming skills but know where data needs to be collected/transformed, or you have ideas about what can be built on their basis, we invite you to share your thoughts in the general chat.

Для всех кто готов помочь со сбором данных для Open Data Armenia мы начали публиковать задачи для волонтеров. Первые 6 задач уже доступны по ссылке. Если у Вас есть немного свободного времени, Вы программист или аналитик, то Вы можете помочь сообществу. Если Вы не умеете программировать, но знаете где есть данные которые нужно собрать/преобразовать или у Вас есть идеи что можно на их основе построить, приглашаем поделиться идеями в общем чате.

Բոլորի համար, ովքեր պատրաստ են օգնել Open Data Armenia-ի տվյալների հավաքագրմանը, մենք սկսել ենք կամավորների համար առաջադրանքներ հրապարակել: Առաջին վեց առաջադրանքներն արդեն հասանելի են հղման միջոցով։ Եթե ունեք ազատ ժամանակ, դուք ծրագրավորող եք կամ վերլուծաբան; դուք կարող եք օգնել համայնքին: Եթե Ձեզ անհրաժեշտ են ծրագրավորման հմտություններ, բայց գիտեք, թե որտեղ պետք է տվյալները հավաքվեն/փոխակերպվեն, կամ ունեք գաղափարներ այն մասին, թե ինչ կարելի է կառուցել դրանց հիման վրա, մենք ձեզ հրավիրում ենք կիսվել ձեր մտքերով ընդհանուր չաթում:

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In the non-Armenian data section of Armenia, biodiversity data in the country is published as part of the GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) global project, which brings together educational materials, news, tools and data related to wildlife.

As part of the project, researchers from many countries create individual copies of the IPT product: The Integrated Publishing Toolkit, with which they publish their data sets.

Such data are also published by Armenian scientists on the Armenia IPT portal, where 4 biodiversity data sets are posted.

Also, the nature of Armenia is studied by scientists from other countries and their work and data are also published on GBIF and can be found in the general data catalog

That's 32 datasets to date.

All data are presented in machine-readable DwC-A and EML formats, and are also published under open licenses CC-BY and CC0

#opendata #biodiversity #armenia #biology
[EN] The Armenian Ark: Evidence of the Armenian People's Emigration to North America in the 1930s

The source is a database with various queries and detailed filters searching for information about a person: by name, place of birth or death, place of residence and residence address, and more.

For example, there is a dataset with information about the personal information of passengers and the ships on which they arrived.

Project link:

Other historical sources and datasets can be found in the History group at

If you know of new sources, please share that knowledge with us!

#opendata #armenia #history #emigrants
[EN, AM ↓] 3D Models preserving Armenian cultural heritage

We continue introducing our team’s findings to you. Today’s highlights are the two sources with three-dimensional models of Armenian cultural sites. Such reconstructions are a wild-card when dealing with objects that are unavailable either due to their far-away location or imminent threat of destruction, especially in the post-war periods. 3D models allow us to monitor their state and disseminate cultural knowledge. Sometimes we have to preserve the digital images of fragile buildings or those already demolished, which will enable generations to come to restore their initial appearance as a 100% precise extract.

The first one is a catalogue by which already contains almost 20 models that can also be viewed in Virtual Reality. The implementers of the project capture the data at the highest possible resolutions and archive them in raw formats so that it can be re-processed in future.

The second one is fulfilled by the Research on Armenian Architecture team and displays 3D videoclips and images of locations in Ani and Khtzkonk (Western Armenia).

Overall, much more work on these is needed to digitalize Armenia’s cultural heritage. However, file-format support and longevity are major considerations for digital preservation, and the field is yet to develop its best practices. As for now, .PLY (polygon file) and .OBJ (object file) are deemed more appropriate as they are widely supported and compatible across platforms [1].

Other historical sources and datasets can be found in the History group at
If you are aware of other sources, please share them with us!

#opendata #armenia #history #architecture

[1]Using Three-Dimensional Modeling to Preserve Cultural Heritage (2017).