✔️ Today, April 1, a big event dedicated to the celebration of Navruz was held at the New Uzbekistan University under the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions.
🔸 In the beginning of the event, students were divided into 7 groups based on different regions and presented an exhibition of national customs and traditions of each region.
🔹 The main part of the event was opened by Khilola Umarova, Director of the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions, who expressed her welcome and congratulations to all guests.
After that, students presented their performances to the audience. The show continued with music and dancing.
✔️ Bugun, 1-aprel kuni Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi “Yangi O‘zbekiston” universitetida “Assalom, Navro‘z” nomi ostida bayram tadbiri tashkil etildi.
🔸 Dastur avvalida talabalar viloyatlar kesimida guruhlarga bo‘lingan holda har bir viloyatning o‘ziga xos urf odatlari va an'analari, milliy taomlari ko‘rgazmasini namoyish etishdi.
🔹 Tadbirning asosiy qismini ochib berish uchun Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi direktori Hilola Umarova so‘zga chiqib, yig‘ilganlarga o‘zining samimiy tilaklarini bildirdi.
Talabalar tomonidan tashkil etilgan badiiy chiqishlar yig‘ilganlar e'tiboriga havola etildi. Bayram kechasi kuy-qo‘shiqlar bilan davom etdi.
✔️ Today, April 1, a big event dedicated to the celebration of Navruz was held at the New Uzbekistan University under the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions.
🔸 In the beginning of the event, students were divided into 7 groups based on different regions and presented an exhibition of national customs and traditions of each region.
🔹 The main part of the event was opened by Khilola Umarova, Director of the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions, who expressed her welcome and congratulations to all guests.
After that, students presented their performances to the audience. The show continued with music and dancing.
✔️ Bugun, 1-aprel kuni Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi “Yangi O‘zbekiston” universitetida “Assalom, Navro‘z” nomi ostida bayram tadbiri tashkil etildi.
🔸 Dastur avvalida talabalar viloyatlar kesimida guruhlarga bo‘lingan holda har bir viloyatning o‘ziga xos urf odatlari va an'analari, milliy taomlari ko‘rgazmasini namoyish etishdi.
🔹 Tadbirning asosiy qismini ochib berish uchun Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi direktori Hilola Umarova so‘zga chiqib, yig‘ilganlarga o‘zining samimiy tilaklarini bildirdi.
Talabalar tomonidan tashkil etilgan badiiy chiqishlar yig‘ilganlar e'tiboriga havola etildi. Bayram kechasi kuy-qo‘shiqlar bilan davom etdi.