❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.
❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.
Forwarded from New Uzbekistan University | Yangi O'zbekiston Universiteti | Янги Ўзбекистон Университети
❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.
❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.